Qmail Install in Suse Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

Author: NiCK.linuxQmail on SuSE8.2 article according to the modified www.qmailrocks.org installation documentation do (the site has not yet quit the suse installation documentation), the main change is a local OS, the Redhat linux replaced SuSE linux 8.2, the other is anti-virus software, replacing Clam Anti-Virus with McAfee.

I am using this mail system for 1 year, very good, so take it out of the installation document and share it, thank you! Prepare to install, please check if the following RPM packets have been installed. If not installed, you can go to the SUSE installation CD to find it, or go to http://www.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.suse.com/pub/ go to download Patchutils DB-DEVEL Compat Perl-Digest-Sha1 Perl-Digest-Hmac Perl-Html-Parser Perl-HTML-TagSet Perl-Net-DNS Perl-Spamassassin Spamassassin OpenSSL-Devel Xinetd 1 Install Mysql, Apache2, PHP-4.3.6 I don't say that I need a parameters when I need to compile the apache2: --Nable-SO PHP compile parameters: --Nable-track-vars --enable-forward-cgi-redirect --with-getText --with -mysql --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache2 / bin / apxs 2, Download Related Software Pack MKDIR / Downloads CD / Downloads Wget http://www.qmailrocks.org/downloads/qmailrocks.tar.gz Tar ZXVF qmailrocks.tar.gz 3, install qmail cd / downloads / qmailrocks mkdir -p / var / qmail ./scripts/add_users.script (Create group and account) MKDIR / USR / SRC / QMAIL CD / USR / SRC / QMAIL TAR ZXVF /downloads/qmailrocks/qmail-1.03.tar.gz tar zxvf /downloads/qmailrocks/ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz mkdir -p / package chmod 1755 / package cd / package tar zxvf /downloads/qmailrocks/daemontools-0.76 .tar.gz Setting up Log Directory MKDIR / VAR / LOG / QMAIL CD / VAR / LOG / QMAIL MKDIR qmail-send qmail-smtpd qmail- POP3D Chown -R QMAILL: root / var / log / qmail chmod -r 750 / var / log / qmail Settings Supervise Directory MKDIR / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise CD / VAR / QMAIL / SuperVise Mkdir -P qmail-smtpd / log qmail- Send / log qmail-pop3d / log chmod T qmail-smtpd qmail-send qmail-pop3d custom QMAIL source Echo 200> /usr/src/qmail/qmail-1.03/conf-split echo 255> / usr / src / qmail /qmail-1.03/conf-spawn patch /downloads/qmailrocks/scripts/qmail_patches.script install qmail cd /usr/src/qmail/qmail-1.03 patch

Make setup check ./config-fast heming.org (according to your domain name, then HEMING.ORG will be modified, I will not say) Install UCSPI-TCP CD / USR / SRC / QMAIL / UCSPI-TCP- 0.88 / patch $ qmailstats 5> / dev / null date = `Date '% D'`echo" to: postmaster@heming.org ">> qmailstats.email echo" from: postmaster@heming.org ">> qmailstats.email echo"

Subject: [SERVER] Nightly Qmail Stats Report for $ DATE ">> qmailstats.email echo" ">> qmailstats.email zoverall <$ QMAILSTATS >> qmailstats.email zfailures <$ QMAILSTATS >> qmailstats.email zdeferrals <$ QMAILSTATS >> qmailstats.email cat qmailstats.email | qmail-incject RM -F $ qmailstats rm -f qmailstats.email ========================== CHMOD 750 / var / qmail / qmailstats Set crontab ... crontab -e 01 0 * * / var / qmail / qmailstats 5, installation EZMLM, QMail Mailing List CD / Downloads / QMailRocks / Tar ZXVF EZMLM-0.53-IDX-0.41. TAR.GZ CD EZMLM-0.53-IDX-0.41 Make && Make Setup 6, Install Autoresponder CD / Downloads / QMailrocks Tar ZXVF Autorespond-2.0.2.tar.gz CD AutoRespond-2.0.2 Make && Make Install 7, Install VPopMail CD / downloads / qmailrocks tar zxvf vpopmail-5.4.0.tar.gz cd vpopmail-5.4.0 ./configure --enable-logging = p make && make install-strip 8, mounted vqadmin cd / downloads / qmailrocks tar zxvf vqadmin- 2.3.2.tar.gz cd vqadmin-2.3.2 ./configure --enable-cgibindir = / path / to / your / cgi-bin --enable-htmldir = / path / to / you / html / d IRECTORY (for example: ./ configure --enable-cgibindir = / usr / local / http48 / cgi-bin --enable-htmldir = / home / email) Make && Make Install-Strip Vi / USR / local / http48 / conf / HTTPD.CONF Add below ======================================== Deny from all Options execcgi allowoverride authconfig order deny, allow =========

====================== Cd / path / to / your / cgi-bin / vqadmin vi .htaccess ============= ========= Authtype Basic Authorfile /usr/VqAdmin.Passwd Authname VQAdmin Require Valid-user satisfy any =================== === Chown Nobody .htaccess chmod 644.htaccess / usr / local / http48 / bin / htpasswd -bc /usr/local/http48/conf/vqadmin.passwd admin Passwd / usr / local / http / bin / apachectl Restart Access HTTP : //www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/vqadmin/vqadmin.cgi 9, Install MAildrop, Mail Filtration Agent CD / Downloads / QMailrocks Tar ZXVF MAILDROP-1.6.0.tar.gz CD MAILDROP-1.6.0 ./ Configure --prefix = / usr / local --Exec-prefix = / usr / local --enable-maildrop-uid = root --enable-maildrop-gid = vchkpw --enable-maildirquota make && make install-strip && make-Strip && Make Install-Man 10, Installing QMAILADMIN CD / DOWNLOADS / QMAILROCKS TAR ZXVF qmailadmin-1.2.0.tar.gz cd qmailadmin-1.2.0 ./configure --enable-cgibindir = / path / to / your / cgi-bin - Enable-htmldir = / path / to / your / html / directory make && make install-strip Access http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/qmailadmin 11, delete S Endmail /etc/init.d/postfix stop rpm -e --Nodeps Postfix-2.0.6-8 mv / usr / lib / sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail.old MV / USR / SBIN / Sendmail / USR / SBIN / Sendmail.old chmod 0 /usr/lib/sendmail.old /usr/sbin/sendmail.old ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / lib / sendmail ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / USR / SBIN / Sendmail 12, perfect qmail cd / var / qmail / supervise vi qmail-pop3d / run ================

== #! / bin / sh path = / var / qmail / bin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin Export path Exec TCPSERVER -H -R -V -C100 0 110 qmail-popup mail. HEMING.ORG / / HOME / VPOPMAIL / BIN / VCHKPW qmail-pop3d maildir 2> & 1 ======================== Vi qmail-pop3d / log / Run ================================= #! / bin / sh path = / var / qmail / bin: / USR / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin Export Path Exec setuidgid qmaill multiLog T S100000 N20 / var / log / qmail / qmail-pop3d 2> & 1 =============== ================== vi qmail-SMTPD / RUN =========================== ====== #! / bin / sh = `i vpopmail` NOFILESGID =` ID -G vpopmail` maxsmtpd = `cat / var / qmail / control / concurrencyincoming` Local =` HEAD-1 / VAR / Qmail / Control / ME` if [-z "$ qmails" -o -z "$ maxsmtpd" -o -z "$ local"]; the echo qmails, nofilesgid, maxsmtpd, or local IS unset in echo / var / qmail / supervise / qmail-smtpd / run exit 1 fi if [! -f / var / qmail / control / rcpthosts]; the echo "no / var / qmail / control / rcpthosts!" echo " Refusing to Start SMTP Listener Because IT'll Crea TE An Open Relay "EXIT 1 FI EXEC / USR / LOCAL / BIN / Softlimit -M 30000000 / USR / local / bin / tcpserver -v -r -l" $ local "

-x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$ maxsmtpd" / -u "$ q q q" -g "$ nofilesgid" 0 SMTP / / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / QMAIL-SMTPD MAIL.HEMING.ORG / / HOME / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / usr / bin / true 2> & 1 =========================== Vi qmail-smtpd / log / run = ============ #! / bin / sh path = / var / qmail / bin: / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin export path exec setuidgid qmaill multiLog T S100000 N20 / var / log / qmail / qmail-smtpd 2> & 1 ============== vi qmail-send / run ========= #! / bin / sh exec / VAR / QMAIL / RC ============ Vi qmail-send / log / run ========= #! / bin / sh path = / var / qmail / bin: / USR / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin export path exec setuidgid qmaill multiLog T S100000 N20 / var / log / qmail / qmail-send 2> & 1 =============== ========= cp / downloads / qmailrocks / scripts / finalize / rc / var / qmail / cp / downloads / qmailrocks / scripts / finalize / qmailctl / var / qmail / bin / / downloads / qmailrocks / scripts / Finalize / set_perms_plus.script qmailctl stop echo '127.:Allow ,ylayclient= "" >> /etc/tcp.smtp qmailctl cdb echo song@heming.org> /var/qmail/Alias/.qmail-root echo song @ Hemin g.org> /var/qmail/Alias/.qmail-postmaster echo song@weming.org>

/ vmail-mailer-daemon ln -s /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-anonymous chmod 644 /var/qmail/Alias/.qmail* echo badmail> / var / qmail / control / bouncefrom test the qmail script / downloads / qmailrocks / scripts / qmr_inst_check qmailctl stop qmailctl start qmailctl stat see the following information should have been up qmail process / service / qmail-send: up (pid 18035 34 Seconds / Service / qmail-send / log: Up (PID 18036) 34 SECONDS / Service / Qmail-SMTPD: Up (PID 18270) 0 Seconds / Service / qmail-SMTPD / LOG: UP (PID 18268) 1 Seconds Messages In Queue: 0 Messages In Queue But Not Yet Preprocessed: 0 13 Install Courier-IMAP / IMAPS, support IMAP, install COURPASSD, support modification Mailbox password CD / Downloads / qmailrocks / tar jxvf co0.2.2.tar.bz2 CD Courier-IMAP-3.0.3 ./configure --prefix = / usr / local - EXEC-prefix = / usr / local --with-authvchkpw --without-authldap --disable- root-check --with- SSL --with-authchangepwdir = / usr / local / libexec / authlib This time is more time, and there will be many identical information. I thought it was wrong at the beginning. It is the MAKE & && finally knowing that information is like this. Make Install-Strip && Make Install-Configur E CD / USR / LOCAL / ETC / USR / LOCAL / SBIN / MKIMAPDCERT VI IMAPD-SSL Modify the following two ========== imapdsslstart = yes TLS_CERTFILE = / usr / local / share / imapd.pem = ========== established the start script cp /usr/local/libexec/imapd.rc /etc/init.d/imap cp /usr/local/libexec/imapd-ssl.rc / etc / init. D / imaps /etc/init.d/imap start /etc/init.d/imaps start Install COOURPASSD. CD / DownloadS / QMailrocks Tar ZXVF COURPASD-0.30.Tar.gz CD COURPASSD-0.30 ./configure --with-Couriersrc = / DownloadS / QMailrocks / Courier-IMAP-3.0.3 Make &&

make install cp /downloads/qmailrocks/courier-imap-3.0.3/authlib/authdaemon.passwd / usr / local / libexec / authlib / crour /tc/xinetd.d vi capitalierpassd =========== ====== service courierpassd {port = 106 socket_type = stream protocol = tcp user = root server = / usr / local / sbin / courierpassd server_args = -s imap wait = no only_from = instances = 4 disable = no } =================0000 ======================================================================================================================================================== ======== /etc/init.d/xinetd restart /etc/init.d/imap stop /etc/init.d/imaps start /etc/init.d / IMAPS START 13, install Squirrelmail, a good webmail cd / down http://henet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/squirrelmail/squirrelmail-1.4.3-rc1.tar.bz2 Tar ZXVF / path / to / squirrelmail-xxxtar.gz mv squirrelmail-xxx webmail mkdir / var / sqattachements chown -R nobody: nogroup / var / sqattachements cd webmail chown -R nobody: nogroup data cd config ./conf.pl tinkering 2 The first item is changed to the server's IP. The second item is changed to login ============== ========== 1. Domain: (Enter the IP of Your Server Here. Don't be an idiot and actually use 7. SMTP Authentication: login ===== ==============

=========== http://www.yourdomain.com/webmail patch change password cd / path / to / Squirrelmail_directory / plugins wget http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/sm -plugins / change_pass-2.6-1.4.x.tar.gz tar zxvf change_pass-2.6-1.4.x.tar.gz cd / path / to / Squirrelmail_directory / config ./conf.pl Select Plugins, select Change Password 14 Install McAfee UVScan, spam, qmail-scanner tar xvzf vlnx424l.tar.z ./install-uvscan test ./uvscan -rc / tmp upgrade Engine and DAT, ftp.nai.com, download directly to cover the original, you can install spam install spamassassin .rpm groupadd spamd usradd -g spamd -s / bin / false spamd vi / etc / sysconfig / spamd joins a line spamdoptions = "- x -u spamd -h / home / spamd -d" Vi / etc / mail / spamassassin / local .cf joins a row required_hits 5 /etc/init.d/spamd Start installation qmail-scanner cd / downloads / qmailrocks tar zxvf qmail-scanner-1.21.tgz patch -p0


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