#define uchar unsigned char
#define com8155 xbyte [0xfdf8] // 8155 command port address
#define pa8155 xbyte [0xfdf9] // 8155 port A address
#define pb8155 xbyte [0xfdfa] // 8155 port B address
SBIT P10 = P1 ^ 0;
SBIT P11 = P1 ^ 1;
SBIT P12 = P1 ^ 2;
SBIT P13 = P1 ^ 3;
SBIT P14 = P1 ^ 4;
SBIT P15 = P1 ^ 5;
SBIT P16 = P1 ^ 6;
SBIT P17 = P1 ^ 7;
SBIT P20 = P2 ^ 0;
SBIT P21 = P2 ^ 1;
SBIT P22 = P2 ^ 2;
Bit me_flag = 0;
Bit DE_FLAG = 0;
Bit urs_flag = 0;
Bit Flag_8155 = 0;
Unsigned int IData Num = 0;
Unsigned int T = 50000;
Uchar ml, MH, HH, HL; // HH HL: MH ml
Uchar code x [10] = {0x3f, 0x06, 0x5b, 0x4f, 0x66, 0x6d, 0x7d, 0x07, 0x7f, 0x6f}; //0, 1, 2, 3, and..., 9
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Void Timetoscrn (Uchar iData HHMM, UCHAR IDATA SEL) / / 8155 Time Processing Subfrext
PA8155 = SEL;
PB8155 = x [hhmm];
_nop _ (); _ NOP _ (); _ NOP_ ();
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Void Interrupt_0 () Interrupt 0 Using 1 // External Interrupt 0 Sub Functions - Municipal Electricity and Generator Sets At the same time
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // Time 200MS
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
While (p17 == 0)
P1 = (p1 | 0x04) & 0xE4; // Turn on the city electricity, stopped, until the unit stopped successfully
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
Tr0 = 0;
P1 = (p1 | 0x07) & 0xe7; // Keep the main electricity
ME_FLAG = 1;
DE_FLAG = 0;
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ p21 = 1; // 8155 stop working
FLAG_8155 = 0;
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xE0; // The mains indicator light is on (111x xxxx)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Void Interrupt_2 () Interrupt 2 Using 2 // Emergency stop (interrupt priority)
IF (DE_FLAG == 1)
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
While (p17 == 0)
P1 = (p1 | 0x1c) & 0xfc; // Stop group until the generator set is downtime
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible outputs;
DE_FLAG = 0;
P21 = 1; // unit runtime display stop
FLAG_8155 = 0;
Tr0 = 0;
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xA0; // Conversion failed alarm (101x xxxx)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Void Time0_int () Interrupt 1 Using 1 // Timer 0 Interrupt
TH0 = (65536-40000) / 256; // 20ms interrupt cycle, a total of 3000 times, showing 1 minute
TL0 = (65536-40000)% 256;
Num ;
IF (Num> 3000)
Num = 0; ml ;
IF (ml> 9)
ML = 0; MH ;
IF (MH> 5)
MH = 0; HL ;
IF (HL> 9)
HL = 0; HH ;
IF (hh> 9)
HH = 0;
Timetoscrn (HH, 0x08);
TimetosCRN (HL, 0x04);
TimetosCRN (MH, 0x02);
TimetosCRN (ml, 0x01);
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
void init ()
ME_FLAG = 0; DE_FLAG = 0; urs_flag = 0; FLAG_8155 = 0; NUM = 0; ML = 0; MH = 0; HH = 0; HL = 0;
// IE = 0x85;
EA = 1; // All interrupts allow
EX0 = 1; // External interrupt 0 allows the main electricity interrupt to be interrupted at the same time
EX1 = 1; // External interrupt 1 allows emergency stop generator sets to interrupt allow
ET0 = 1; // Timer 0 interrupt allowed
IP = 0x04; // Expedition external interrupt 1 preferred (emergency stop generator set priority)
TMOD = 0x01; // Timer 0 mode 1, only by TR0
TH0 = (65536-40000) / 256; // 20ms interrupt cycle, a total of 3000 times, indicating 1 minute
TL0 = (65536-40000)% 256;
Tr0 = 0; // Timer 0 Stopping
P1 = 0xff; // p15 = 1, p16 = 1, p17 = 1 Prepare read
P2 = 0x0f; // 8155 is prohibited, set 8155 I / O mode
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Void main (void) // main program
Uchar iData startnum = 0;
Uchar I, SEL;
SEL = 0x01;
T = 50000;
INIT ();
While (1)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IF (P20 == 0 && Flag_8155 == 1) // Generator set runtime display reset, please
COM8155 = 0x0b; // send command character A send bit code B send segment code
For (i = 0; i <4; i ) // display clear
Timetoscrn (0, SEL);
SEL = SEL << 1;
Tr0 = 0;
ET0 = 0;
Num = 0; ml = 0; MH = 0; HH = 0; HL = 0;
Tr0 = 1;
ET0 = 1;
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
// City electric stop or no market power, and emergency stop failure has been repaired (p15 == 1 && p16 == 0 && urs_flag == 0)
ME_FLAG = 0; // 市 电 电 通 通 非
StartNum = 0;
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While (p17 == 1) // Monitoring the success of the generator set startup
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
Tr0 = 0;
IF (startnum> 2) // has been continuously started three times
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
P1 = (p1 | 0x13) & 0xf3; // Start generator set
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // Time 1s
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000;
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000;
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000;
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000;
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f;
StartNum ;
IF (p17 == 1) // If the generator set failed
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xA0; // Conversion failed alarm (101x xxxx)
DE_FLAG = 0;
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
ELSE IF (p17 == 0 && de_flag == 0) // If the generator set is successful, the generator set is not connected
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
P1 = (p1 | 0x19) & 0xf9; // Enable generator set output
DE_FLAG = 1;
TH0 = (65536-40000) / 256; // 20ms interrupt cycle, a total of 3000 times, indicating 1 minute
TL0 = (65536-40000)% 256;
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xc0; // generator set output indicator Light (110X xxxx) P21 = 0; // 8155 enable, generator set working time display start
FLAG_8155 = 1; // 8155 Enable flag 1
P22 = 1; // set 8155 I / O state
COM8155 = 0x0b; // send command character A send bit code B send segment code
For (i = 0; i <4; i ) // display clear
Timetoscrn (0, SEL);
SEL = SEL << 1;
ET0 = 1; // Timer 0 interrupt allowed
Tr0 = 1; // Start timer 0
Else IF (P17 == 0 && de_flag == 1) // If the generator set is running and the generator set is turned on
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xc0; // generator set output indicator light (110x xxxx)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
// The city is electrically powered and the generator set is not started.
ELSE IF (p15 == 0 && p16 == 1 && p17 == 1 && me_flag == 0)
ME_FLAG = 1; // 市 电 电 电 电子 输 标 1
DE_FLAG = 0;
P1 = (p1 & 0xe0) | 0x1f; // cut off all possible output
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
P1 = (p1 | 0x07) & 0xe7; // Turn on the mains output
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xE0; // City electricity output indicator bright (111x xxxx)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
// The city is electrically powered and the generator set is not started, and the main electricity is turned on.
ELSE IF (p15 == 0 && p16 == 1 && p17 == 1 && me_flag == 1)
P2 = (p2 & 0x1f) | 0xE0; // City electricity output indicator bright (111x xxxx)
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
// unknown
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // Time 200MSP1 = (P1 & 0xE0) | 0x1f; // cut all possible output
While (t -); t = 50000; while (t -); t = 50000; // delay 200ms
P2 = 0x0f; // Turn off all indicators
Tr0 = 0;
// While (1);
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------