(1) Configuring Apache Server
1. Find the ServerName. Customize your domain name here. This way, when Apache Server is running, you can access your site in your browser. If there is a #, remember to delete it, this is a CONF annotation tag. 2. Find to ServerAdmin. Enter your E-mail address here. If you are just a stand-alone, you don't have any relationship. 3, find it. There is Options down, remove all the parameters behind, add an all (note case sensation! Next.); Then there is an allow override, which also removes all the parameters behind, add an all. 4. Find DocumentRoot. This statement specifies your website path, which is the directory where your home page is placed. You can use the default, you can specify one yourself, but remember, don't? Quot; / "at the end of this sentence. In addition, the directory" / "is written in Apache Server" /".5, looking to DirectoryIndex. This It is the home page of your first display. Change this, you can start apache server. Is it going to see your homepage? If you can't, according to the above steps, make a closer modification.
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(2) Apache Server
1. Double-click the Apache_1_3_12_win32.exe file for installation, use the default configuration, the default installation directory is: C: / Program Files / Apache Group / Apache, I use $ apache_root instead of installation destination; 2. Modify $ apache_root / Conf / httpd.conf: 1) Port Set the port number used when the Apache Web Server is running, because I am running here, IIS uses an 80-port slogan, so I change it into the port 8080, after the browser Enter http: // localhost: 8080 to access the Apache Web Server server, enter http: // localhost / when you can access IIS, so that two web server can be used, I use $ apache_port ID; 2) DocumentRoot Set the root directory of the document, when you enter http: // localhost: $ apache_port / when you enter the browser, the server will read the data from the document root, because my programs are placed under D: / Hzq, so I put DocumentRoot Set to d: / hzq; 3, Apache After installation, in the "Start-> Program" menu group, there are many Apache Web Server menu groups, run the Install Apache as a service, this is "Start -> Settings -> In the Control Panel -> Services, there is more service named Apache, you can use it to start or stop apache services; 4, open "Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Services", select Apache this service, Press "Start" to start Apache service; 5, I entered http: // localhost: $ apache_port /, I saw all files under D: / Hzq, indicating that the Apache service has been installed successfully. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
(3) Apache Jserve
1. Copy the apachemodulejserv.dll file to the $ apache_root / modules directory; Apache service.
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(4) Tomcat