AWSTATS statistics installation tutorial [original]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  26

AWSTATS statistics installation tutorial [original]

AWSTATS is a direct analysis of the Access / traffic statistics program of the APAHCE log file, which is very powerful, and because directly read the log file, do not have to add any code to the website script, maximize additional servers for realizing statistics load.

I reinstall Linux today, I also reinstall AWSTATS, because the installation process is more complicated, specially written down, interested in the reference. :)

If you don't say more, you will start. . . .

First, download awStats: II, establish a directory / usr / local / awstract: mkdir / usr / local / awstract and ensure that can be written, in new establishment Directory Subscription: TAR ZXVF AWSTATS-6.3.TGZ four, CD awStats-6.0 / Tools 5, run perl, look at its prompts, Apache's log file format when the Apache is installed does not match awStats Requirements, it will automatically change the settings of the httpd.conf file. If prompted to change it, it is best to handle the Apache's log file clear, log files in / usr / local / apache / logs directory, It should be an Access_log file (your Apache's installation path may be different from me). Also, pay attention to it, don't fill in the wrong one when you fill the domain name. :) Sixth, build a stat directory under the documentroot settings in your apache, set up the data directory in the stat directory, and ensure that you can write attributes. To copy the ICON directory under the wwwroot directory under the awStats Unpacking directory. Copy to your last step. The Stat directory is built in the AWSTATS directory in the cgi-bin directory of Apache, and copy all the files and subdirects in the wwwroot / cig-bin directory under the AWSTATS unpacking directory to apache / cig- bin / awtets, modify ETC / awStats / awStats. Your domain name .conf file: allowtoupdatestatsfromBrowser = 1 diricons = "/ stat / icon" logfile = "/ usr / local / apache / logs / access_log" siteDomain = "Your domain name" Dirdata = "/ var / Www / stat / data "Dirdata =" / usr / local / apache2 / htdocs / stat / data "Dircgi =" / awstract "10: Go to the cgi-cin directory of awStats, execute Perl -config = your domain name -Update 11: Browser Opens http: // Domain /cig-bin/awstats/ your domain name. . . . Get :)

Note: The domain name is IP:


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