ORA-01031: Solution for Insufficient Privileges

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  52

ORA-01031: Insufficient Privileges Original: http://www.chinaunix.net/jh/19/132866.html################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ###################### # # name: Troubleshoot connection: # Connect INTERNAL # connect / as sysdba To password issues: # Refer (Metalink , Oracledoc), # MetaLink Search Words # NOTE: # # modifiy (mm / dd / yy) Author #


Zorrol ############################### ------ ---------------- 1. Check the sqlnet.ora file. SQLNET.ORA file corruption or format does not cause this problem. SQLNET.ORA files may be stored for $ tns_admin / sqlnet.ora If no $ tns_admin defaults in $ oracle_home / network / admin / sqlnet.ora (1). You can copy a file from other machines Come over, pay attention to backup the original SQLNET.ORA. --- Check SQLNET.ORA file content (2). Check SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES if DBLINK is not used. Check this line and set SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (BEQ, NONE) (3). SQLNET.CRYPTO_SEED does not need this parameter under Unix . If there is a line, comment, or delete (4) .automatic_ipc If the parameter is ON, it will force the "Two_Task" connection to be installed to OFF Automatic_iPC = Off 2. Check the permission configuration of the related files. Find $ tns_admin / * $ tns_admin $ chmod 644 SQLNET.ORA TNSNAMES.ORA LISTENER.ORA $ ls -l sqlnet.ora tnsnames.ora listener.ora -rw-r - r - 1 Oracle DBA 1628 JUL 12 15 : 25 listener.ora -rw-r - r - 1 Oracle DBA 586 Jun 1 12:07 SQLNET.ORA-RW-R - R - 1 Oracle DBA 82274 JUL 12 15:23 Tnsnames.ora 3. Check Operating system related settings. (1). $ Oracle_home Environment Variables Set the correct% CD $ ORACLE_HOME% PWD If the error, please reset: sh or ksh: -------- $ Oracle_Home = $ export oracle_home Example: $ EXPORT ORACLE_HOME EXAMPLE: $ Oracle_Home = / U01 / App / Oracle / Product /


$ Export oracle_home csh: ----% setENV ORAME_HOME EXAMPLE:% STENV ORAME_HOME /U01/App/OrCle/Product/7.3.3 The other $ Oracle_Home path should be the actual path, the directory connection (ln -s ) (2) $ ORACLE_SID is set correctly;% echo $ Oracle_SID (3). Confident No setting $ two_task Check "Two_Task" Setting: SH, KSH OR on HP / UXLY CSH: --------- -------------------------- ENV | grep -i two - or - echo $ two_task csh: ---- setENV | grep -i two If there is a return line, such as: two_task = - or - two_task = prod, you need to cancel these environment variables: sh or ksh: -------- unset two_task csh: ---- unsetenv two_task (4) Check the permissions of Oracle files:% CD $ oracle_home / bin% ls -l Oracle permission should be: RWSR-S - X, or 6751. If not:% chmod 6751 Oracle (5). Check the currently connected operating system user Whether it is "OSDBA" and has been defined in: "$ oracle_home / rdbms / lib / config.s" or "$ ORACLE_HOME / RDBMS / lib / config.c". Usually DBA% ID UID = 1030 (Oracle) GID = 1030 (DBA) can be "dba", "config.s" or "config.c" should be: / * 0x0008 15 * / .ascii "DBA / 0" If there is no current operating system user to the DBA group, or manually edit changes config.c and:% relink Oracle (6). If the required file system is correct Mount% Mount ( 7) Current identity is "root" and operating system environment variable "user", "username", and "logname" is not set to "root". Root user is a special case unless the current group is a DBA group, otherwise INNECT INTERNAL. Change the root user's current group to DBA group: # newgrp dba ----- best do not manage databases in root; (8). Check "/ etc / group": Do you have a repeated line% GREP DBA / ETC / Group DBA :: 1010: DBA :: 1100: If there is, delete is useless.


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