Middleware product classification

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

(Source: http://www.middleware.org)

Message Oriented Middleware

Object Oriented MiddleWare

Transaction processing middleware

Database middleware

RPC MiddleWare

(Source: http://www.tongtech.com)

Serial number




1 Database Client Connection Product Management Database Connection, Abstract Network Protocol. Generally provided by a database vendor or a middleware that supports multi-database libraries. Database vendors have strong product functions and better performance. The product independently of the database is used in multi-database environments.

Oracle Net8 Sybase Netlib, Protocol Services INTERSOLV Sequelink CLIENT 2

Data Inventory Access API supports programming for data inventory, you can use stored procedures. The OO database is often an OO programming language such as Java / C to adapt to ODMG interfaces.

Database vendors' APIs support access to all databases of the database, so suitable for writing OLTP applications. ODBC or JDBC is more suitable for the environment of multi-database.

IBM DB2 CLI Oracle Net8, Call Interface Microsoft ODBC, OLE DB ODI'S PSE 3 Data Migration, Conversion For Data Copy, Conversion, Information Value. Often as part of a data warehouse solution. Make completely different packets and legacy applications work together, but it is necessary to establish features such as time, data, and elements, and resources.

IBM Data Propagator Sybase Replication Server Platinum Infopump D2k Tapestry 4-Data Services focus on the structure of the data instead of the data itself, read and write the classification information of the database. Effectively reduce workload and configuration work for integrating different packets and applications into data warehouses

Apertus Passport DoveTail Dialogue, Metabroke 5 Synchronous Services (RPC) The process of calling the remote is the same as local locations. The calling process is in a blocking state before being called. Simple code abstraction, only in all Server is online. Not suitable for mobile or Internet applications.

DCE-RPC (Microsoft uses it in DCOM) BORLAND ENTERA NOBLENET RPC 6 Simple asynchronous message Simple is messaging and reception, sometimes expanded to reliable delivery, smart routing and name service. Pregnant scorpion 咝 艿 艿 艿 觳 ㄑ ㄑ 枰 枰... 都 在 在 在 都 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在.

Peerlogic Pipes Momentum XIPC Oriental Technology Tonglink 7 Application level message queue is a simple message middleware extension, adding queues, offline processing capabilities, reliable delivery, and release subscriptions. Make distributed processing can be run in a manner of offline, event-driven, etc., suitable for e-commerce, mobile users, workflow, or other environments.

Tibco Rendezvous IBM MQ Series MS Message Queue Level8 Falconmq Oriental Technology TongLink / Q 8 Application Coordin is usually an extension of the application level message queue, which has added a number of integration applications for the establishment of event services. Effectively saving integrated time, especially for application packages or workflow products

L Vitria Velociti Active Software, ActiveWeb Oberon Prospero Neon Neonet TSI Mercator 9com / DNA Microsoft distributed component platform allows companies to be more expandable and manageable. From COM development, it is the mainstream product in the component market. It is still necessary to increase the reliability characteristics for enterprise applications.

MS COM, DCOM (FUTURE) MS MTS MessageQueue Server ActiveDirectory (FUTURE) 10CORBA Platform OMG standard, connects distributed objects into a logically unified whole through ORB. The standards of industrial organizations can be implemented in different ways to improve interoperability. Iona Orbix Borland / Visigenic, Visibroker IBM ComponentBroker Bea Iceberg Orbic Tongdom 11 Object Services CORBA defines the name, event, transaction, exchange, etc., expand the BOA function to meet the needs of complex applications. DNA provides a similar thing. If all vendors support these services, they will make the interoperability between them simple, but it is difficult to do. However, these services are required for enterprise applications.

Iona Orbix Sevices, OrbroTM Visigenic, Visibroke ITS Macrosoft MTS, Active Directory Oriental Technology Tongdom 12Enterprise JavaBeans standard Java API specification for accessing advanced services, such as Directory, Corba IDL, transaction, data inventory, etc. Beans is a very good component model that gives a clear service interface.

JDBC Java Corba IDL INTERSOLV Sequelink Java Edition 13 Trading Monitor is used to develop real-time OLTP applications for server and APIs for managing transactions and sharing resources. It has proven to be an effective means of building an OLTP application. Usually non-objective, with unique and complex APIs.

BEA Tuxedo IBM CICS Oriental Technology TonGeasy 14 Application Server For Internet, intranet, and other distributed component applications, providing the full environment of the server components. Similar to the transaction monitor, it is just object-oriented, supporting components, standard APIs.

NetdyNamics IBM Compont-Broker Netscape Kiva Oracle App. Ser 15 Workflow / Application Integrated hodgepodge, combine workflow and application development techniques such as messages and distributed components. To make the processing easy and automatic and components, Script applications, workflow is combined, integrating documents and emails.

LSS Flowman IBM Flowmark Action, Technologies, Actionworks Vitria Business Agiliti


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