Experts guide you to master Visio 2002 - now graphize your thoughts!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

Experts guide you to master Visio 2002 - now graphize your thoughts! You are neither an artist also designer, but still need to communicate with others confidently in an intuitive way? The latest version of Microsoft® Visio® 2002 is enough to make you this dream! Visio is a powerful drawing software solution for Microsoft companies, dedicated to intuitively expressing and communicating your plans, information, and system. Visio is a separate product, as part of Microsoft Office XP, Visio can help you create a variety of charts you want, from the flowchart to your organization, from your computer network to your office layout, and so on. "Microsoft Visio 2002" published by Microsoft Press From Getting Started "can help you master how to use standard Visio and enhanced professional Visio mapping. Please refer to the directory and chapter 1 "Visio Getting Started", understand the use of Visio, and directly use the tips and tricks provided in the book to begin clearly express your plan. Grand your thoughts now! Starting from the New Drawing task pane - more options to easily choose the Choose Drawing Type pane to understand the best way to understand the features provided by Visio, but when you have created some charts, you may be more willing Figure 1-5 The New Drawing task pane shown in Figure 1-5. Similar to the most recently opened files that appear in the FILE menu, the task pane can display the most recently opened chart, recently used template, and the option to create new charts based on templates. Figure 1-5: New Drawing Task pane provides a new chart and a shortcuts that open an existing chart CONNECTOR tool = 'More smart connector' connection method is the same as the drawing tool: select it, then between graphics Drag the connector. However, the connection you draw is smarter than the simple connection between the past. Depending on the way tools are placed, you can connect to a specific connection point or connect to the entire graph to create a dynamic connector - the same graphics on the template. Different using the connector mapping method will affect the way in the future, the specific impact is as follows:

If connected to a point, Visio ensures that the connector is connected to a specific point when rearrangement graphics. This type of connection is called "point-to-point" or "static" connection, which is suitable for circuit diagrams, logical graphics, or any charts with specific points.

If you connect to the entire graph,

When you rearrange the graph, Visio moves the connector to another point. This type of connection is called a "graphic to graphics" or "dynamic" connection, suitable for workflow, gantoti or other conceptual diagram.

Create and save a hyperlink You do not have to save your chart as a web page for creating a hyperlink, the hyperlink allows you to jump from a graphic or file to another. You can link graphics on one page of a chart to another page that provides other views or more information. You can also link a graphic to another Visio, Microsoft Office, or other documents, or even the web address. The graphic can contain multiple hyperlinks. If you add a hyperlink in the graph, then save the chart as a web page, when you pair points to the pointer to the graphic, these links will be displayed, and Visio saves these links. In the chart, the hyperlink you define appears as an option in the shortcut menu of the graph, as shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1: When defining one or more hyperlinks, Visio adds these links to the graphic shortcut menu. Visio charts and Office documents - Smart Links When you link the Visio chart to the document in the Microsoft Office application When the document file stores the original chart as a reference. If the chart is modified - either in Visio or in the document - then the two places will change. If you have linked this chart to multiple documents, each document will be updated. Because each of these documents is connected to a separate Visio chart, the document is still smaller, which indicates that you can work faster in the document, and the occupied hard disk space is very small. However, whenever you want to use the Microsoft Office document containing links, the original chart must be available. Let Organization Chart tools to tap all Organization Chart templates that provide tools that do not have in any other Visio solution. When you start using the Organization Chart template mapping, Visio adds the Organization CHART toolbar, as shown in Figure 10-2. The tips of this toolbar allow you to make a manual rearrangement graphic - Visio will work for you. To adjust the layout and location of a department, select the top graphics of this department, such as a manager, then click the button on the toolbar. Use the new auto-arrange shapes button to adjust the spacing and layout of the entire chart. If you close the Organization Chart menu bar, you can reopen it by selecting View│Tollbars│Organization Chart. Figure 10-2: Quickly rearrange the department or the entire chart with the buttons on the Organization Chart toolbar. Adjusting the slide Visio font size Increase the simple way of text font size in the chart is to select text or graphics you want to adjust, and then enter a larger font number in the Font Size list of the Format Text Toolbar. You can also select the text command on the Format menu, then enter a new value in the Font size box on the Text tab. If the text is too large to put into graphics (for example, if you want to set the text in the process table graphic to 24 pounds, you will usually have any of the following or all of the following:

Use the Text Block tool to move the text, no need to adjust the size of the graph. Drag the graphic semicral seizable point, adjust its size, make the text all in. Similar to the network topology means that the network begins with a physical topology. Visio Standard Edition and Visio Professional Edition includes a graphic for linear (straight) bus, star chart, star wiring map (token ring), a double ring map (FDDI), and a linear bus Ethernet topology. Topology Adjusts all graphs in a similar manner. First, you put the graph on the drawing page. Then add nodes to the places that need to be displayed, dragging the nodes to the appropriate location around the topology graphics. Then connect the graphics, dragging out a yellow size control point and stick it on another graphic blue connection point, as shown in Figure 14.4. After the paste is completed, the dimensional control is turned red. Depending on the Visio version you own, the topology graphics location is on the Basic Network Shapes, Basic Network Shapes 3D or Logical Symbols template.

Figure 14-4: To connect the node to the network, dragging a yellow size control from the topology graph to the connection point of the node. When you point to the size control point, the cursor becomes a four-way arrow to drag. CAD Universal Coordinates and Visio Drawings In the CAD program, the drawing is performed in a real unit in a universal coordinate system. In Visio, you can draw a drawing with any of the specified drawings. In addition, you need to specify a drawing ratio in Visio before starting a drawing. Drawing ratio is the ratio of page space and real measurement unit. For example, architectural plan, printing a 40-foot wide figure is unrealistic (step by step). But if you specify the drawing ruler of 1/4 inches = 1 feet, you can represent 40 feet wide buildings on the standard envelope size paper. Setting Password Protecting the Visio Document To make sure that the styles, graphics, backgrounds, and other settings specified on the drawing, template, or template file will not be changed, you can set your password to protect the Visio document. Use the protect operation command to set your password to prevent others from changing the following elements:

style. Users can apply styles, but cannot create or edit styles. Graphic. Users cannot choose graphics. You must also choose from Selection (Format | Protection) from the Protection dialog. Preview. Visio does not update the file preview image. This option is primarily applied to the template and displays a preview in the Choose A Drawing window. background. Users cannot delete or edit background pages. The main graphics. Users can drag the main graph from the template, but cannot create, edit, or delete the main graphics. Create a custom graphic that makes it a new style to define a new style to format a graphic with the required properties, and then define a style on the basis of the graph. This will see the results you make.

To create a new style according to graphics, do the following:

Select a graphic, then use the key on the formatting toolbar, or the text | line | fill command on the Format menu to specify the desired properties. If you are satisfied, select Format | Define Styles. Select in the Style section of the Name list. Visio will fill in new style according to your choice. For example, if you format the selected graphics with 12 pounds of Verdana text, then the new style has been set to 12 pounds of Verdana text. Click the name list, type the style name, and then click the Add button to add the style to the chart. The dialog is still open, so you can create a new style. Import information to add spaces on the construction plan, if you already have a building plan, but you have not specified spaces to track resources, you can import this information. If you have a spreadsheet, a database, or other external data source that includes a column or record consisting of a room number or other unique identifier, you can import this information with Import Data Wizard. Visio adds information on the Explorer window to the architectural plan, as shown in Figure 26.8, and then you can select the space to display on the building plan. Figure 26-8: The space on the construction plan map can be defined by importing the room number or other information that is able to track each space that needs to be tracked. Drag a space from the Explorer window to the drawing page, you can place the space on the building plan.


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