About SVCHOST.EXE instructions and possible questions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

SVCHOST.EXE description in Windows 2000

SVCHOST.EXE is a universal host process name of the service running from the Dynamic Link Library (DLL). The SVCHOST.EXE file is located in the% SystemRoot% / System32 folder. When startup, svchost.exe will check the service section of the registry to build a list of services that require the load. Multiple SVCHOST.EXE instances can be run at the same time. Each SVCHOST.EXE session can contain a set of services to run different services according to the startup method and location of SVCHOST.exe. This makes it better to control and debug.

SVCHOST.EXE group identifies: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CURRENTVERSION / SVCHOST This registry is representative represents a separate SVCHOST group and as a separate instance when you view the activity process. display. Each value is a REG_MULTI_SZ value and is included in the SVCHOST group. Each SVCHOST group can contain one or more service names extracted from the following registry key (the registry key containing the parameters item containing a serviceDLL value): hkey_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / service / service

View the list of services running in SVCHOST: 1. Extract the TList.exe utility from the Support.cab file in the Support / Tools folder of the Windows 2000 installation CD. 2. On the Start menu, click Run, and type CMD. 3. Change the folder to your location from which you extract the TList.exe utility. 4. Type TLIST -S.

TList.exe Displays a list of active processes. The -s switch displays a list of active services in each process. For more information on this process, type the TLIST PID.

The following TLIST input example shows that there are two svchost.exe instances are running: 0 System Process 8 System 132 SMSS.exe 160 CSRSS.exe Title: 180 Winlogon.exe Title: NetDDE Agent 208 Services.exe SVCS: Appmgmgmt, Browser, DHCP, dmserver, Dnscache, Eventlog, lanmanserver, LanmanWorkstation, LmHosts, Messenger, PlugPlay, ProtectedStorage, seclogon, TrkWks, W32Time, Wmi220 lsass.exe Svcs: Netlogon, PolicyAgent, SamSs 404 svchost.exe Svcs: RpcSs 452 spoolsv.exe Svcs: Spooler 544 cisvc.exe Svcs: cisvc 556 svchost.exe Svcs: EventSystem, Netman, NtmsSvc, RasMan, SENS, TapiSrv 580 regsvc.exe Svcs: RemoteRegistry 596 mstask.exe Svcs: Schedule 660 snmp.exe Svcs: SNMP 728 winmgmt.exe Svcs: WinMgmt 852 cidaemon.exe Title: OleMainThreadWndName 812 explorer.exe Title: Program Manager 1032 OSA.EXE Title: Reminder 1300 cmd.exe Title: D: /WINNT5/System32/cmd.exe - tlist -s 1080 MAPISP32.EXE Title: WMS IDE 1264 Rundll32.exe Title: 1000 mmc.exe Title: Device Manager 1144 TList.exe The two combinations of this example are set as follows: hkey_local_machine / software / microsoft / windows NT / CurrentVersion / Svchost: Netsv cs: Reg_Multi_SZ: EventSystem Ias Iprip Irmon Netman Nwsapagent Rasauto Rasman Remoteaccess SENS Sharedaccess Tapisrv Ntmssvcrpcss: Reg_Multi_SZ: RpcSs applies to: • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition --------- ------------------------------------------------

SVCHOST.EXE description in Windows XP

SVCHOST.EXE is a universal host process name of the service running from the Dynamic Link Library (DLL).

The SVCHOST.EXE file is located in the% SystemRoot% / System32 folder. When startup, svchost.exe will check the service section of the registry to build a list of services that require the load. Multiple instances of svchost.exe can run simultaneously. Each SVCHOST.EXE session can contain a set of services so that different services can be run according to the different services of the start-up mode and location of the SVCHOST.exe. This makes it better to control and make it easier for debugging.

SVCHOST.EXE groups are identified by the following registration item: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CURRENTVERSION / SVCHOST Each value under this registry represents a separate SVCHOST group and is displayed as a separate instance when you view the active process. . Each value is a REG_MULTI_SZ value and is included in the SVCHOST group. Each SVCHOST group can contain one or more service names extracted from the following registry key, the parameter item of the registry key contains a serviceDLL value: hkey_local_machine / system / credentcontrolset / service / service To view the service running in SVCHOST List, do the following: 1. Click the start on the Windows taskbar, then click Run. 2. In the Open box, type CMD and press Enter. 3. Type Tasklist / SVC and press Enter. The tasklist command displays a list of active processes. The / SVC command switch displays a list of active services in each process. For more information about the process, type the following command, press ENTER: Tasklist / Fi "PID EQ Process ID" (with quotation marks) The tasklist command output sample shows two instances of the running svchost.exe.

Image name pid sold services ============================================== ======================================================================================================================= 180 N / AServices.exe 208 AppMgmt, Browser, Dhcp, dmserver, Dnscache, Eventlog, LanmanServer, LanmanWorkstation, LmHosts, Messenger, PlugPlay, ProtectedStorage, Seclogon, TrkWks, W32Time, WmiLsass.exe 220 Netlogon, PolicyAgent, SamSsSvchost.exe 404 RpcSsSpoolsv .exe 452 SpoolerCisvc.exe 544 CisvcSvchost.exe 556 EventSystem, Netman, NtmsSvc, RasMan, SENS, TapiSrvRegsvc.exe 580 RemoteRegistryMstask.exe 596 ScheduleSnmp.exe 660 SNMPWinmgmt.exe 728 WinMgmtExplorer.exe 812 N / ACmd.exe 1300 N / ATasklist The registry of the two combinations of this example is set as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVersion / S vchost: Netsvcs: Reg_Multi_SZ: EventSystem Ias Iprip Irmon Netman Nwsapagent Rasauto Rasman Remoteaccess SENS Sharedaccess Tapisrv NtmssvcRApcss: Reg_Multi_SZ: RpcSs applies to: • Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition

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*********************************************************** ******** Visit conflict symptoms in Spoolsv.exe in WINDOWS 2000 may have access conflicts in Spoolsv.exe on a Windows 2000-based print server using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Cause A large value is calculated in the SNMP binding list. Install Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 or above.

*********************************************************** ******** Spoolsv.exe or "Print Subsystem Not available" message

Problem Description When starting a Windows Server 2003 print server, the following error message may be received: Spoolsv.exe generates an error. Moreover, if you try to view the printer properties, you may receive an error message that displays the "Using Subsystem Not available". Problem Cause Background printing service may have stopped. This issue may also happen if the server runs Windows Server 2003 for a print boot for Windows 98 or Windows NT. Problem solution

1. Turn on the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). 2. Locate the following key and delete it: hkey_local_machine / system / controlset001 / control / print / printers / 3. Exit the Registry Editor.

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Print the background handler on the Windows 2000 Terminal Server causes the Winlogon.exe and Spoolsv.exe process CPU usage. High Symptoms When you monitor users who support users from the Terminal Services session (the terminal server is enabled) When the CPU usage of the server), it is noted that the CPU load of the server's Winlogon.exe and Spoolsv.exe processes are high. Cause This problem occurs when the print background handler on the terminal server stops responding. Print the background handler failure can be confirmed in the application event log or DRWTSN32.log on the terminal server. The log indicates that the spoolsv.exe process is extremely terminated. Note that Drwtsn32.log file path is driven: / documents and settings / all users / documents / drous. Installing the Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 Alternative Method If you determine the reason why the background handler is unstable and eliminate it, you can avoid this problem. To do this, perform the cancellation process: Delete a third-party printer driver, delete the port monitor, or check the contents of the user.dmp file created when the background processor fails. Note The default user.dmp file path is drive: / Documents and settings / all users / documents / drwatson.

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A "spoolsv.exe has generated an error" error message symptom appears on a computer connected to the Lexmark printer, when you start running Windows 2000 and connect to a computer, you may receive the following error message: Spoolsv.exe Has generated an Error "Print Background Processor" service may have stopped. Also, if you try to view the properties of the printer, you may receive an error message indicating that the print subsystem is not available. Cause This issue occurs if the Lexmark printer driver used by your Windows 2000-based computer is designed for Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows NT. Solution WARNING: "Registry Editor" can cause serious problems, these issues may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee the problem that the "Registry Editor" uses improper use. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. To resolve this issue, remove the LEXMARK printer's registry key, then make sure that only the LEXMARK printer driver designed for Windows 2000: 1. Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe). 2. Find and remove the item below in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CONTROLSET001 / Control / Print / Printers / Lexmark Printer 3. Exit "Registry Editor" and restart your computer. 4. Make sure that only the LEXMARK printer driver designed for Windows 2000 is designed.

This issue may also apply to the printer driver provided by other printer manufacturers.

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BitWare causes the spoolsv.exe program error symptoms in the Windows system to start the computer and attempt to use the printer or start with the printer to interact with the printer, you may receive the following error message: spoolsv.exe HAS generated errors and will be closed by windows.You Will Need To Restart The Program.an error log is being created. The background print program service then stops running, but can restart. The following error message is generated while the background print program stops running: Printer Operation Cannot Continue Due to lack of resources. This phenomenon if you install bitWare for Windows. Bitware current version is 3.30 and 7.0, which cannot be fully compatible with the Windows version listed in this article "Suitable to". To see if BitWare is running, look for instances of BWAgent.exe or BWPRNMON.exe in Task Manager. Solution WARNING: "Registry Editor" can lead to serious problems and may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee that you can solve problems caused by improper use of the Registry Editor. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Uninstalling BitWare software is the best approach, but not all versions have uninstall.

If uninstall feature is not provided, you can manually remove all references BitWare registry keys and drivers: 1. Start the Registry Editor (regedt32.exe). 2. Locate the item references to BitWare in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / Environments / Windows NT x86 / Drivers / Version-2HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / Monitors

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / CONTROL / Print / Printers 3. On the Edit menu, click to remove each bitware sub-tree. 4. Exit the Registry Editor. 5. Remove all BitWare drivers from the% SystemRoot% / System32 / Spool / Drivers / W32x86 folder. 6. Restart Windows.

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Error message: Spoolsv.exe Has generated error Errors and will be closed by Windows Symptom If you open the Printer window or try to print from any program, one of the following error messages may be received: spoolsv.exe Has generated errors and will be closed This issue occurs if the printer driver installed on your computer is corrupted. Solution WARNING: "Registry Editor" can cause serious problems, these issues may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee the problem that the "Registry Editor" uses improper use. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

To resolve this issue, remove the printer and printer driver, then delete items under certain registry clauses. Follow these steps: 1. If possible, remove all printers listed in the Printer window.

To remove the printer, right-click the printer in the Printer window, click Remove, and then click Confirm Delete. 2. On the File menu in the Printer window, click Server Properties. 3. On the Driver tab, remove all installed printer drivers.

To remove the printer driver, click the driver, click Remove, and then click Confirm. 4. Start the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). 5. Export the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / PrintHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / ControlSet001 / Control / Print 6. Delete the following registry entries listed all items (do not remove the registry entry itself): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / Environments / Windows NT x86 / Drivers / Version-2HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / Environments / Windows NT x86 / Drivers / Version-3HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / ControlSet001 / Control / Print / Environments / Windows NT x86 / Drivers / Version-2HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / ControlSet001 / Control / Print / Environments / Windows NT x86 / Drivers / Version-3 7. delete the following registry entries listed all non-default entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / MonitorshKey_local_machine / system / controlset001 / Control / Print / Monitors Default Monitor list includes: • AppleTalk printing device (when "Macintosh Service" is installed) • BJ Language Monitor • Local Port • PJL Language Monitor • Standard TCP / IP port • USB monitor • Windows NT fax monitor (when "Fax Modem" is installed)

What items are not available for default settings, please click on the article number below, view the corresponding article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 260142 How to Troubleshoot Windows Printing Problems 8. The default monitor list includes: Delete all items listed under the following registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / CONTROL / Print / PrintershKey_Local_MACHINE / System / Controlset001 / Control / Print / Printers 9. The default monitor list includes: Exit the Registry Editor. 10. The default monitor list includes: restart your computer, then reinstall the necessary printers.

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Access conflict symptoms in Spoolsv.exe You may receive Dr. Watson random error message in Spoolsv.exe (access conflicts). Solution to install Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4

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Windows Background Printing Program performance enhancement background print program enhancement: • Now, localmon.dll file (port monitor) and WinPrint.dll file (print processor) have been merged into the localspl.dll file (local print provider). This reduces the number of.dll files that need to be loaded in the background print program at startup. • The spoolsv.exe file (router) is separated from the spoolss.dll file when the background print program is started. Therefore, the background print program loads the spoolss.dll file only when it is initialized for the first time. This may be carried out after 90 minutes or may be performed when the client request (for example, openprinter or enumprinters) will appear. The startup time has been significantly shortened by maximizing the loading operation of all the .dll files required to start when the spoolss.dll file is started. • A modification made to the userinit.exe file defers the initialization of the background print program to the Windows user interface initialization. • The new background print program performs only 4 disk input / output (I / O) operations at startup, read 55 kb (k), then read 15K when initialization: one is in the Advapi32.dll file, the rest It is in the PageFile.sys file (it reads 88K from it). Other.dll files will only be read later. This is a significant improvement compared to the 115 disk I / O operations of the old background print procedure (a total of 994K). Note: This is only considered for I / O operations directly for the spoolsv.dll process without considering the I / O savings from interoperability with other processes, and there is no consideration of certain central processors (CPUs).

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How to Turchase Windows 2000 Print Problem Adding Internet Connection Capture When you cannot print the Internet Printer Add Internet Connection Sharing to the network, you cannot print. This problem occurs is that the connection sharing use address range of 198.168.0.x Class C subnet. To resolve this issue, reset the printer's IP address so that it matches the subnet that is using the computer that is sharing. Unable to send a print job to the Windows 98 client unable to send a print job to a Windows 98-based client using the printer shared password from Window 2000. To resolve this issue, use the following command: NET USE LPT1 // Computer / Printer Password / Persistent: YES replaces the computer to the name of the Windows 98-based computer shared printer, replaces the printer to the name of the printer, replace the password For the shared password. When the error message is typically caused by the local port monitor problem, the following error message is received when the Background printing program service is restarted: Spoolsv.exe Failed to Start Receives the following error message: Out of Resources Error Attempts to print a document, receive the Access Conflict (Dr. Watson) error message. Dr. Watson log points to spoolsv.exe, error code is C0000005.

Receive the following error message, the background print program stop: The instruction at 'address' referened memory at' address'.The Memory Could Not Be Read. Attempts to restart the background print program service or open the "Printer" folder will trigger the same error information. These issues may occur if third-party programs change the default local port monitor. To repair these issues, you need to edit the registry.

WARNING: If you use improper use of the registry editor, you may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee that you can solve problems caused by improper use of registry editors. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. 1. Start the Registry Editor. 2. Find the local port value in the following registry keys: hkey_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Monitors / Local Port 3. Double-click the Driver child and edit the value. Change the string value to localspl.dll, and then click OK. 4. Check the following registry key to find a third-party monitor. Remove any non-default monitors: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Print / Monitors The default port monitors includes: AppleTalk Printing Devices (if Services for Macintosh is installed) BJ Language MonitorLocal PortPJL Language MonitorStandard TCP / IP PortUSB MonitorWindows NT Fax Monitor

** LPR Port Note: Please do not delete LPR Port Monitor unless Microsoft technical support staff suggests you. 5. Check the following registry key to find a third-party print provider. Delete all non-default print providers: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / CONTROL / Print / Provider default print provider includes: Internet Print ProviderlanMan Print Services 6. Check the following registry key to identify third-party printing processors. Delete all non-default print providers: hkey_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / EnvironmentS / Windows NT x86 / Print Processors default print processor is: WinPrint To identify which printer is using the print processor, please use Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tools (MPS_REPORTS) Turn on the computer name _printdrivers.txt, then search for third-party print processors and queues that use the print processor. 7. Change the third-party print processor to WinPrint. 8. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 9. Double-click the printer and fax, right-click the printer, and then click Properties. 10. On the Advanced tab, click the Print Processor. 11. In the Print Processor box, click WinPrint. 12. Click OK twice. 13. Exit Registry Editor. After editing the registry, restart the background print program. To do this, start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), add a Computer Management or Service management unit. Right-click Print Spooler Service (Print Background Program Services) and click Start. Unable to add Windows 2000 Printer Drivers to Windows NT 4.0 To add Windows NT 4.0 hosted network printers to Windows 2000-based computers, follow these steps: 1. On Windows 2000-based computers, install the printer locally to LPT1 port. 2. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click the printer. 3. Right-click the printer and click Properties. 4. On the Port tab, click LPT1. 5. Click Add Port. 6. Double-click on the local port. 7. Type // Server Name / Printer Sharing, where the server name is the name of the server, and the printer sharing is the name of the printer shared. 8. Click OK. When you print the document, you will receive the following error message: There Was an error found when printing the document "name of document" to lpt1: .the device is not ready. If the printer is a network printer, you can try to use / / The server name opens the IPC connection to ensure that the server is connected and the server can respond to the shared request.

If the printer is a local printer, check if the line connection of the printer connected to the local connection and the power supply are normal.

If these methods are no problem, you may have to reinstall the printer driver. In order to completely delete the printer, you may have to edit the registry.

WARNING: If you use improper use of the registry editor, you may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee that you can solve problems caused by improper use of registry editors. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. 1. Start the Registry Editor. 2. Find the printers value in the following registry key: key_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Printers 3. Delete the printer installed under this. For example, for Generic Text / Only printers, delete the following registry key: key_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Printers / Generic / Text Only 4. Follow this article "Error message from the local port monitor problem" Description of the section. 5. Exit the Registry Editor. Then, reinstall the driver of the printer. Unable to print from MS-DOS-based 16-bit programs, type the following command line at the command prompt: NET USE LPT1: // Server Name / Printer Sharing / Persistent: YES In 16-bit programs, print Go to LPT1. If the MS-DOS-based 16-bit program must use other ports, other LPT ports can be assigned to the program. *********************************************************** *********

How to solve network printing problems in Windows XP WARNING: "Registry Editor" can cause serious problems, these issues may need to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft does not guarantee the problem that the "Registry Editor" uses improper use. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Conventional Troubleshooting Steps 1. Check if the basic network connection works.

Check user privileges, protocols, shared names, etc. to ensure that you can connect to the server. Use Windows Explorer to copy files to shared locations on the print server. If you cannot access the server, you may not be able to access the printer. 2. Create a local printer and redirect the port to the web server. Please follow these steps:

a. Create a local printer and add a new port under the port. b. Click on the local port, click New Port, and follow the // ServerName / Printername syntax to type the printer's server and printer name. c. Use the new port for the local printer. When prompted to enter a password, Windows XP may not be available to enter a password field. Please reset your password as empty on the target computer. For example: Clear your password on a Windows 98 computer installed an Xerox printer; set it empty. (Not actual word "blank")

This test can identify if there is a problem with the file from the server to your computer. Repeat this if you use the connection to the installer or if you click on the Network Printer in AddPer Power Wizard. 3. If the printer is not a PostScript printer, check if you can print from MS-DOS-based programs. (Unless you select the PostScript driver in MS-DOS-based programs, printing from the program does not work on the PostScript printer.)

Check if the NET USE command is running to map the LPT port to the network share. If it is already running, remove the mapping and restricted the port. Try to print again.

If printing, it may be a problem with the connection of the backup. You may need to run the login script command to resume port each time you log in.

If the print does not work, type DIR> LPTX at the command prompt, where x is the number that is being mapped, then press Enter.

If the print is still unable to work, you carefully check the network connection. Solving specific issues Adding ICS After you cannot print to a network printer after adding Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), you may not be able to print. The occurrence of this problem is because ICS uses a Class C son net, and the address of the subnet is 198.168.0.x. To resolve this issue, reset the printer's IP address to match the subnets that are using the computer that is using ICS. Unable to send a print job to a client-based client-based client for Microsoft Windows 98 clients using the printer sharing password, you may not be able to send the print job from Windows XP to the Windows 98 client. To resolve this issue, run the following command: Net Use LPT1 // Computer / Printer Password / Persistent: YES Replace Computer with Shared Prunters, replacing the computer, replacing the print with the name of the printer, sharing the password shared with the printer Replace Password. Usually due to an error message caused by a local port monitor When you restart your computer or restart your print background Processing service, you may receive the following error message: spoolsv.exe failed to Start When you open the printer's properties, You may receive the following error message: Out of Resources Error When you try to print a document, you may receive an "Access Violaion" error message. Dr. Watson logs point to Spoolsv.exe with error code C0000005.

You may receive the following error message, print the background handler stop: The instruction at 'address' referenced memory at' address'.The Memory Could Not Be Read. Trying to restart the print background handler service or open the Printers folder will result in Generate the same message.

These issues may occur if third-party programs change the default local port monitor. To solve these problems, correct the Local Port value in the registry. Follow these steps: 1. Start the Registry Editor (RegedT32.exe). 2. Locate the local port value under the registry: hkey_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Monitors / Local Port 3. Double-click the Driver item and edit this value. Change string values ​​to localspl.dll, and then click OK. 4. Check if there is a third-party port monitor in the following registry key, then delete all port monitors other than the default port monitor: hkey_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Monitors default port monitor includes: AppleTalk printing device ( When "Macintosh Service" is installed, the BJ Language Monitor Local Port PJL Language Monitor Standard TCP / IP Port USB Monitor Windows NT Fax Monitor 5. Check if there is a third-party print provider in the following registry key, then delete All print providers outside the default print provider: hkey_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Providers Default print provider includes: Internet print provider Lanman print provider 6. Exit the Registry Editor. After editing the registry, restart the print background handler: 1. Click Start, click Run, type the MMC, and then click OK. 2. On the File menu, click Add / Remove the Management Unit. 3. Click Add, click Computer Management, click Add, and then click Finish. 4. Click Close, and then click OK. 5. Expand your computer management, expand your service, and apply, and then click Services. 6. Right-click Print Spooler and click Start. Unable to add a Windows XP Printer Driver to Windows NT 4.0 To add a network printer managed by Windows NT 4.0-based computer to Windows XP-based computers, install the printer on the LPT1 based on Windows XP. Follow these steps: 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click the printer and fax. 2. Right-click the printer and click Properties. 3. On the Port tab, click LPT1. 4. Click Add Port. 5. Double-click on the local port. 6. Type // ServerName / Printershare, where ServerName is the name of the server, and Printershare is the name of the printer shared. 7. Click OK.

An error message indicating "Device Not Ready" When printing a document, you may receive the following error message: There Was An Error Found When Printing The Document "Name of Document" to lpt1: .the device is not ready. If The printer is a network printer, and attempts are attempting to connect to the process (IPC) connection using // ServerName to ensure that the network is connected and the server can respond to the shared request.

For local printers, check the connection and power of the printer connected to the local connection.

If these methods can solve the problem, it is best to reinstall the printer driver. To completely remove the printer, edit the registry: 1. Start the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). 2. Find the Printers Value in the following registry key: key_local_machine / system / currentControlSet / Control / Print / Printers 3. Delete the printer installed under this. For example, deleting children under Printers generic / text only: key_local_machine / system / currentcontrolset / text only 4. In this article, "Uttrand" section is typically caused by a problem with local port monitors Description of execution operation. 5. Exit the Registry Editor. After performing this, reinstall the driver of the printer. Unable to print from MS-DOS-based 16-bit programs in this case, type the following command at the command prompt, then press ENTER: Net Use lpt1: // servername / printershare / Persistent: YES in 16 programs, print Go to LPT1. If you need to use other ports based on the 16-bit programs of MS-DOS, you can assign other LPT ports for the program. Due to error configure or incompatible point and print reduction management system overhead, print reduction, and automatically perform printing. Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition are introduced to the fixed-point and print function in Windows NT 3.5 and later. When the printer is connected to the print server, the connected client searches for the appropriate driver on the print server. If the driver is installed on the server, the driver is automatically downloaded and configured. However, if there is no driver, you will be prompted to install the driver.

When trying to connect to a Windows-based network client to the print server, you will receive the following error message: The Server On Which THE Device Name Printer Resides Does Not Have The Correct Printer Driver Installed.if You Want To Install The Driver ON YOUR Local Computer, Clickok. In the following cases, you may receive this error message: • Server Message Block (SMB) Connect to the print server. • You use the new Internet Print Protocol (IPP) to the printer, but the Internet print server is not installed. • Computers have third-party drivers that are incompatible with Windows XP. If the error message is received in the following, the corresponding solution is used.

Connected print server with SMB

The SMB print server allows the workstation on the network to send the print job directly to the print server without the need to pass through an intermediate computer or print server. This configuration type does not support fixed-point and print.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps to install the print driver and create a connection to the SMB print share: 1. Click Start, and then click Print and Fax. 2. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 3. Click the local printer connected to this computer and click Next. 4. Click Create a new port. 5. In the Type box, click Local Port, and then click Next. 6. Type the SMB shared name. For example: // PrintServer / ShareName 7. Continue to execute the wizard and install the appropriate driver for this device. Internet print protocol

You can print directly to the Unified Resource Locator (URL) with IPP to directly printed through intranet or Internet. Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Internet Explorer to install the printer from the Internet or Intranet. If the IPP print server is not installed, an error message may occur.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps of the appropriate method:

Method 1 (Administrator only): Install compatible drivers on the server. 1. Click Start, and then click the printer and fax. 2. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 3. Click the local printer connected to this computer and click Next. 4. Click Create a new port. 5. In the Type box, click Local Port, and then click Next. 6. Type a shared name. For example: // PrintServer / ShareName 7. Continue to execute the wizard and install the appropriate driver for this device. Method 2: Install the appropriate driver on the client and redirect the printer to the appropriate IPP URL. 1. Click Start, and then click the printer and fax. 2. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 3. Click the local printer connected to this computer and click Next. 4. Click Create a new port. 5. In the Type box, click Standard Port Monitor, and then click Next. 6. Type the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the IPP Print Server. 7. Continue to perform the "Add Printer Wizard" and install the appropriate driver. Incompatible print driver

Some third-party drivers written for Windows NT 4.0 cannot work normally in Windows XP. If you try to install an incompatible driver, an error message will be displayed during the fixed point and print.

To resolve this issue, follow the steps of the appropriate method:

Method 1 (Administrator only): Using the Update Driver obtained from the manufacturer Web site: 1. Download and install the update driver. 2. If the driver has an uninstall tool, run the tool before proceeding the following steps. 3. Click Start, and then click the printer and fax. 4. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 5. Click the local printer connected to this computer, and then click Next. 6. Click the port used by the previous driver. 7. Click Install from disk, then type the name of the update driver installation folder. 8. Continue to perform the installer and share the driver to the next client. Method 2 (Administrator only): Install Windows XP drivers on the print server: 1. If the original driver has uninstall, run the tool before proceeding the following steps. 2. Click Start, and then click the printer and fax. 3. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 4. Click the local printer connected to this computer and click Next. 5. Click the port used by the previous Original Device Manufacturer (OEM) driver. 6. Click the appropriate model in the Model / Manufacturer list. 7. Complete the installer and share the printer for the network. Method 3: Install the compatible driver on the client and then redirect the output to the server: 1. Click Start, and then click the printer and fax. 2. Double-click Add Printer and click Next. 3. Click the local printer connected to this computer and click Next. 4. Click Create a new port. 5. In the Type box, click Local Port, and then click Next. 6. Type a shared name. For example: // PrintServer / ShareName 7. Continue to execute the wizard and install the appropriate driver for this device. *********************************************************** *********


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