iframe> f src: file The path, or both the HTML file, or text, ASP, etc.;! # 'Width, height: "Internal Frame" area wide and high; 05- Scroling: When the specified HTML file specified by SRC is displayed in the specified area If you don't finish, if you have a scroll bar, set to NO, do not have a scroll bar; if it is Auto:, it will appear when needed; if you are YES, it is always displayed; PV | FrameBorder: The width of the area border, in order to let The "internal frame" is integrated with the adjacent content and is often set to 0. S ~ PTName: The name of the frame is used to identify and use it when the program is called. 51jallowtransparency = "[option]". Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher version Allows you to set transparent properties, by setting whether you can be transparent, you can change the color of the background. [Without setting the transparent attribute, the default background color is white]. You can also be set by to set. Then put it. Set allowtransparency = "true".) @ 比如: ll {p iframe> h = When you want to control the internal framework with the Father Framework, you can use: target = "Frame" to control, pay attention to the name of the frame, if you use _blank, you open a new new The IE window, _parent is the parent window. _Self is this window. O Register as a member, a lot of functions! The following no longer have such annoying watermark encrypted text!