In order to make your own Application won't start multiple instance, I have made the following try:
Private static stringbuffer tmpfile = new stringbuffer ();
Private static boolean checkinstance () {
Boolean RST = FALSE;
TMPFILE.APpend (System.GetProperty ("");
File fp = new file (tmpfile.toString ());
IF (fp.exiss ()) {
Try {
FileOutputStream Fos = New fileoutputStream (fp.getpath ());
IF (fos.getchannel (). trylock () == null) {
RST = false;
RST = true;
} catch (ioexception e) {
RST = false;
Else {
Try {
fp.createNewFile ();
FileOutputStream Fos = New fileoutputStream (fp.getpath ());
IF (fos.getchannel (). trylock () == null) {
RST = false;
RST = true;
} catch (ioexception e) {
RST = false;
Return RST;
It turned out that JNi was used to implement, but always used JNI to do this real material, this barely, tested it on the Windows platform, and deleted a Temporary file from Lock with SYSTEM privilege.
The next is a new Java, and I haven't gotten out, I also hope that you are correct.