CSTRING LPCTSTR LPTSTR Type of Transformation
// 変 number definition
CString Str;
Cstring SResult;
Const I_CT = 5;
INT i = 10;
Const Int * p_ct = & i_ct;
INT * P = & I;
// メ メ ド ド 1. CString -> LPTSTR
// Initialization す す S_T = "null"; s_ct = "null"; str = "secbug"; // 変 S_T = (lptstr) (LPCTSTR) STR;
/ / The result is す
SResult = CString ("Turn CString から LPTSTR, OK:") S_T;
MessageBox (SResult);
// メ メ ド ド 2. CSTRING -> LPCTSTR
// Initialization S_T = "null"; s_ct = "null"; str = "secbug"; // 変 す S_CT = STR;
/ / The result SResult = CString ("Turn CString から lpctstr, OK:") S_CT; MessageBox (SRESULT);
// メ メ ド ド 3. LPCTSTR -> LPTSTR
// Initialization S_T = "NULL"; s_ct = "null"; str = "secbug"; // 変 す S_CT = Str; // s_t = s_ct; // error, The Same with p = p_ct;
/ / The result SRESULT = CString ("Turn LPCTSTR から LPTSTR, NG"); MessageBox (SRESULT);
// メ メ ド ド 4. LPTSTR -> LPCTSTR
// Initialization S_T = "sec"; s_ct = "bug"; str = "secbug"; // 変 す す S_CT = S_T; // Wright, The Same with p_ct = P;
/ / The result is SRESULT = CSTRING ("Turn LPTSTR から LPCTSTR, OK") S_CT; MessageBox (SRESULT);