Discuz vulnerability and promotion permissions
This vulnerability is to discover him, I am here! Thank Angel's analysis! This vulnerability of Discuz 2.2F is in the code of register.php: There is the following code:
$ Email = Trim ($ email); if (! $ Doublee && Strstr ($ Email, '@')) {$ EmailAdd = "OR Email = '$ Email'";
Here is that if there is no $ doublee variable, and it is determined that the email address format is correct.
Specify $ EMAILADD This variable is "OR Email = '$ Email'", preparing for the back SQL statement
. There is a code down to the following:
$ query = $ db-> query ("SELECT Count (*) from $ TABLE_MEMBERS WHERE
UserName = '$ usrname' $ emailad "); if ($ DB-> Result ($ query, 0)) {showMessage ('profile_account_duplicate";
Default $ EmailAdd = "OR email = '$ email'" is satisfied, so the SQL statement above
It turns into a judgment user name and mailbox, any one, prompts "The username or email address has been
After being registered, please return to re-filled. "
The method used to assign a value to $ Doublee, then you can use $ EmailAdd = "OR
Email = '$ email' ", then construct $ EMAILADD this variable, this is I am in this
The reason for the Action of the surface list.