#DHTMLFLOATIE {Position: absolute; left: 0; Left: -900px; Filter: alpha (Opacity = 0); - Moz-Opacity: 0; Border: 2px Solid Black; Padding: 5px; z-index: 100;}
// More javascript from http://www.smallrain.net
Var floattext = new array () floattext [0] = 'Effect prompts 1BR>
var floatiewidth = "250px" // default width of floatie in pxvar floatieheight = "60px" // default height of floatie in px. Set to "" to let floatie content dictate height.var floatiebgcolor = "lightyellow" // default bgcolor of FLOATIEVAR FADESPEED = 70 // Speed of Fade (5 or Above). Smaller = FASTER.
var baseopacity = 0function slowhigh (which2) {imgobj = which2browserdetect = which2.filters "ie":? typeof which2.style.MozOpacity == "string" "mozilla":? "" instantset (baseopacity) highlighting = setInterval ( "gradualfade ( Imgobj) ", Fadespeed)}
Function InstantSet (Degree) {Cleartimer () IF (browserDetect == "mozilla") imgobj.style.mozopacity = Degree / 100ELSE IF (browserDetect == "IE") imgobj.filters.alpha.opacity = degree}
Function Cleartimer () {if (Window.Highlighting) ClearInterVal (Highlighting)}
function gradualfade (cur2) {if (browserdetect == "mozilla" && cur2.style.MozOpacity <1) cur2.style.MozOpacity = Math.min (parseFloat (cur2.style.MozOpacity) 0.1, 0.99) else if (browserdetect == "ie" && cur2.filters.alpha.opacity <100) cur2.filters.alpha.opacity = 10else if (window.highlighting) clearInterval (highlighting)} function ietruebody () {return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode ! = "Backcompat")? Document.documentelement: Document.body}
Function Paramexists (What) {Return (TypeOf what! = "undefined" && what! = ")}
function showfloatie (thetext, e, optbgColor, optWidth, optHeight) {var dsocx = (window.pageXOffset) pageXOffset: ietruebody () scrollLeft; var dsocy = (window.pageYOffset) pageYOffset:?. ietruebody () scrollTop; var floatobj?. ? = document.getElementById ( "dhtmlfloatie") floatobj.style.left = "- 900px" floatobj.style.display = "block" floatobj.style.backgroundColor = paramexists (optbgColor) optbgColor: floatiebgcolorfloatobj.style.width = paramexists (optWidth ?) optWidth "px":? floatiewidthfloatobj.style.height = paramexists (optHeight) optHeight "px": floatieheight = "!" floatieheight:? "" floatobj.innerHTML = thetextvar floatWidth = floatobj.offsetWidth> 0 floatobj.offsetWidth?: floatobj.style.widthvar floatHeight = floatobj.offsetHeight> 0 floatobj.offsetHeight:? floatobj.style.widthvar winWidth = document.all && window.opera ietruebody () clientWidth:!?. window.innerWidth-20var winHeight = document.all && window! . ga ketteruebody (). ClientHeight: Window.innerHeighte = WINDOW.EVENT? Window.Event: efloatobj.Style.left = DSOCX WI NWIDTH-FLOATWIDTH-5 "PX" if (E.Clientx> WinWidth-Floatwidth && E.Clienty 20> WinHeight-floatheight) floatobj.style.top = DSOCY 5 "PX" elsefloatobj.Style.top = DSOCY Winheight-floatheight-5 "px" slowhigh (floatobj)} function hidefloatie () {var floatobj = document.getElementByid ("DHTMLFLOATIE") floatobj.style.display = "none"}