Code to see transparent - Windows crash code meaning

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  27

Windows crash code list (meaning detailed)

2004-06-03 Read: 3039

Most users who use Windows will encounter a blue screen crash, especially if Windooows 98 is more likely to meet Blue screens. In some fatal errors about hardware, Windows often has some code to prompt the error type, but many users don't know the meaning of these codes, only reinstall the system, labor expense. Below we have collected some Windows crash code and its meaning for your reference:

0 0x0000 jobs are completed. 1 0x0001 Incorrect function. 2 0x0002 The system cannot find the specified file. 3 0x0003 The system cannot find the specified path. 4 0x0004 The system cannot open the file. 5 0x0005 Rejects access. 6 0x0006 invalid code. 7 0x0007 The storage body control block is destroyed. 8 0x0008 The storage body is insufficient, and this instruction cannot be processed. 9 0x0009 Reservoir Control Block Address is invalid. 10 0x000A environment is incorrect. 11 0x000B Try to load a format error. 12 0x000c Access code error. 13 0x000D data error. 14 0x000E The storage body is not enough, and this job cannot be completed. 15 0x000F The system cannot find the specified disk machine. 16 0x0010 Unable to remove the directory. 17 0x0011 The system cannot move the file to another disk machine. 18 0x0012 There is no file. 19 0x0013 Storage media is a security state. 20 0x0014 The system cannot find the specified device. 21 0x0015 The device is not ready. 22 0x0016 The device cannot identify instructions. 23 0x0017 Cyclic Redundancy CHECK 24 0x0018 The program issues a long error. 25 0x0019 Disk machine is not a magnetic zone or magnetic track that cannot be found in a disk. 26 0x001A The specified disk or magnetic disk cannot be accessed. The 27 0x001B disk can not find the required magnetic area. 28 0x001C printers do not have paper. 29 0x001D The system cannot write data to the specified disk. 30 0x001E The system cannot read the specified device. 31 0x001F is connected to a device that is connected to the system. 32 0x0020 Processing and occupying a part of the file 33 0x0021 file is locked and cannot be accessed now. The magnetic disk of the 34 0x0022 disk machine is incorrect. Insert% 2 (Volume Serial Number:% 3) into disk machine% 1. 36 0x0024 The number of shared files open is too much. 38 0x0026 arrives at the end of the file. 39 0x0027 Disk is full. 50 0x0032 does not support this network request. 51 0x0033 remote computer cannot be used. 52 0x0034 Network name is repeated. 53 0x0035 Network path can't be found. 54 0x0036 network is busy. 55 0x0037 The Specified Network Resource or Device IS No Longer Available. 56 0x0038 The NetWork Bios Command Limit Has Been Reached. 57 0x0039 Network Problem. 58 0x003A The specified server cannot perform the required job. The 59 0x003b network has an unexpected error. 60 0x003C distal mounting card is incompatible. The 61 0x003D print machine is full. 62 0x003E The space of the server cannot store the files of the printed file. 63 0x003F Waiting for the printed file has been deleted. 64 0x0040 The designated network name cannot be used. 65 0x0041 Refuse to access the network. 66 0x0042 Network resource type errors. 67 0x0043 Network name cannot be found. 68 0x0044 More than the name limit of the area computer network mating card. 69 0x0045 exceeds the limit of the network BIOS job phase. 70 0x0046 Remote Server has been paused or is starting. 71 0x0047 Since the number of connectors has reached the upper limit, it will not be able to connect to this remote computer. 72 0x0048 The prescribed printer or disk device has been paused. The 80 0x0050 file already exists. 82 0x0052 Unable to establish a directory or file. 83 0x0053 INT 24 failed 84 0x0054 Handling this requirement of the reservoir cannot be used. 85 0x0055 The NET Name is already in use. 86 0x0056 Specified network password error. 87 0x0057 Parameter error. 88 0x0058 Network has a write error. 89 0x0059 At this time, the system cannot perform other strokes.

100 0x0064 Unable to establish other system Semaphore. 101 0x0065 Semaphore belonging to other strokes. 102 0x0066 Semaphore has been set and cannot be turned off. 103 0x0067 Unable to specify Semaphore. 104 0x0068 The semaphore that cannot be required in the break time. 105 0x0069 This Semaphore has been over. 106 0x006A Please insert the magnet into% 1. 107 0x006b Since the distributed magnetic sheet has not been inserted, the program has stopped. 108 0x006C disk is being used or locked. 109 0x006D PIPE has been aborted. 110 0x006e system Unable to turn on the specified device or file. 111 0x006F file is too long. 112 0x0070 Surfacked space is insufficient. 113 0x0071 There is no available internal archive identifier. 114 0x0072 Target internal archive identification word is incorrect. 117 0x0075 The IOCTL call performed by the application is incorrect. 118 0x0076 Write verification parameter value is incorrect. 119 0x0077 The system does not support the required instructions. 120 0x0078 This feature is only valid in Win32 mode. 121 0x0079 Semaphore exceeds the timeout. 122 0x007A The data area transmitted to the system call is too small. 123 0x007B file name, directory name or storage label syntax error. 124 0x007C System Call hierarchy is incorrect. 125 0x007D disk does not have a set label. 126 0x007E Can't find the specified module. 127 0x007f can't find the specified program. 128 0x0080 No subunits are available. 129 0x0081% 1 This application cannot be executed in Win32 mode. 130 0x0082 Attempt to Use A File Handle To An Other Than Raw Disk I / O. 131 0x0083 Attempts to move the archive indicator until the beginning of the file. 132 0x0084 Unable to set the archive indicator in the designated device or file. 133 0x0085 Join or SUBST instructions cannot be used to contain a prior combined disk machine. 134 0x0086 Try to use Join or Subst commands in a already combined disk. 135 0x0087 Attempts to use the Join or Subst instructions in the disabled disk. 136 0x0088 The system tries to delete the connection between unconnected disks. 137 0x0089 The system attempts to delete the replacement relationship of the discharged disk. The 138 0x008A system attempts to combine the disk machine to the directory of the disk that has been combined. 139 0x008B System Attempts to replace the disk machine to replace the directory of the discharged disk machine. 140 0x008C System Attempts to replace the disk machine with a directory of the disc replacement disk. 141 0x008D The system attempts to enter the disk machine SUBST into a combined disk machine directory. 142 0x008E The system cannot perform JOIN or SUBST at this moment. 143 0x008F The system cannot combine or replace the same disk machine under the disk machine. 144 0x0090 This directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. 145 0x0091 Directory still has information. 146 0x0092 The specified path has been replaced. 147 0x0093 resources are not enough, this directive cannot be handled. 148 0x0094 The specified path cannot be used at this time. 149 0x0095 Try the target directory to be combined or replaced, is the target that has been replaced. 150 0x0096 Config.sys files do not specify system tracking information, or tracking function is canceled. 151 0x0097 Specified Semaphore event DOSMUXSEMWAIT is incorrect. 152 0x0098 DOSMUXSEMWAIT has not been executed; set too much semaphore. 153 0x0099 DOSMUXSEMWAIT list is incorrect.

154 0x009A You entered the storage media label length limit. 155 0x009B Unable to establish other permeations. 156 0x009C Receive the trip to refuse to accept the signal. The 157 0x009D section has been abandoned and cannot be locked. The 158 0x009E section has been unlocked. 159 0x009F The address of the execution 绪 is not correct. 160 0x00A0 is not correct to dosexecpgm. 161 0x00A1 The specified path is incorrect. 162 0x00A2 signal is waiting. 164 0x00A4 The system cannot establish a complete oscillator. 167 0x00A7 Unable to lock the part of the file. 170 0x00AA requires the resources required to be in use. 173 0x00AD Cancellation range lock requirements are not obvious. 174 0x00AE archive system does not support automatic change lock types. The 180 0x00b4 system found an incorrect segment number. 182 0x00B6 operating system cannot perform% 1. The 183 0x00b7 file has existed and cannot establish the same file. 186 0x00ba Transfer flag error. 187 0x00bb specified system flag can't be found. 188 0x00BC operation system cannot perform% 1. 189 0x00BD job system cannot perform% 1. 190 0x00BE work system cannot perform% 1. 191 0x00BF cannot perform% 1 in Win32 mode. 192 0x00c0 operating system cannot perform% 1. 193 0x00C1% 1 is not the correct Win32 application. 194 0x00C2 operating system cannot perform% 1. 195 0x00c3 operation system cannot perform% 1. The 196 0x00c4 operation system cannot perform this application. 197 0x00c5 operating system is currently unable to implement this application. 198 0x00c6 operation system cannot perform% 1. The 199 0x00c7 operating system cannot perform this application. The section of the 2000x00c8 program code cannot be greater than or equal to 64KB. The 2010x00c9 operating system cannot perform% 1. The 202 0x00ca operating system cannot perform% 1. The 203 0x00cb system cannot find the entered environment option. / R 205 0x00CD In the instruction subdirectory, there is no stroke with a signal deputy process. 206 0x00CE file name or deployment is too long. 207 0x00cf Ring 2 Stacking. 208 0X00D0 Enter the universal name letter * or? Incorrect, or specify too much universal name element. 209 0x00d1 The signal transmitted is incorrect. 210 0x00d2 Unable to set the signal processing program. The 212 0x00D4 section is locked and cannot be reconfigured. 214 0x00d6 Dynamic link module attached to this or dynamic link module Too many 215 0x00d7 can't Nest Calls to loadModule. 230 0x00e6 The Pipe State Is Invalid. 231 0x00E7 All PIPE Instances is busy. 232 0x00e8 The Pipe is Being Closed. 233 0x00e9 No process is on the other end of the pipe. 234 0x00ea ​​has more available information. 240 0x00F0 work phase is canceled. 254 0x00FE The designated extension attribute name is invalid. 255 0x00FF extended attributes inconsistent. 259 0x0103 There is no information available. 266 0x010a Unable to use a Copy API. 267 0x010B directory name error. 275 0x0113 Extension attribute is not suitable for buffer. 276 0x0114 The extension attribute file on the plug-in archive system has been destroyed. 277 0x0115 Extended attribute form file full. 278 0x0116 The specified extension attribute code is invalid. 282 0x011A plug-in file system does not support extension properties.

288 0x0120 intention to release Mutex that does not belong to the name of the name. 298 0x012A Semaphore is too much. 299 0x012B only completed part of READ / WRITEPROCESSMEMORY. 317 0x013D The system is not found to be 0x% 1 in the message file% 2. 487 0x01E7 Try access to an invalid address. The 534 0x0216 operation result exceeds 32 yuan. The other end of the 535 0x0217 channel has a stroke in the transfer information. 536 0x0218 Waiting for the trip to turn on the other end of the channel. 994 0x03E2 Access extension attribute is rejected. 995 0x03E3 Terminate the I / O job due to the end or application requirements of execution. 996 0x03E4 overlapping I / O event is not set to a notification state. 997 0x03E5 is handling overlapping I / O homework. 998 0x03E6 Invalid access to the position of the memory. 999 0x03E7 Execute an Inpage job error 1001 0x03E9 hand back too deep, stacking is full. 1002 0x03ea window cannot be used to transfer messages. 1003 0x03EB cannot accomplish this feature. 1004 0x03ec flag is invalid. 1005 0x03ed Storage Media does not contain any identifiable file system. Make sure to load the required system driver, and the storage medium is not destroyed. 1006 0x03ee Save the external media of this file issues a warning, indicating that the enabled file is already invalid. The job required by 1007 0x03ef cannot be executed in full screen mode. 1008 0x03f0 An Attempt Was Made to Reference A Token That Does Not Exist. 1009 0x03f1 Configuration System Login Database Destroy. 1010 0x03f2 configuration system login machine code is invalid. 1011 0x03f3 Unable to turn on the configuration system login code. 1012 0x03F4 Unable to read the configuration system login machine code. 1013 0x03f5 Unable to write to the configuration system login code. 1014 0x03F6 System login database A file must be restored using a record or other backup. It has been restored. 1015 0x03f7 system login is destroyed. One of the archives is damaged, or the system of the file is destroyed to memory content, which will not restore the file. 1016 0X03F8 System logging in the starting I / O job incorrection that cannot be restored. The system login cannot be read, written, or updated, where one of the files containing the system login in the memory. 1017 0x03F9 system Attempts to load the archive into the system or restore the file into the system login, however, the format of the specified file is not the format of the system login file. 1018 0x03fa Attempts to log in to the machine code launched as the deleted system, performing the illegal operation. 1019 0X03FB system Unable to configure the space required for the system login record. 1020 0x03FC cannot establish a symbolic connection in a system login code that has already subigned or values. 1021 0x03FD cannot establish a permanent subcode under the temporary code. 1022 0x03FE change requirements are not completed, but information is not transmitted through the caller's buffer. The caller now needs to list the files and find out where the change is changed. 1051 0x041B Stop Control has been transferred to a service that is reluctant to other services. 1052 0x041c Requirements Control For this Service Invalid 1053 0x041D The Service Did NOT RESPOND TO The Start OR Control Request in A Timely Fashion. 1054 0x041E Unable to establish a service's execution. 1055 0x041F service database is locked. 1056 0x0420 This service is already executed. 1057 0x0421 Account name is incorrect or does not exist. 1058 0x0422 The designated service is paused and cannot be started. 1059 0x0423 Specifies the cyclic service dependency. 1060 0x0424 The specified service is not a service that is installed. 1061 0x0425 This service item cannot receive control messages at this time. 1062 0x0426 The service has not started.

1063 0x0427 Unable to connect to the service control program 1064 0x0428 When processing control requirements, unexpected conditions. 1065 0x0429 The specified database does not exist. 1065 0x0429 The specified database does not exist. 1066 0x042A Service is transmitted back to the wrong code. 1067 0x042B The process terminaled UNEXPECTEDLY. 1068 0x042c The slave service or group cannot be activated. 1069 0x042D Since the login failed, the service was not activated. 1070 0x042E After activation, the service is when the state is activated. 1071 0x042F Specifies whether the service database lock is invalid. 1072 0x0430 The specified service has been labeled as deletion. 1073 0x0431 The specified service already exists. 1074 0x0432 The system is currently being implemented in successful configuration execution. 1075 0x0433 The slave service does not exist, or it has been labeled as deletion. 1076 0x0434 The current activation has accepted the control setting of the last execution. 1077 0x0435 There is no activation service after the last activation. 1078 0x0436 The specified name has been used for the service name or service display name. 1100 0x044c has reached the final of the tape. 1101 0x044d arrived in the file. 1102 0x044E encountered the beginning or segmentation area of ​​the tape. 1103 0x044F to the end of the archive group. 1104 0x0450 Tape does not have any information. 1105 0x0451 Tape Unable to make a divided area. 1106 0x0452 When you access a new tape of multiple compressions, you find the current block size error. 1107 0x0453 When loading a tape, the tape segmentation area information is not found. 1108 0x0454 Unable to locate the storage media retreat. 1108 0x0454 Unable to locate the storage media retreat. 1109 0x0455 Unable to unable to load storage media. The storage medium in the 1110 0456 disk drive has been changed. 1111 0x0457 has reset the I / O bus. 1112 0x0458 Disk drive does not store media. 1113 0x0459 Target Multi-byte Code Page, there is no corresponding unicode character. 1114 0x045A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) starting routine failed. The 1115 0x045B system is being shut down. 1116 0x045c Unable to stop the system shutdown because there is no shutdown action in progress. 1117 0x045D Because the I / O device has an error, the requirements cannot be executed. 1118 0x045E Sequence device start failed, cancel the loading sequence driver. 1119 0x045F Unable to turn on the device. This device is shared with other devices (IRQ). At least one of the other devices that use the same IRQ has been turned on. 1120 0x0460 a serial I / O Operation WAS Completed by Another Write to The Serial Port. (The ioctl_serial_xoff_counter reached zero.) 1121 0x0461 Because it has passed over time, the sequence I / O job is completed. (IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER is not zero.) 1122 0x0462 No ID address indication is not found in the disk. 1123 0x0463 Disk sector ID field does not match the disk control card tracking address. 1124 0x0464 Soft disk drive control card returns an error that cannot be identified by a soft disk drive driver. 1125 0X0465 Soft disk drive control card is transmitted back to inconsistency in the buffer. 1126 0x0466 Access hard disk failed, and no job after retrying. 1127 0x0467 Access hard disk fails, and it will not work after retry. 1128 0x0468 When accessing a hard disk, the disk control card must be reset, but the action of the reset failed. 1129 0x0469 At the end of the tape.

1130 0x046A The user can be stored in the storage space and this instruction cannot be processed. 1131 0x046b found potential dead lock conditions. 1132 0x046c The specified basic address or file displacement is not properly aligned. 1140 0x0474 Try changing system power status, but other applications or drivers refuse. 1141 0x0475 System BIOS unable to change the system power status. 1150 0x047E The specified version requires a new version of Windows. 1151 0x047F The specified program is not a Windows or MS-DOS program. 1152 0x0480 The specified program is activated and cannot be activated once. 1153 0x0481 The specified program is written for the old version of Windows. 1154 0x0482 Duecent in the linker files required for this application. 1155 0x0483 No application is associated with the designated file of this job. 1156 0x0484 Transfer instructions to the application error. 1157 0x0485 Can't find the link library file required to perform this app. 1200 0x04b0 The specified device name is invalid. 1201 0x04b1 The device is now not online, but it is a memory company. 1202 0x04b2 Try to memorize the device that has been remembered. 1203 0x04B3 The network path provided cannot find any network provider. 1203 0x04B3 The network path provided cannot find any network provider. 1204 0x04B4 The specified network provider name error. 1205 0x04b5 Unable to open the network online setting file. 1206 0x04B6 Network online setting file is broken. 1207 0x04b7 cannot list non-containers. 1208 0x04b8 Extended errors. 1209 0x04b9 Specifies the group name error. 1210 0x04bA The specified computer name is incorrect. 1211 04bb Specifies the event name error. 1212 0X04BC The specified network name error. 1213 0x04BD Specifies the service name error. 1214 0X04BE Specified network name error. 1215 0X04BF Specifies the resource shared name error. 1216 0x04c0 Specifies the password error. 1217 0x04C1 Specifies the message name error. 1218 0x04C2 Specifies the message destination error. The conditions provided by 1219 0x04C3 are conflicted with the existing conditions group. 1220 0x04c4 Attempts to connect with the web server, but there is too much online with the server. 1221 0x04C5 Other network computers are already using this work group or domain name. 1222 0x04c6 The network is not displayed or not activated. 1223 0x04c7 The user has canceled the job. 1224 0x04C8 The job required by the 1224 0x04C8 cannot be executed in the file that has already been opened. 1225 0x04c9 Remote System Rejects the network online. 1225 0x04c9 Remote System Rejects the network online. 1226 0x04ca Turn off the network online. 1227 0x04CB network transmission endpoint already has a related address. 1228 0x04cc address has not yet been related network endpoints. 1229 0x04cd Try to work in the network connection in the absence of. 1230 0x04CE performs invalid jobs on the network online. 1231 0x04cf Unable to transfer to the remote network. 1232 0x04d0 Unable to connect to the remote system. 1233 0x04d1 Remote system does not support transmission communication protocols. 1234 0x04D2 Destination network endpoint of the remote system does not perform the service in execution. 1235 0x04d3 requires that it has been suspended. The 1236 0x04D4 port system has interrupted the network online. 1237 0x04d5 Unable to complete the job, please try again. 1238 0x04D6 cannot be online with a server because this account has arrived at the same time. 1239 0x04d7 Try to log in to the network in this account. 1240 0x04d8 This account cannot log in from this place. 1241 0x04D9 Network address cannot be used for this requirement. 1242 0x04DA Service has been registered. 1243 0x04dB The designated service does not exist.

1244 0x04DC homework cannot be performed, because the user has not yet authorized to use. 1245 0x04DD The job required by the 1245 0x04DD cannot be executed, because the user has not logged in to the network. The specified service does not exist. 1246 0x04DE Required a message requiring the caller to continue working. 1247 0x04DF After completing the starting job, try to perform the starting job. 1248 0x04E0 There is no other proximal device. 1300 0x0514 does not specify all reference permissions to the caller. 1301 0x0515 Account Name and Security Identification Code Online Unrequently completed online. 1302 0x0516 This account does not set a special system quota limit. 1303 0x0517 No encryption codes available. Pass back a known encryption machine code. 1304 0x0518 NT password is too complicated and cannot be converted to a LAN Manager password. The LAN Manager password that is later is an empty string. 1305 0x0519 Correction level is unknown. 1306 0x051A indicates that the two revisions are not compatible. 1307 0x051B This security identification code cannot be specified as the owner of this object. 1308 0x051C This security identification code cannot be specified as the main object group. 1309 0x051d An Attempt Has Been Made to Operate ON An Impersonation Token By A Thread That Is Not Currently Impersonating A Client. 1310 0x051E You cannot close the group. 1311 0x051F There is currently no loginable server, so you can not process login requirements. 1312 0x0520 Specifies that the login work phase does not exist. The job phase may have ended. 1313 0x0521 The specified permissions do not exist. 1313 0x0521 The specified permissions do not exist. 1314 0x0522 The client does not list the required permissions. 1315 0x0523 The name format provided is inconsistent with the account name. 1316 0x0524 The specified user already exists. 1317 0x0525 The specified user does not exist. 1318 0x0526 The specified group already exists. 1319 0x0527 The specified group is not stored. 1320 0x0528 The specified user account is already a member of the specified group, or the specified group cannot be deleted because the group is included. 1321 0x0529 Specified User Account is not a member of the specified group account. 1322 0X052A The last management account left will not be closed or deleted. 1323 0x052b cannot update your password. The password entered is incorrect. 1324 0x052c Unable to update your password. The new password entered contains non-compliant password regulations. 1325 0x052D The password cannot be updated because of the violation of the password update rule. 1326 0x052e Login failed: Unrecognized user names or password errors. 1327 0x052F Login failed: user account restrictions. 1328 0x0530 Login failed: Violation of account login time limitations. 1329 0x0531 Login failed: Users should not log in to this computer. 1330 0x0532 Login Failure: The specified account password expires. 1331 0x0533 Login failed: The account is currently invalid. 1332 0x0534 Account Name does not match the account identification code. 1333 0x0535 Requires too much proximal user ID, LUIDS. 1333 0x0535 Requires too much proximal user ID, LUIDS. 1334 0x0536 There is no available proximal user identification code (LUIDS). 1335 0x0537 The transfer of the safety identification code is invalid for this special usage. 1336 0x0538 Invalid access control list structure. 1337 0x0539 The safety identification code structure is invalid. 1338 0x053A Safety Narrative sub-structure is invalid. 1340 0x053c Unable to establish inheritance control list or access control object. 1341 0x053D The server is currently invalid. 1342 0x053e The server is currently available.

The value provided by 1343 0x053F is an invalid identification code authorization value. 1344 0x0540 There is no memory available to security information update. 1345 0X0541 The specified property is invalid, or the specified property is not compatible with the properties of the entire group. 1346 0x0542 Either A Required Impersonation Level Was Not Provided, or The Provided Impersonation Level Is Invalid. 1347 0x0543 Cannot Open An Anonymous Level Security Token. 1348 0x0544 The accredited information category is invalid. 1349 0x0545 The Type of the Token IS INAPPRIATE. 1350 0x0546 Unable to perform security jobs without related security. 1351 0x0547 Indicates that it cannot be connected to the Windows NT server, or the object in the domain is protected, so the required object cannot be captured. 1351 0x0547 Indicates that it cannot be connected to the Windows NT server, or the object in the domain is protected, so the required object cannot be captured. 1352 0x0548 Safety Account Manager or regional security authorization server status is incorrect, so security jobs cannot be performed. 1353 0x0549 Web field status errors, so you cannot perform security jobs. 1354 0x054A Only this job can only be used by the main domain controller of the domain. 1355 0x054B The specified domain does not exist. 1356 0x054c The specified domain has existed. 1357 0x054D Try more than the number of domains of each server. 1358 0x054E The required job cannot be completed because of a serious storage medium error or data structure occurs on the disk. The 1359 0x054f security account database has internal inconsistent conditions. 1360 0x0550 Universal access type is included in a certain access shield, which has corresponding to non-use types. 1361 0x0551 Safety Narrative format is incorrect (Absolute Or Self-Relative). 1362 0x0552 The required action can only be used for login. The process currently calling the action is not logged in. 1363 0x0553 Unable to use the identification code already used to activate the new job phase. 1363 0x0553 Unable to use the identification code already used to activate the new job phase. 1364 0x0554 Unable to identify the specified confirmation package. 1365 0x0555 Login work phase is not a state in which the job is consistent with the required job. 1366 0x0556 Login Work Phase Identification code is already in use. 1367 0x0557 Login requires an invalid login type value. 1368 0x0558 unable to impersonate via a named pipe until data has been read from that pipe. 1369 0x0559 the transaction state of a registry subtree is incompatible with the requested operation. 1370 0x055a internal security database damage. 1371 0x055B Unable to implement this job in the internal account. 1372 0x055c Unable to perform this operation in this built-in special group. 1373 0x055D Unable to perform this job in this built-in special user. 1374 0x055E Because the group is currently the primary group of users, users cannot be removed from the group. 1375 0 ○55F The Token IS Already in Use As a primary token. 1376 0x0560 The specified area group does not exist. 1377 0x0561 Specified account name is not a member of the regional group. 1378 0x0562 The specified account name is already a member of the regional group. 1379 0x0563 The specified regional group already exists.

1380 0x0564 Login failed: The user is not entitled to log in in this computer as required. 1381 0x0565 the maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded. 1381 0x0565 the maximum number of secrets that may be stored in a single system has been exceeded. 1382 0x0566 the length of a secret exceeds the maximum length allowed 1383 0x0567 The information contracted by the security authorized database in this area is inconsistent. 1384 0x0568 When logging in, the user's security content accumulates too much security identification code. 1385 0x0569 Login failed: The user has not been licensed to use the login type required for this top. 1386 0x056A Cross encrypted password needs to change the user's password. 1387 0x056b Because members do not exist, new members cannot add new members to regional groups. 1388 0x056c Because the member's account type is incorrect, it cannot be added to the regional group. 1389 0x056D specified too much security ID. 1390 0x056E The password that needs to be interactively encrypted can change the password of this user. 1391 0x056F indicates that the access control list does not have inherited component 1392 0x0570 file or directory is destroyed, and the information cannot be read. 1393 0x0571 Disk structure has been destroyed. 1394 0x0572 The user's job phase machine code without the designated login work phase. 1395 0x0573 The service is accessing only a specific number of online. At present, the number of online users has reached the upper limit, so the service online cannot be established. 1400 0x0578 Window code is invalid. 1401 0x0579 Menu Identification Code is invalid. 1402 0x057A cursor handle is invalid. 1403 0x057B Accelerator key form handle is invalid. 1403 0x057B Accelerator key form handle is invalid. 1404 0x057c INVALID HOOK HANDLE. 1405 0x057D Invalid Multiple Window Location Structure Control. 1406 0x057E Unable to establish the uppermost sub-window. 1407 0x057f can't find Window Class. 1408 0x0580 Invalid window, belongs to other execution. 1409 0x0581 Quick key has been registered. 1410 0x0582 Class already exists. 1411 0x0583 Class does not exist. 1412 0x0584 Class still has an open window. 1413 0x0585 Invalid index. 1414 0x0586 Icon handle is invalid. 1415 0x0587 Use a dedicated Dialog window text. 1416 0x0588 Clean square block identification code can't be found. 1417 0x0589 can't find any wild features. 1418 0x058A Performing (Thread) does not turn on the scrapbook. 1419 0x058B Quick key is not registered. 1420 0x058c is not a valid dialog window. 1421 0x05 Control ID can't be found. 1422 0x058E The message of the clearance is invalid because there is no editing handle. 1423 0x058F window is not a clerk. 1424 0x0590 Height must be less than 256. 1425 0x0591 Device Range (DC) handle is invalid. 1425 0x0591 Device Range (DC) handle is invalid. 1426 0x0592 The lock program type is invalid. 1427 0x0593 Lock procedure is invalid. 1428 0x0594 No module handle cannot set the lock of the non-zone.

1429 0x0595 this hook procedure can only be set globally. 1430 0x0596 the journal hook procedure is already installed. 1431 0x0597 the hook procedure is not installed. 1432 0x0598 Invalid single-selection list box message. 1433 0x0599 LB_SETCOUNT is transferred to Non-Lazy. 1434 0x059A This clearer block does not support jumping. 1435 0x059B cannot be destroyed by other execution oscillators. 1436 0x059c sub-window does not have a menu. The 1437 0x059D window has no system menu. 1438 0x059e invalid message box style. 1439 0x059F Invalid System-Wide (SPI_ *) parameter. 1440 0x05A0 screen has been locked. 1441 0x05a1 All Handles To Windows In a Multiple-WINDOW POSITION STRUCTURE MUST HAVE The Same Parent. 1442 0x05A2 window is not a child window. 1443 0x05A3 GW_ * The instruction is invalid. 1444 0x05A4 Performing a kettening code is invalid. 1445 0x05A5 Unable to process messages of multiple file interface windows. 1445 0x05A5 Unable to process messages of multiple file interface windows. 1446 0x05A6 The menu is already in action. The 1447 0x05A7 window has no scroll bar. 1448 0x05A8 The rolling strip range cannot be greater than 0x7FFF. 1449 0x05A9 cannot be displayed or removed in the specified manner. 1450 0x05AA system resources are insufficient, and the required services cannot be completed. 1451 0X05AB system resources are insufficient, and the required services cannot be completed. 1452 0x05AC system resources are insufficient, and the required services cannot be completed. 1453 0x05AD quota is insufficient, and the required service cannot be completed. 1454 0x05ae quota is insufficient, and the required service cannot be completed. 1455 0x05af This Paging file is too small and cannot be completed. 1456 0x05b0 can't find a menu item. The 1500 0x05dc event record file is broken. 1501 0x05DD Unable to turn on the event log file, so the event log service is not activated. 1502 0x05de event record file is full. 1503 0x05DF event record file has been changed. 1700 0x06A4 Stroke Connection error. 1701 0x06A5 Connect the type error of the binding handle. 1702 0x06A6 Connection (Binding Handle) is invalid. 1703 0x06A7 does not support the order of RPC communication protocols. 1704 0x06A8 RPC Communication protocol order is invalid. 1705 0x06A9 String Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is invalid. 1705 0x06A9 String Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is invalid. 1706 0x06AA endpoint format error. 1707 0x06Ab network address is invalid. 1708 0x06ac can't find endpoints. 1709 0x06AD Over the timeout value. 1710 0x06ae Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) found. 1711 0x06AF object's Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) has been registered. 1712 0x06B0 Types of Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) has been registered. 1713 0x06b1 RPC server is already listening. 1714 0x06b2 There is no registration of the communication protocol order. 1715 0x06b3 RPC server has no listening command. 1716 0x06b4 Administrator type is unknown.


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