a) Local queue storage function test:
On the machine running MQSeries
Establish a default queue manager with instruction "crtmqm -q vernus.queue.manager"
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the default queue manager has been established, the default MQSeries object has been created
Start the default queue manager with instruction "strMqm"
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the queue manager has started
Enter the MQSC command line with the command "Runmqsc"
MQSeries Return to Information "Starting MQSeries Commands"
On the MQSC command line:
Define local queues with instructions "define qlocal (orange.queue)"
End the MQSC command line with the command "end"
MQSeries Return Information "One MQSC Command Read.no Commands Have A Syntax Error.all Valid
MQSC Commands WERE Processed. "
Use the instruction "/ usr / mqm / samp / bin / amqsput orange.queue" to the local queue Orange.Queue built-in
Enter information
MQSeries Return to Information "Sample amqsput0 start, target queue is orange.queue"
Enter "Hello World" and press ENTER to exit the AMQSPUT routine
MQSeries return information "Sample amqspuT0 End"
Remove information from local queue Orange.Queue with instruction "amqsget orange.queue"
MQSeries Return Information "Sample amqsget0 Start, Message
Amqsget0 End
Finished test
b) Communication function test between server
On the MQSeries server sent by the message
Establish a default queue manager with instruction "crtmqm -q saturn.queue.manager"
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the default queue manager has been established, the default MQSeries object has been created
Start the default queue manager with instruction "strMqm"
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the queue manager has started
Enter the MQSC command line with the command "Runmqsc"
MQSeries Return to Information "Starting MQSeries Commands"
On the MQSC command line:
Use instructions "define qlocal (Transmitl.queue) Usage (xmitq)" to Queue Manager Saturn.Queue.Manager
Building a transmission queue
MQSeries returns the "MQSeries Queue Created" means that the queue creates success
Use instructions "define qRemote (Local.def.Of.remote.queue) RNAME (Orange.Queue) RQMNAME
('Venus.Queue.manager') Xmitq (Transmitl.Queue) "Creates local definitions for remote communication queues
Use instructions "Define Channel (First.Channel) CHLTYPE (SDR) Conname ($ iPADDRESS)
XmitQ (TCP) "Creates a sending channel, where $ ipaddress is the Receiver's IP address.
End the MQSC command line with the command "end"
Sender server settings
On the MQSeries server receiving the message
Edit / etc / service file, add a line "MQSeries 1414 / TCP"
Edit /etc/inetd.conf file, add a line "MQSeries Stream TCP NOWAIT MQM / USR / MQM / BIN / AMQCRSTA
Use the command "refresh -s inetd" to refresh the inetd process to create the default queue manager "CRTMQM -Q Venus.Queue.Manager" with instructions
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the default queue manager has been established, the default MQSeries object has been created
Start the default queue manager with instruction "strMqm"
MQSeries returns information, indicating that the queue manager has started
Enter the MQSC command line with the command "Runmqsc"
MQSeries Return to Information "Starting MQSeries Commands"
On the MQSC command line:
Define local queues with instructions "define qlocal (orange.queue)"
Create a receiving channel with instructions "define channel (queueue) CHLTYPE (RCVR) TRPTYPE (TCP)"
End the MQSC command line with the command "end"
Receiver server settings
In the sender server
Start the send channel with the command "runmqchl -c first.channel -mqchl -c first.channel -m Saturn.Queue.Manager"
Receiver server automatically starts the corresponding reception channel
Send a remote queue on the recipient server with the command "amqsput local.def.of.remote.queue"
Enter the message you want to send, for example, "Hello", press ENTER to exit the send routine
On the recipient server
Use the command "amqsget orange.queue" to take the message received from the local queue
MQSeries returns the message received "Hello"
Finished test