Windows 2003 Skills Collection

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  48

"Windows 2003 Skills Collection" last May 22, Microsoft released the latest Windows Server 2003 (hereinafter referred to as Windows 2003) operating system. Many players have experienced its infinite charm. As a server version of Windows XP, Windows 2003 is a new generation of server operating systems with its newly-new architecture, higher integration, rich features, and ease of use. For personal players, excellent stability and excellent multimedia performance are also the best choice for learning and entertainment. We collected some of the optimization methods for Windows 2003 online. I don't dare to enjoy it, I hope to help the friends who are using. Everyone can also discuss each other in the article reviews together to play Windows 2003.

Figure 1: Windows Server 2003 SE

Second, safety is the safety of the system's protection operating system. It is undoubtedly the most concerned, although Windows 2003 stable performance is favored by more and more users, but in the face of emerged new viruses, strengthening security is still a top priority. Usually, we only need some subtle changes to enable system security to improve a step. Let's take a look at what you did? ● The user password is set to set a password to the administrator account to a large extent avoid password attack. The password set the character length should be above 8 digits, preferably the combination of letters, numbers, special characters, such as "PSP53, @ PQ", "Skdfksadf10 @", etc., can effectively prevent violent cracking. It is best not to make a password with your own birthday, mobile number, phone number, etc. ● Deleting the default sharing Delete Windows 2003 system default hidden sharing can also effectively improve the system's safety factor, click Start → Run, enter "GPEDIT.MSC" and turn it back to the Group Policy Editor. Expand "User Configuration → Windows Settings → Script (Login / Logout)", double-click the login, then add "DELSHARE.BAT" (the parameter does not need to be added) to delete the Windows Server 2003 default share. Next, IPC connection: Open the registry editor, expand the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / CONTROL / LSA] branch, find the "RestrictAnonymous" subkey in the right window, change its value to "1" . ● Turn off automatic playback function The automatic playback function is not only role in optical drive, but also works on other drives, which is easy to use hackers to perform hackers. Open Group Policy Editor, expand "Computer Configuration → Management Templates → System", find "Turn off Auto Play" option in the right window and double click, select "Enabled" in the open dialog, then "Off Auto Select "all drives" in the drop-down menu after playback, and press "OK" to take effect.

Figure 2: Turn off automatic playback

● Clearing remote accessible registry path sets the remote accessible registry path to empty, which can effectively prevent hackers from reading system information and other information using the scanner through the remote registry. Open the Group Policy Editor, expand "Computer Configuration → Windows Settings → Security Settings → Security Option", find "Network Access: Remote Access Registry Path" in the right window, will remotely access the registry path and sub-path Path content is all deleted. Third, exclude hidden dangers teach you to prevent the security settings, Windows 2003 has many safety hazards due to congenital reasons, and if these hidden dangers are "blocked", it may also bring unnecessary to the entire system. trouble. The following small series introduces some of the security hidden dangers in Windows 2003, I hope to help you! ● Blocking Auto Save Hidden Windows 2003 Operating System When calling an application error, Dr. Watson in the system will automatically save some important debugging information for future maintenance systems. However, this information is likely to be "sight" by hackers. Once a target, various important debugging information will be exposed. In order to block Dr. Watson, you can implement the hidden dangers of debugging information, we can implement: Open the Start menu, select the "Run" command, enter the registry editing command "regedit" command in the subsequent open Run Dialog, Open a registry editing window; in this window, use the mouse to select the hkey_local_machine@xoftware ∎Microsoft_Machine\Software branch, in the right side window of the corresponding AEDebug key, double-click the auto value with the mouse, in the pop-up parameter Set the value to "0" in the setup window. Open the System's Windows Explorer window and expand the Documents and Settings folder, all users folders, Shared Documents folders, DRWATSON folders, and finally respond to user.dmp files in DRWATSON, DRWTSN32.log files Drop. After completing the above settings, restart the system to block the automatic saving hidden dangers. ● Blocking resource sharing hidden dangers to bring convenience to the local area network users, the Windows Server 2003 system is very "good explanation" to provide file and print sharing features for you, but we have convenient to enjoy this feature. At the same time, the shared function will also "wolf into the room", "large" open a lot of loopholes to hackers, which causes great unsafe to the system. So, if you don't need to implement files in this machine, you must turn your function to close the function to block the resource sharing hidden danger. The following is the specific steps to close the sharing function: Figure 3: Cancellation network sharing

Execute the Network Connection command under the Control Panel Menu item, in the subsequent window, right-click the "Local Connection" icon; in the open shortcut menu, click the Properties command, so you can open An "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) Properties Settings dialog; cancel the" Microsoft Network's File and Printer Sharing "option; in this interface, the local computer has no way to provide files and print sharing services. This hacker naturally also attacked the "channel" of the system. ● Blocking user switching hidden dangers Windows 2003 system provides us with fast user switching feature, using this feature we can easily log in to the system. However, when you enjoy this easy, the system also has a hidden danger. For example, if we perform the "logout" command in the "Start" menu, quickly "switch users", use traditional way to log in to the system, the system is very It is possible to log in this time, incorrectly as a violent "attack" for the computer system, so that the Windows2003 system may use the current login account as an illegal account, lock it, which is obviously not what we need; However, we can block the user switch as follows: In the Windows 2003 system desktop, open the control panel command below the Start menu, find the following "Administrative Tool" command, then execute the lower-level menu "Computer Management" command, find the User Account icon, and click "Change the user login or logout in the window"; in the open settings window, the "Use the Fast User Switch" option cancels Yes. ● Blocking the page exchange hidden danger Windows 2003 operating system Even if it is normal, it is also possible to leak important confidential information to hackers or other visits, especially some important account information. Maybe we will never think of seeing to view, those who may leak private information, but hackers are very concerned about them! In the page exchange file in the Windows 2003 operating system, there is a lot of important privacy information, which is generated in the dynamic. If you don't clear them in time, it is likely to be a hacker's invasion breakthrough; In accordance with the following method, we will automatically delete the page files generated when the system works in the system works, open the registry editor, in the left area of ​​the window, in order Hasey_local_machine@xyStem \CurrentControlSet \Control \SessionManager \MEMORY Management key value, find the ClearPageFileatShutdown key value in the right area, and double-click on the mouse, in the subsequent value setting window, re-modify the DWORD value to "1". After the settings are completed, exit the registry edit window and restart your computer system, you can take effect on the above settings. IV. Application-oriented Common Service Since Windows 2003 is primarily targeted by server requirements, many services that are not large to the server are blocked under default settings. Individual users often encounter some "faults" when using, here we will organize the problems and solutions to the solution. ● Sound card does not work or sound lag in Windows 2003, most acoustic cards can continue to use their drivers in Windows 2000 / XP, while the old sound card (such as Emperor S90, etc.) is only manually installed.

After installing the sound card, users often encounter the following two questions: 1, the sound card does not work solution: enter "Control Panel" / "Sound and Audio Control Equipment", check the "Audio Services" option, click "OK" to restart The computer can be. Figure 4: Sound card problem can try to change this

2, the sound is seriously lagging after playing games: Enter the DirectX Diagnostic Tool ", select the" Sound "tab, drag the cursor to the right to" completely accelerate "in the" Acceleration Level ". OK. ● When calling a Windows XP style interface After installing the Windows 2003 system enters the desktop, we will find the display style of the system desktop to "Windows Classic Style". After reading this style, I will feel a bit boring, I don't want to change the desktop display style? If you try to call other style interfaces by displaying the appearance of the property, find that this "road" is unless; when calling the group policy, it is found that only the current style can be selected. So do we have a way to call other style styles, such as Windows XP style? According to the following method, we can easily achieve call purposes:

Workaround: In the system's start menu, you will expand the control panel, manage tools, and service windows. In the right side of the corresponding service, use the "Themes" option with the mouse; when you look at the parameters of this option, you find the service The default state is forbidden, so we cannot call other style style; double-click the service option with the mouse, then open the regular tab, set the startup type of the service to "Auto", then click "App "Button; At this time, the" Start "button in the Service Status settings will be automatically activated. Click the" Start "button to start the theme service in the system; return to the system desktop, and use the mouse Right-click the blank place, execute the "Properties" command from the shortcut menu, open the appearance tab page, "window and press

Figure 5: Starting XP appearance

● Activate other common services In addition to the "Windows Audio" service "Themes" service associated with the sound card, if you need to use a camera, a digital camera, a scanner or a CD burning, you must also enable the appropriate service: 1 . Image capture service

Solution: Enter the "Start → Administration Tools → Service", find the "Windows Image Acquisition" item in the Service window, double-click to enter the settings form, change the "Start Type" to "Auto", and click "Start" Button.

Figure 6: Starting image capture service

2. CD burning service

Workaround: Enter the Services window, find the "Imapi CD-Burning COM Service" item, double-click it to enter the settings form, change the "Start Type" to "Auto" and click the "Start" button.

● When playing a movie, many friends have such a "encounter": their computer configuration is quite good. After the Windows 2003, the graphics card can be automatically identified and installed, but the screen is very rough when playing movies, install the latest version of the graphics card The quality of the picture after driving is still the same.

Workaround: Click Right click on the desktop to enter the "Display Properties" / "Set" / "Advanced" / "Troubleshooting", drag the "hardware acceleration" cursor to the "complete", click "OK" to exit; then Select "System Tools" / System Information in Attachment, select "Tool" / "Directx Diagnostic Tool" (Since the program collects system information, you need to wait a little, there may be flash screens), select the "Show" option Card, enable "DirectDrw Acceleration" and "Direct3D Acceleration" items in turn. Figure 9: Testing graphics card ● System response slow time when operating large software is different, if we usually run software such as Photoshop, the system resource should be reassigned, modified to a status similar to Windows XP. .

Figure 10: Adjusting the resource allocation method to enhance application execution performance

Workaround: Go to the Control Panel / System / Advanced tab, click "Settings" / "Advanced" in the Performance bar, select in "Processor Plan" and "Memory Use" "Program", finally "OK" and restart your computer. 5. The cold tricks have accelerated IE browsing speed for the basic operation of Windows 2003. I believe that friends have already false, but there are many places that seem to be very "free". Don't be a little bit of these "cold tricks". At the time, it can bring you help. ● Forced to delete the "Shadow" of the uninstalled program Many applications have been executed, it is possible to see its shadow in the "Add or Remove Programs" list of Windows Server 2003 systems. At this point, click the "Delete" button in the list, and you cannot delete the "shadow" of the unloader, but the system will prompt you to delete an error. If there are multiple applications being uninstalled, you may leave multiple "shadows" in the "Add or Remove Programs" list, these "shadows" do not delete the day, will become the "burden" of the system a day. At this point, you can use the method to force the "Shadow" of the uninstalled program in turn: In the "Start" - "Run" command, in the pop-up dialog box, enter the regedit command, open the registry edit window; In this window, the sub-key HKE_LOCAL_MACHINE / CURRENTVERSION / UNINSTALL is sequentially expanded. Continue to expand the sub-key Uninstall, then you can see the uninstall entries below the corresponding subkey, of course, "shadow" that has been uninstalled. Select it, then perform the "Edit" - "Delete" command in the menu bar, you can completely delete the "shadow" of the unloaded program. ● Accelerate IE browsing speed to IE surf speed, of course, the better. Even if it is now upgraded to Win Server 2003 and IE 6, you are still thinking about every way, let IE will be more fast, and the Win Server2003 system is best to let you wish:

Figure 11: Modifying the registry key to improve IE browse speed

Open the Registry Editor, drilldown subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / RemoteComputer / NameSpace, select {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}, execute the "Delete" command from the context menu. Turn off the registry edit window, re-enable the computer, open the IE to access the Internet, see if the Internet speed is better than before? Oh, if you have a very slow speed, you may have a clear feeling after modifying the registry. ● Support Multi-LPT Port Windows 2003 system can support simultaneous use of 3 LPT ports at the same time when the default is installed. When you need more print ports, you can also extend the number of LPT ports that Windows 2003 systems can support by modifying the registry, up to 9. Expanding the generated LPT port, which will automatically appear in the print installation wizard in the future: 1. In the start menu, click the "Run" command, in the Subsequent Run dialog box, enter the registry edit command regedit, open the registry edit window. 2. In this window, sequentially expand the sub-key hkey_ local_machine / software / microsoft / windows nt / currentversion / ports. Move the mouse to the blank area of ​​the right side window, click on the right click, then select "Edit" - "New" - "New" - "String Value" option, name "LPT8 ". 3. Exit the registry edit window, then switch the system interface to the CMD command line status, enter the "Net Stop Spooler" string command, after clicking the Enter key, the system will automatically turn off the current spiking service; enter "Net Start Spooler "String command, the system will restart the fake offline service so that the newly created LPT port will take effect. According to the same method, you can add ports such as LPT7, LPT6. ● Hidden system comes with game components to delete the game you bring, we will delete the "Game" component in the "Add / Remove Windows Components" of the Control Panel. However, in order to avoid the game components that users bring to the Windows system, they must hide the game components: to expand the Windows folder, INF folder of the disk where the system is located, in the INF folder window, select the sysoc.inf file (this The file records the specific attribute information of each component of the system. From the shortcut menu that pops up, execute "Open Mode" - "Select Program", from the subsequent application list, select Notepad or Word board tool to set Sysoc. INF file opens, "Games = Ocgen.dll, Ocentry, Games]] in [Components], modified it to" Games = Ocgen.dll, Oceentry, Games.inf, Hide, 7 "(this One step is to modify the properties of the game components to hide). Figure 12: Hidden game components

Perform the "File" in the text editor - "Save" command, let the sysoc.inf file saved for the original name. After completing the above settings, open the Add / Remove Windows Components window, and you will find that the "Game" component is not. ● Turn off the error reporting system Once the currently running application has an error, a report window will automatically pop up, ask if you want to report the current error, report to Microsoft, if you click "Yes", the system may spend very For a long time to "submit" report. Obviously this feature will affect your system efficiently. To do this, you can press the following steps to block the error pop-up window: 1. The Control Panel is executed in turn, in the system properties window that appears, open the Advanced tab, click the "Error Report" button, in the subsequent interface, select " Disable the error report option, click the "OK" button, the settings will take effect. 2. Of course, you can also pop up the error report window when you make Windows 2003 when you run an error only when you run an error. The specific method is: Select the Enable Error Report option in the previous window, click Select Programs, in the subsequent window, select "All Programs in the list" option and select the target application. Of course, you can also click the "Add" command to add the program in other locations to the list. 6. Save space Delete Useless Drive Backup ● Skip Disk Service Waiting Time Once the computer is due to accident, such as suddenly power outage or crash, then the computer will take the next time, the system will spend 10 seconds or so, to run the disk. Scan the program, check if the disk has an error. If you are a cherished person, you will definitely wait for it. Then come with me, skip this check waiting time: In the Start menu, execute the "Program" / "Attachment" / "Command Prompt" command, switch the interface to the DOS command line, enter directly When the "chkntfs / t: 0" command, after clicking the Enter key, the system will automatically change the waiting time of the disk to zero. Next, after the abnormal situation, after restarting the computer, the system will not be scanned on disk scan. Time spent. ● After canceling the security check of the website, after opening the IE browser to browse the online information, it is always "not annoying" to prompt us, if you need to add the currently visited website to your trust. To go in the site; if you don't trust, you can't open the specified web page; if you trust, you must click the Add button to add the web page to the list of trust sites. However, every visit, you have to pass this step, obviously too cumbersome. In fact, we can let IE let IE check the website security check: Open Control Panel Window, select the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration option, continue click on the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration option in Add and Remove Windows Components One step button can remove this option from the system, then click the "Complete" button to exit the component delete prompt window. In the future, when I get online, IE will not automatically check the security of the website, so you can have a lot of trouble.

(Select the "Security" tab in the Internet Options dialog box, set the security level "to" in "" or cancel the security prompt dialog) ● Tips for canceling the shutdown reason are when the Windows Server 2003 operating system is turned off. The system will pop up a prompt window and ask everyone to choose the reason options for shutting down the computer; although this method can enhance the security of the system, ensure that users can manage and maintain computers more effectively; but every time you shut down or restart your system, you have to choose There is no need for shutdown reasons. So, in order to turn off the computer forward, you can cancel the shutdown reason in the steps: Open the Control Panel window, double-click the "Advanced" tab page of "Power Options"; at the "Power Button" setting item of the page, Set the "Press the Computer Power button" to "Shutdown". When you need to shut down in the future, you can press the power button directly to close the computer directly. Of course, we can also enable sleep function keys to implement fast shutdown and boot; "Options are selected. (Run the "gpedit.msc" command to open the group policy editor, expand "Computer Configuration" → "Management Template" → System ", and turn the" Close Event Tracking Program "by the default" unconfigured "to" disabled " It can also achieve the effect of normal shutdown.) ● Delete hardware-driven backups For friends with hard disk space, try to delete Windows 2003 hardware driver backup files, is a valid space-saving approach: Find the Windows / Driver of the system Cache / i386 / "directory, the driver backup file, delete it or transfer it, this can release about 70MB space. Seven, remote desktop group strategy firmly control believes in Windows 2003 The Remote Desktop feature should be more familiar. With this feature, any user can easily implement remote access and management of the server. If you use the Group Policy Editor to further set up the Remote Desktop, you can make it better For us. Let's introduce several settings for you. Tip: Open the "Group Policy Editor" is: Click "Start → Run" in turn, type "gpedit.msc" in the "Run" dialog. Command and Enter, you can open the Group Policy Editor window. ● Allow / disable "Remote Desktop" connection

We can allow or prohibit the use of the Remote Desktop connection through Group Policy. In the "Group Policy Editor" left window, expand the Computer Configuration → Management Template → Windows Components → Terminal Services catalog. Click Directory Name Terminal Services, double-click "Allow users to use the Terminal Services Remote Connection" option in the right window. Then select the "Enabled" or "Disabled" radio box and click the "OK" button under the Settings tab of the Properties dialog.

● Configure "Data Redirection"

By configuring client / server data redirection, we can set the client resources that can be used after establishing a connection. Double-click on the directory name "Client / Server Data Redirection", list the client resources that can be set in the right window. If we want to use the client's sound card to play the sound file on the server after successfully establishing the "Remote Desktop", you should double-click the "Allow Audio Redirection" option to select the "Setting" tab in the Properties dialog box. Enable option and click the "OK" button so that the sound file can be played remotely.

● Set idle session connection time

After successfully establishing a connection, it may be unsafe for some reason (such as forgetting to disconnect), which is not safe. However, we can limit the connection time of the idle session. Expand the "Session" subdirectory, double-click "To Active but Idle Terminal Services Session Set Time Limit" option, open the Properties dialog box, select "Enable" option under the Settings tab, in the "idle session limit "Select a time option (for example, 5 minutes) in the drop-down list box and click the" OK "button. Adding Remote Access User In practical work, you need to use the "Remote Desktop" function that may be alone, so you can set permissions to users with this aspect. Right click on "My Computer", select the Properties command, click the Select Remote User button under the "Remote" tab of the System Properties dialog box. Then click the "Add" button in the Remote Desktop User dialog box, and click the Advanced → Immediately Find "button in the Select User dialog. Select the target user from the user list. Eight, the flowering pickup 2003 also playing the system Restore users who have used Windows XP know that there is a very intimate, very practical function in Windows XP - system restore. This feature can automatically create multiple restore points automatically when the system is operating, and can help users can easily restore the previous restore, fast recovery system after the system has problems. However, in Windows 2003, Microsoft does not integrate this feature, which is not unfortunate that many users who love the system restore function. Today, let us fully promote DIY spirit, transplant the system restore function in Windows XP to Windows 2003! Please prepare a Windows XP installation disc, then come with me:

Step 1: Go to the Windows 2003 operating system, plush the Windows XP installation CD into the CD-ROM drive while holding down the SHIFT button to cancel it automatically. Click the Start → Run command to enter the "cmd" in the Run dialog and turn back the command prompt window. Enter "Expand M: /i386/sr.in_ c: /sr.inf" after the command prompt, enter the Sr.in_ extracted in the Windows XP installation CD I386 directory into the root directory of the C drive. Among them, M refers to the drive letter of the disc, and the user should make appropriate modifications according to their own actual situation. Step 2: Open the Explorer, right-click the Sr.inf file just released in the root directory of the C disk, and select the "Install" command to start copying the file. In the installation process, the installer will prompt you to find some files. At this time, click the "Browse" button of the prompt dialog to locate the I386 directory of the Windows XP installation CD, and then click the "OK" button . Step 3: The system will give the "System Settings Change" prompt after installation, and request to restart your computer. When restarting your computer, an error message will occur during the startup process, you don't have to pay attention to it, click the "OK" button to cancel it. Step 4: Click the Start → Run command to type "regedit" in the Open Run dialog to enter the registry editor. Expand [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFT-WARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / SVCHOST] branch, find a multi-string value called "Netsvcs" in the right window (if not, right-click in the right window, Select "New → Multi-String Value"), double-click to open the Edit Multi-String window, enter the following in the "Numerical Data" text box (Note: For convenience, each item is separated between this article Open, when the actual input, each item should be occupied, that is, press the Enter to press the Enter to continue input): appmgmt; audiosrv; browser; cryptsvc; dmserver; eventsystem; hidserv; iz; iprip; Irmon; LanmanServer; LanmanWorkstation; Messenger; Netman; Nla; Ntmssvc; NWCWorkstation; Nwsapagent; Rasauto; Rasman; Remoteaccess; Sacsvr; Schedulu; Seclogon; SENS; sharedaccess; Themes; TrkWks; TrkSvr; W32Time; WZCSVC; Wmi; WmdmPmSp; winmgmt; WuAuserv; bits; shellhwdection; helpsvc; UploadMgr; wmdmp] SN; SRSERVIC After the check is confirmed, click the "OK" button and turn off the Registry Editor. Step 5: Restart your computer, you will find that the error prompt is no longer.

Now we right-click "My Computer" on the desktop, select "Properties", open the System Properties dialog, "System Restore" tab appears! Nine, the default sharing of the Windows 2003 system will generate the default shared folder when the default is installed, and the shared names are C $, D $, IPC $, and admin $. Once the attacker knows that after the administrator password of the system, you may open the system specified folder through the "/ Work Start / Shared Name" method, so that there may be a security hazard.

Figure 18: Delete default sharing

To this end, we must make a default sharing hidden danger from the Windows 2003 system, and immediately remove it from the system. Despite the use of optimization masters, easily click on the mouse to complete the task, but what do you clear these sharing hidden dangers? The following will give you an answer. Open the system's run dialog box, enter the "cmd" command, switch the screen to the command line status. In this state, enter the string command "Net Share Share Name / DEL" directly to delete the specified shared folder. For example, if you want to delete remote management shares, you can directly execute the command "Net Share Admin $ / DEL". However, the above method can only temporarily delete the system's default shared folder. After restarting the system, these default sharing will "roll the soil". In order to achieve the effect of "one-year-old", you can modify the registry to clear the default sharing one-time clear. But this approach may be more dangerous for rookie friends who are not familiar with the registry. To do this, you can implement thorough sharing clearance as follows:

Figure 19: Check the default shared folder


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