Linux PPPoE Dial Shared Sharing Internet

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

1, network card configuration. Two network cards, Eth0 is dial-up network card, IP: (other address can also be); Eth1 is the intranet network card, IP: The mask is The local area network segment is Note: The two network cards here cannot be set up. 2, upgrade and installation of PPPOE software 1) Install RP-PPPoE in 2) Install RP-PPPoE. Perform rpm-fer rp-pppoe-3.5-1.i386.rpm 3 as root, modify / etc / sysctl.conf will change the net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 to NET.IPv4.ip_forward = 1 4, remove ipchains Module, only the iptables method is selected as follows: 1) Setup 2) Select System Service 3) Remove ipchains 4) Select iptables 5) Restart Machine 5, the PPPoE client is configured in RP-PPPOE-3.5-1.i386.rpm After installation, Next, the PPPoE client can be configured. The process is as follows. # / usr / sbin / adsl-setup >>> Enter PPPOE User Name: - Enter the username of dial-up account >>> Enter the Ethernet interface connect to the adsl modem for Solaris, this is Likey to Be Something Like / dev / hme0. for Linux, IT Will Be Ethn, WHERE N IS A Number. (DEFAULT ETH0): - Eth0 >>> Enter The Demand Value (DEFAULT NO): - Log NO >>> Enter The DNS Information here: - Lost (depending on the local operator's DNS server IP) >>> please enter your pppoe password: - 输 通 用户 口令 >>> Choose a type of firewall (0-2): - 输 0 >>> Accept these settings and adjust configuration files (y / n) "- Logging Y 6, start the dial-up connection / USR / SBIN / ADSL-START successfully connected, the screen displays Connected. At this point, this Linux can be viewed online. 7. IP disguise To make the other machines in the LAN pass through the Linux server, at least the following command must be performed: iptables -t nat -a posteing -o ppp0 -j masquerade is completed, at network segment (gateway is of the PC can be online through Linux! 8. Boot self-start To make the Linux server automatically dial, perform the following steps.


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