Set Lomboz301 in Eclipse3.01

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  52

1: The basic environment and requires Eclipse 3.01 Tomcat 4.1.30 can also be other versions, but it is preferably 4.0 or more. J2SDK 1.4.2 Lomboz301 EMF-SDO-Runtime-2.0.1 Java and Tomcat must be installed in advance, and Tomcat starts separately or not. At the same time, add java_home / jre / lib / rt.jar to the classpath. 2: Pre-preparation first unzip each file in the EMF-SDO-Runtime-2.0.1 and Lomboz301 to the Plugins or Features directory corresponding to Eclipse. Start Eclipse, if you don't see Lomboz, you will exit Eclipse, then delete the org.eclipse.Update folder in the Eclipse directory Configuration, and then restart Eclipse. 3: Configuring Java Click Windows-> Preferences in Eclipse, select Java-> Installed Jres in the window. At this time, you can see it in the window on the window, the name is J2RE1.4.2_04. Let's click here "Add" button, add a JRE, enter: JRE TYPE: Standard VM JRE Name: You can enter a name JRE Home Directory: You can choose your JDK installation directory at will. It is better than your JDK in F: / J2SDK /, then here is to choose F: / J2SDK / this directory. Others can have, click OK, add a JRE.

After you have changed it back to the java-> build path in the Preferences dialog, click Build Path, in the panel of the right, we select this Folders below below, and two Source Folder Name and Output Folder Name We do not modify, save as system default, but the following AS JRE LIBRARY USE: We have to choose this for JRE_LIB Variable, cannot be the default JRE Container, and finally click on the Apply button below. Don't forget this step, otherwise it's all white.

4: Set the Lomboz to select Lomboz in the Preferences window, then select the jdk tools.jar in the right side panel to install the JDK, in the Tools.jar file below the java_home / lib / directory, must not make a mistake If your JDK is installed in F: / J2SDK / below, then the value here should be f: /j2sdk/lib/tools.jar, it is not right. Other maintenance is the default. Then the Lomboz is expanded, the key to set is the server definitions, and the other two Code Generation and JSP Editor may. After expanding Lomboz Server Definitions, select Apache Tomcat V4.1.0 in Server Types (this is set according to the configuration on my machine, if you installed other versions of Tomcat, you will choose the corresponding option), The main setting is as follows: Properties Application Server Directory: This is my Tomcat 4.1.30 installation directory, I am put below f: / tomcat, so it's value is f: / tomcat address: port: 80 (because I In Tomcat, the 8080 is changed to 80, so this is 80, with your Tomcat's listening port is subject to ClassPath variable name: tomcat_home (can modify other strings) ClassPath Variable: f: / tomcat (Tomcat Install the directory) and click the Apply button. Server Classpath: JDK_TOOLS $ {classPathVariableName} /bin/bootstrap.jar $ {classPathVariableName} /common/servlet.jar $ {classPathVariableName} /common/jasper-runtime.jar then click the Apply button. Client ClassPath: This is empty, nothing.

Project Classpath: JDK_TOOLS $ {classPathVariableName} /bin/bootstrap.jar $ {classPathVariableName} /common/servlet.jar $ {classPathVariableName} /common/jasper-runtime.jar then click the Apply button. The Server ClassPath: and Project ClassPath: I am setting the same.

5: Modify the file to open Eclipse_home / plugins / com.objectlearn.jdt.j2ee_3.0.1 / servers, such as the Tomcat I installed is version 4.1.30, then turn the Tomcat410.server this file, put Inside - DJAVA.Endorsed.dirs = "$ {serverrootdirectory} / bin; $ {serverrootdirectory} / common / endorsed" changed to -djava.endorsed.dirs = "$ {serverrootdirectory} / common / endorsed" has two, To be modified, save, exit, restart Eclipse, this step is very important, must do, do you have to start Tomcat in Lomboz, there will be a lot of unusual abnormalities 6: Toner Lomboz Menu Start Eclipse, then click Windows-> Customize Perspective, first select the Lomboz J2EE Wizards in the left panel in the SHORTCUTS page in the presentation, and there are many options in the right panel on the right, and they also The front pair of hooks. Then change the value of the Submenus: in this Shortcuts panel, select the show view, then select Lomboz J2EE in the left side of the panel that appears, and also put it on the box in front of it. Finally, the panel in the Customize Perspective dialog is replaced to Commands: Select Lomboz Actions in Commands This page is also on the front of them. All settings are completed. Thus, after everything, Eclipse and Lomboz's environment are configured, you can develop a variety of programs. Personal experience: Some machines may not do in step 5, because there are different Tomcat versions, but my machine must change it, otherwise, if you can't start Tomcat normally. I personally use Tomcat4.1.30, because I think this version is relatively small, running faster, more than 5.0 or higher, and it is relatively stable (personal view, does not mean others) ), There is also the configuration of Eclipse 3.0, and can be configured with reference to the above instructions, basically, without any more problematic issues.


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