xiaoxiao2021-03-06  52

$ ID: cvs.html, v 1.3 2004/12/16 12:09:11 George Exp $

Update from repository

CVS -D: PServer: userid: password@ / cvsroot update -dp

-d: Specify The cvsroot env variable.


CVS -Q Update -DP

-q: Silent Mode, Only Report Files Changed In CVS Update Command

Get Log from CVS in Certain Time Frame


REM CVS to Update CodeBase

FOR / F "tokens = 2-4 delims = /" %% I in ('Date / T') do set logdate = %% K - %% I - %% J

FOR / F "tokens = 1" %% I in ('Time / T') Do SETTM = - %% I

SETTM =% TM :: = -%

SET DTT =% logdate %% TM%

Rem log file water save to this dir

Set dist_file = d: /cvs/log_%dtt%.log

Rem this is the project in Your local Machine Checkout from CVS Server


CD /

CD C: / Workspace / C_PRJ

Rem The Date Which Log Will Be Get After

CVS log -n -d ">% logdate%">% dist_file%

Rem Using GVIM to View IT

gvim% dist_file%


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