The management tool enables administrators to define eight types of MQ JMS objects and store them into the JNDI namespace. The JMS client can then retrieve these managed objects and use them through JNDI.
The JMS objects that can be managed by using this tool:
2. MQtopicConnectionFactory
Call management tool
The management tool has a command line interface. You can use it interactively or use it to start a batch. The interactive mode provides a command prompt that can enter the management command on the prompt. In the batch method, the startup tool includes a file name containing the management command script.
To start the tool in an interactive manner, enter the command:
JMSADMIN [-T] [-V] [-cfg config_filename]
among them:
Enable tracking (default is close)
Generate detailed output (default is the TERSE output)
-CFG Config_FileName
Replace the name of the configuration file
After the command prompt is displayed, this tool can start accepting the management command. This tip initially appeared as follows:
Indicates the current context (that is, all the JNDI context points to the directory pointing) is the initial context defined in the provider_url configuration parameter.
When traversing the directory namespace, the prompt will change to reflect this movement so that the prompt always displays the current context.
To start the tool in batches, enter the command:
JMSADMIN Where Test.scp is a script file that contains management commands. The last command in the file must be an end command. Management command When the command prompt is displayed, it indicates that this tool can start accepting commands. The format of the management command is usually: Verb [param] * All valid commands contain at least one (and only one) verbs, which appear at the beginning of the command in standard or short form. The parameters that the verbs can be used depend on the verb. For example, the verb end cannot use any parameters, but verb define can use any parameters between 1 and 20. The verbs used in this chapter will be discussed in detail in detail. verb description standard Brief form ALTER Alt Change at least one of the given management objects Define DEF Create and store management objects or create a new sub context. DISPLAY DIS Display the characteristics of one or more management objects stored or the content of the current context Delete Del Delete one or more management objects from the namespace or delete an empty child context Change CHG Changing the current context, allowing the user to convert the directory namespace under the initial context (suspend security confirmation) Copy CP Copy the stored managed object and store it with another name Move MV Change the name of the stored objective object End Close management tool The verb name is not case sensitive. Typically, press the Enter key when terminating the command. However, it is also possible to overwrite it by entering the ' ' number directly before the carriage return. This will enable you to enter multi-row commands, as shown in the following example: DEFINE Q (BookingSinputqueue) QMGR (QM.Polaris.test) Queue (Bookings.input.Queue) Port (1415) CCSID (437) A row that is annotated or ignored in a row of characters *, # or / start. Control sub-context You can use verbs Change, Define, Display, and Delete to manipulate the directory namespace. grammar description Define CTX (CTXName) Try creating a new sub-woman context of the current context, using the name CTXName. If the security violation, or the child context already exists, or the name is not valid. DISPLAY CTX Displays the content of the current context. The management object uses 'a' annotation, the sub context uses '[d]' comments. In addition, the Java type of each object is also displayed. DELETE CTX (CTXName) Try to delete a child context called CTXName in the current context. If the context is not found, or the context is non-empty, or if there is a security violation, it will fail. Change CTX (CTXName) Change the current context so that it can now reference a child context called CTXName. One of the two special values of CTXName is provided: = Up Moves the parent of the current context = init directly to the initial context If there is no specified context, or if there is a security violation, it will fail. Manage JMS objects This section describes eight object types that manage tools can handle. Detailed detail each of their configuration features and each of them can manipulate them. Object type JMS object type by management tool Object type description Java Keyword MQQueueConnectionFactory QCF JMS QueueConnectionFactory interface MQSeries implementation. It represents a factory object for creating a connection in the JMS point-to-order domain. MQtopicConnectionFactory TCF The MQSeries implementation of the JMS TopicConnectionFactory interface. It represents a factory object for creating a connection in the JMS publish / subscription field. MQQueue Qi JMS Queue interface MQSeries implementation. It represents a message destination in the point-to-order domain in JMS. MQtopic T MQSeries implementation of the JMS Topic interface. It represents the message destination in the publish / subscription field of JMS. MQXAQUECONNECTORY11 XAQCF The MQSeries implementation of the JMS XaqueueConnectionFactory interface. It represents a factory object that creates a connection in the point-to-order domain of JMS using the XA version of JMS class. MQXatopicConnectionFactory1 XATCF The MQSeries implementation of the JMS XatopicConnectionFactory interface. It represents a factory object for creating a connection in the JMS publish / subscription field using the XA version. JMSWRAPXAQUECONNECTIONFAACTORY2 WSQCF JMS QueueConnectionFactory interface MQSeries implementation. It represents a factory object that creates a websphere connected to a WebSphere in a JMS domain using the JMS domain using the XA version of the JMS class. JMSWRAPXATOPICCONNECTIONFAACTORY2 WSTCF The MQSeries implementation of the JMS TopicConnectionFactory interface. It represents a factory object that creates a WebSphere connected to WebSphere in a JMS publish / subscription field that uses the XA version of JMS class. These classes are provided to allow application server vendors to use them. Instead of letting apps use them directly. If you want your JMS session to participate in a global transaction coordinated by WebSphere, this style of ConnectionFactory is used. Use with JMS objects You can use verbs Alter, Define, Display, Delete, Copy, and Move to manipulate managed objects in the directory namespace. The following table summarizes their usage. Manipulate the command syntax and description of the management object Command syntax description Alter Type (Name) [Property] * Trying to update the feature provided by the administrative object. If there is security, or if you do not find the specified object, or if the new features provided are invalid, it fails. Define Type (Name) [Property] * Try to create a type of management object with Type and provide a management object, and try to store it in the current context name Name. If the security violation, or the name is invalid or already existing, or the new features provided are invalid, then fail. Display Type (Name) Displays the feature of the type of management object type Type, which is bound to Name in the current context. If the object does not exist or security violation, it will fail. Delete Type (Name) Try to remove the characteristics of the managed object of type Type, which is named Name in the current context. If the object does not exist, or if there is a security violation, it fails. Copy Type (Namea) Type (Nameb) Copy the type of managed object Namea with Type and name the copy name Nameb. All of this happens in the current context's scope. If the object to be copied does not exist, or the object name Nameb already exists, or if there is a security violation, it fails. Move Type (Namea) Type (Nameb) Move the type of managed object named Type (rename) to NAMEB. All of this happens in the current context's scope. If the object to be moved does not exist, or the object name Nameb already exists, or if there is a security violation, it will fail. Create an object Create an object using the following command syntax and store it in the JNDI namespace: Define Type (Name) [Property] * That is, the verb define, the management object referenced by Type (Name), and finally zero or more characteristics LDAP naming consideration To store objects in an LDAP environment, the object name must follow a certain agreement. One of them is that the names of the object and sub-context must contain a prefix, such as CN = (public name) or OU = (organizational unit). The management tool simplifies the use of LDAP service providers by allowing you to reference objects and context names without prefix. If the prefix is not provided, the tool will automatically add the default prefix (current CN =) to the name you provide. The following example shows the above. InitctX> Define Q (Testqueue) InitctX> Display CTX Contents of initx a cn = testqueue 1 Object (s) 0 context (s) 1 binding (s), 1 administered Note that even if the object name provided (Testqueue) does not have a prefix, the tool will automatically add one to ensure that the LDAP's naming convention is met. Similarly, this prefix is also added when submitting Display Q (TestQueue). You may need to configure the LDAP server to store Java objects. Help information about this configuration is provided. characteristic Characteristics consists of names-value pairs of the following format: Property_Name (property_value) The characteristic name is not case sensitive and is limited to the identifiable name set shown in the table below. The table also shows the valid characteristic value of each feature. Table 10. Characterist name and effective value characteristic Valid value (default value is expressed in black body) standard Abbreviation form Description DESC Any string TRANSPORT TRAN Bind - Connection uses MQSeries binding. Client - Use a client connection. ClientID CID Any string QManager QMGR Any string Hostname Host Any string Port Any positive integer Channel Chan Any string CCSID CCS Any positive integer ReceXit RCX Any string Recexitinit RCXi Any string Secexit SCX Any string SECEXITINIT SCXI Any string Sendexit SDX Any string Sendxitinit SDXI Any string Tempmodel TM Any string MsgReeTion MRET YES - Enter the unwanted message in the input queue NO - Processes unwanted messages according to configuration options Brokerver BVER V1 - This value is only allowed. Brokerpubq BPUB Any string (default is Brokersubq BSUB Any string (default is system.jms.nd.subscription.queue) BrokerDursubq BDSUB Any string (default is system.jms.d.subscription.queue) Brokerccsubq CCSUB Any string (default is Brokerccdsubq CCDSUB Any string (default is Brokerqmgr BQM Any string BrokerConq BCON Any string EXPIRY EXP The app - JMS application can define the failure time. Unlim - There is no failure time. Any positive integer indicates the failure time calculated in milliseconds. Priority PRI The APP - JMS application can define priority. QDEF - Priority uses the queue default value. Any integer range from 0-9. Persistence Per The APP - JMS application can define the continuity. QDEF - Continuous use of queue defaults. PERS - The message is continuous. Non - the message is non-continuous. TargClient TC JMS - message objectives are JMS applications. The MQ - message objective is a non-JMS traditional MQSeries application. ENCODING ENC See ENCODING feature Queue QU Any string Topic TOP Any string Many characteristics are only related to a specific object type subset. The following table shows which features - the combination of object types is valid and gives a brief description for each feature. Characteristics and object types characteristic Effective object type description QCF TCF Qi T WSQCFXAQCF Wstcfxatcf Description Y Y Y Y Y Y Description of the storage object. TRANSPORT Y Y Y1 Y1 Connect to whether to use MQ BingDings or client connections ClientID Y Y Y Y Client string identity QManagery Y Y Y Y The name of the queue manager to connect to Port Y Y Queue Manager is listening to the port Hostname Y Y The host name of the queue manager Channel Y Y Client connection channel to use CCSID Y Y Y Y Coded-character-set-id you want to use in connection ReceXit Y Y The fully qualified class name of the received exit Recexitinit Y Y Receive an exit initialization string Secexit Y Y The fully qualified class name of the security export to use SECEXITINIT Y Y Initialized string for safe export Sendexit Y Y The list of all-qualified classes that send outlets to be used Sendexitinit Y Y Initial string of the exit Tempmodel Y Y Creating a model queue name from which a temporary queue MsgReeTion Y Y Connect to whether the user retains unwanted messages in the input queue Brokerver Y Y The version of the agent to use Brokerpubq Y Y Agent input queue (flow queue) name Brokersubq Y Y Search queue name for non-long subscription messages BrokerDursubq Y Search for a queue name for long-term subscription messages Brokerccsubq Y Y Retrieve queue names for non-long-term subscription messages for ConnectionConsumer Brokerccdsubq Y Search for the queue name for long-term subscription messages for ConnectionConsumer Brokerqmgr Y Y Queue manager running agent BrokerConq Y Y Agent control queue name EXPIRY Y Y One time period, the message on the destination after this time period will be invalid Priority Y Y Priority of messages sent to destination Persistence Y Y Continuation of messages sent to destination TargClient Y Y Fields indicate whether to use MQSERIES RFH2 format to exchange information with target applications ENCODING Y Y Coding scheme for this destination Queue Y Basic name indicating the queue of the destination Topic Y Basic name indicating the subject of the destination recording: 1. For WSTCF, WSQCF, XATCF, and XAQCF objects, you can only use bind transfer types. The mapping between management tool features and programmable features displays the relationship between the features and programmable characteristics of the tool settings. The TargClient features indicate whether to use the MQSeries RFH2 format to exchange information with the target application. Constant MQJMS_CLIENT_JMS_COMPLIANT indicates that the RFH2 format will be used. Using the MQ JMS application understands the RFH2 format. When exchange information with the target MQ JMS application, you should set the mqjms_client_jms_compliant constant. Constant MQJMS_CLIENT_NONJMS_MQ indicates that the RFH2 format will be used to send information. Typically, this value is used for existing MQSeries applications (ie, it does not process RFH2). Characteristic correlation Some features have a correlation between each other. That is to say, it is meaningless to provide only a feature, which means that only another feature is set to a particular value. Two specific features of this happens are "client characteristics" and "export initial string". Client characteristics If the Transport (Client "features are not explicitly set on the connection factory, the transfer of the transferred plants that are used is MQ Bindings. Therefore, any client characteristics cannot be configured on the connection plant. These features are: Host · Port · CHANNEL · CCSID ReceXit Recexitinit · SECEXIT · SECEXITINIT Sendexit · Sendexitinit If you try to set any of these features without setting the Transport feature for the Client, it will be wrong. Export initialization string Unless the corresponding exit name is provided, it is invalid if any exit initialization string is set. Export initialization features are: Recexitinit · SECEXITINIT Sendexitinit For example, the specified recextinit (MyString) does not specify the recexit (Some.Exit.className) will be wrong. ENCODING feature ENCoding can be used more complicated than other features. The encoding characteristics are constructed by three submissions: Integer code This is standard code or inverse code encoding Decimal code This is standard code or inverse code encoding Floating point code This is the IEEE standard code, IEEE inverse code or system / 390 (r) Encoding is represented by a string consisting of three characters with the following syntax: {N | r} {n | r} {n | r | 3} In this string: N represents standard coding R indicates the reverse code encoding 3 means system / 390 The first character represents an integer encoding The second character indicates decimal code The third character represents floating point coding It provides a collection of twelve possible values for Encoding features. There is also an additional value, a string Native, which is used to set the appropriate encoded value for the Java platform. The following example shows the effective combination of Encoding: Encoding (NNR) Encoding (native) ENCODING (RR3) Sample error condition This section provides an error condition that may occur during the creation of an object. Unknown feature InitctX / CN = Trash> Define QCF (TestQCF) Pizza (Ham and Mushroom) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided Unknown Features: Pizza Invalid object characteristics INitctX / CN = Trash> Define QCF (TestQCF) Priority (4) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided Invalid QCF Features: PRI Invalid feature value type INITCTX / CN = Trash> Define QCF (TestQCF) CCSID (ENGLISH) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided CCS characteristic value invalid: English Feature value exceeds effective range INitctX / CN = Trash> Define Q (Testq) Priority (12) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided Invalid PRI characteristic value: 12 Characteristic Conflict - Client / Binding INITCTX / CN = Trash> Define QCF (TestQCF) Hostname ( Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided Invalid characteristics in context: client - binding property conflict Characteristic conflict - export initialization INitctX / CN = Trash> Define QCF (TestQCF) SECEXITINIT (INITSTR) Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters provided Invalid characteristics in context: provide an exitinit string No EXIT string 1. Can you use trigger to do data distribution? 2. Use two queue managers to make clusters, test failover? 3. How do Queues shared? 4. Combine SSL and JMS? 5. What is the difference between triggers and exports? trigger Queue Manager defines certain conditions as trigger events. If triggering is enabled for a queue, the queue manager sends the trigger message to the queue called the initial queue. The presence of trigger messages in the initial queue indicates a trigger event. The trigger message generated by the queue manager is not lasting. Processing the initial queue is called a trigger monitor application (Trigger Monitor Application), its function is to read the trigger message and then perform the appropriate operation based on the information in the trigger message. In general, the operation starts some other application to process the queue of the generated trigger message. From the perspective of the queue manager, the trigger monitor application does not have any special place - it is just another application that reads the message from the queue (initial queue). If triggered is enabled for a queue, you can create a process-definition object that is associated with it (Process-Definition Object). This object contains information about the application that handles messages that cause the trigger event. If the process definition object is created, the queue manager extracts this information and places them in the trigger message to allow the trigger monitor application to use this information. ProcessName The local queue property gives the name of the process definition associated with the queue. Each queue can specify a different process definition, or several queues can share the same process definition. For queue managers, the trigger monitor is similar to any other application for queue services, and the only difference is that it only serves the initial queue. Trigger Monitor is usually running inactivation. When the trigger message reaches the initial queue, the trigger monitor retrieves the message. It uses information in the message to publish commands, which will start the application of the message in the application queue.