Cannot display a tree or tree control to use abnormal solutions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

1. Make sure your IE does not support tree control above 5.5.

2. Enter cmd in the start menu ---> Run ---> Press Enter ---> Enter the following command

D: /winnt/ /out:build/Microsoft.Web.ui.WebControls.dll

PS: d: /winnt/ represents the CSC file where your system is installed on the C disk to find the csc.exe file on the corresponding directory and get its location Directory 3. Generally default After installing the tree control, you will be installed under Program Files / Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls. After you run the registration command, you will generate / build / runtime directory with Images, TreeImages and other folders and files Create webctrl_client under wwwroot. 1_0 directory and then put all things under the runtime ========================================================================================================================================================================================= =======

1. Verifies That IIS V5.0 or Later Is Installed.

2. Creates The Following Directory:

"C: / Program Files / Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls"

And Copies Microsoft.Web.ui.WebControls.dll to the Directory.

Note: The folder is created on the disk being used by the operationsystem (OS). The "c" drive may not be used for the OS on all machines.

3. Microsoft.Web.ui.WebControls.dll Is Installed Into The GlobalAlassembly Cache

4. Adds a link to the msdn WebControls Documentation to the programmenu.

5. The Following Directories Areadded Below The Root Web:

WebCtrl_client / 1_0 / webctrl_client / 1_0 / imageswebctrl_client / 1_0 / TreeImagesWebCtrl_client / 1_0 / TreeImages / RTL

6. Copies The HTC Files (Behaviors)

The HTML Components Files Implementing The Behaviors Are Copied to The "WebCtrl_client / 1_0 /" Folder Below The Root Web Folder.

The IE WebControls in Asp.NetWebForms.

7. Copies images to the folowing paths:

Images used by the WebControls: "WebCtrl_client / 1_0 / images" images for the treeview: "Webctrl_Client / 1_0 / TreeImages"

Right-to-left images for the treeview: "Webctrl_Client / 1_0 / TreeImages / RTL"

8. Creates The Following Registry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / .Netframework / Assemblyfolders / IEWebControls

THE DEFAULT STRING VALUE OF this key is set to the folder wherewei is set to the folder wherewebcontrols.dll WAS Installed, Which is usually "C: / Program Files / Microsoft Internet Explorer WebControls"


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