Set up RADIUS Server 802.1x Password Server
2004-03-24 Read: 2854
The platform used by the author is Redhat Linux 7.2
1. Install MySQL
I used the RPM package rpm -ivh mysql- rpm -ivh mysql-devel- rpm -ivh mysql-server- rpm -IVH mysqlclient9-3.23.22-6.i386.rpm
Launch MySQL Service Service MySQLD START
Change the mysql root password (Note: MySQL root and system root is 2 unused concepts) mysql -uroot -p
Create a RADIUS database Creat Database Radius; use mysql; update user set password = password ('Your Password') where user = 'root';
Allow remote machine to connect Update user set host = '%' where user = 'root';
Exit and restart MySQL Quit Service MySQLD Restart
2. Install OpenSSL
I also use the RPM bag rpm -ivh opensl095a-0.9.5a-11.i386.rpm rpm -ivh openssl096-0.9.6-6.i386.rpm
3. Install FreeRadius
Download freeAidus from, this version is 0.8.1 compiles and install tar xvfz freeradius.tar.gz CD XVFZ FreeRadius-0.8.1
Note: If mysql is not installed in / usr / local / directory, you need to make a connection: ln -s / path / mysql / / usr / local / mysql
./configure make make install
Establish mysql database RADIUS table CD src / modules / rlm_sql / drivers / rlm_sql_mysql mysql -uroot -P password RADIUS Change the setting CD / USR / local / etc / raddb to change the RADIUSD.CONF to allow it to support SQL (as mentioned below) Http:// Authorize {preprocess chap mschap suffix sql} an accouting {.... sql ...} Http:// Change Sql.conf Server = "localhost" login = "root" password = "mysql's root password" RADIUS_DB = "RADIUS" Http:// Change the NAS specific to the client.conf support to see the document, pay attention to the SECRET is the shared password database of NAS and RADIUS servers to join the test account. Http:// Join group Http:// MySQL -UROOT -P password RADIUS Http:// insert into radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, Value) values ( 'user', 'Auth-Type', ': =', 'Local'); insert into radgroupreply (GroupName, Attribute, op, value) values ( 'user ',' Service-type ',': = ',' framed-user '); INSERT INTO RADGROUPLY (Groupname, Attribute, Op, Value) Values (' user ',' framed-ip-address ", ': =' , ''); INSERT INTO RADGROUPLY (Groupname, Attribute, Op, Value) VALUES ('user', 'framed-ip-netmask', ': =', ''); Http:// Join Test Account Insert Into Radcheck (Username, Attribute, Op, Value) Values ('Test', 'User-Password', ': =', 'Test'); Http:// Test Account Add Group INSERT INTO UserGroup (UserName, Groupname) VALUES ('Test', 'User'); Http:// 4. Start the RADIUS service, test account Http:// Start to Debug mode Http:// RADIUSD -X Http:// Sometimes I will report that I can't find the file RLM_SQL_MYSQL, just add the library file to the directory of the system search. Http:// such as: Http:// Cp / usr / local / lib / * / usr / lib Http:// Test account Http:// Radtest Test Test Localhost 0 Testing123 Http:// If you can see the Radius response, Congratulations on the server settings.