How to manually remove Merge Replication information in the database

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

1. The best way is to run sp_removedbreplication.2. After you run sp_removedbreplication, you may run the followingscript in your restored database. This script will generate the dropcommands for replication related system tables, views, stored proceduresand triggers. You may check the generated Output First To make Sure ITDOES NOT DROP YOUR OWN User Object, and the run the output to dropthese information.

Set NoCount OnseTelect 'Drop Table' Name from SysobjectSwhere Name Like '% Conflict%' and Type = 'U'

SELECT 'DROP TABLE' NAME from sysobjectswhere name limited 'msmerge%' and type = 'u'

SELECT 'DROP TRIGGER' NAME from sysobjectswhere type = 'tr' and status <0 and category = 2

SELECT 'DROP Proc' Name from sysobjectswhere name limited 'sp_%' and type = 'p' and category = 2

SELECT 'DROP Proc' Name from sysobjectswhere name limited 'SEL_%' and type = 'p' and category = 2

Select 'drop view' name from sysobjectswhere name like 'tsvw%' and type = 'v' and category = 2Select 'drop view' name from sysobjectswhere name like 'ctsv%' and type = 'v' and category = 2

3. (optional step) you may use the steps in the following article tomake sure your user objects are no longer marked as being used inreplication (by change the replinfo column of the sysobjects to 0. Thissteps is only needed if the replinfo column is not 0):

4. (Optional Step) Check The Steps in The Following Article To Make Sureno Column Are Being Marked As Replicated:


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