Oracle92 for Linux Installation Guide

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

This article is intended to introduce the installation process of Oracle92 in RedHat Linux9.0, the entire step is based on the actual installation experience of the author. I. Prepare 1, moderate Linux / UNIX operating level knowledge, understand Linux work mode, compression method, file editing, file operation, memory management, network configuration, etc .; moderate Oracle operation knowledge, instance, SID, / Stop, library / table, listener, network, etc. 2. Installing Redhat Linux9.0 (XWindow, China / English Pack) Requirements: XWindow, Compat GCC-C , OpenMotif, Setarch Package 3, Oracle92 for Linux installation package, can be registered from Oracle's OTN Download, all of which are free, download files are: lnx_920_disk1.cpio.gz, Linux920_disk2.cpio.gz, Linux920_disk3.cpio.gz 4, Hard disk space: 2.5G or more. Memory: 512M or more. CPU: Piii600 or more. NIC, graphics card. Second, Linux View and Adjust 1. Check if Linux's remaining space, temporary space, memory size, shared memory size, SWAP area size, installation package, etc. are eligible. ◆ DF -K determines the remainder of the FDisk -L view partition for the pre-specified file system ◆ / TMP (if a file system is specified separately) The remaining size (recommended 400M or more) can also specify another directory as a temporary directory Bash Mkdir / home / temp temp = / home / temp; export temp; export tmpdir ◆ X-windows Oracle92 installation requires graphics interface support ◆ Memory Grep Memtotal / Proc / Meminfo Memtotal: 524288 KB, such as less than this value, Need to extend the physical memory ◆ The SWAP switch / sbin / swapon -s switch area is preferably twice the memory, but if the memory is greater than 400m, according to the author's experience, it is a general size, and the Oracle recommended minimum 512m. Increase exchange space method: DD if = / dev / zero of = tmpswap BS = 1K count = 300000 chmod 600 TMPSWAP MKSWAP TMPSWAP SWAPON TMPSWAP ◆ JDK in Oracle92 JDK has been bringing, do not need us to add ^ _ ^ 2 . Nuclear parameter adjustment ◆ more /etc/sysctl.conf | grep kernel.s kernel.sysrq = 0 kernel.shmmax = 4294967295 kernel.sem = "250 32000 32 128" First check your kernel parameters, SHMMAX represents shared memory, SEM Four numbers represent: parameters Semmsl, SemMns, SemOPM, SemMni values. Oracle recommended shared memory size should be half of physical memory, if you have 512M memory, shared memory is set to 4294967295.

Modifying the above parameters as follows: #echo "kernel.sem = /" 250 32000 32 128 / ">> /etc/sysctl.conf #echo" kernel.shmmax = 4294967295 ">> /etc/sysctl.conf three, oracle Preparation ◆ Establishing the DBA Group GroupAdd DBA with root user UserAdd Oracle -g DBA to establish an Oracle directory to install Oracle Mkdir Oracle (guaranteed that this directory has enough space) Modify Oracle Directory permission to Oracle users All Chown Oracle Oracle Chgrp Oracle DBA ◆ Modify Environment Variables VI $ HOME / .BASH_PROFILE to increase the following: export ld_assume_kernel = 2.4.1 export bash_env = $ home / .bashrc oracle_home = / oracle / product / 9.0.1; export ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID = oracle; export ORACLE_SID ORACLE_TERM = xterm; export ORACLE_TERM TNS_ADMIN = / home / oracle / config / 9.0.1; export TNS_ADMIN NLS_LANG = american_america.ZHS16GBK; export NLS_LANG ORA_NLS33 = $ ORACLE_HOME / ocommon / nls / admin / data; Export ORA_NLS33 LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ ORACLE_HOME / LIB; Export LD_Library_Path Path = $ PATH: / BIN: / USR / BIN: / USR / SBIN: / ETC: / OPT / BIN: / USR / CCS / BIN: / USR / OpenWIN PATH = $ PATH: / OPT / LOCAL / BIN: $ ORACLE_HOME / BIN PATH = $ PATH: / USR / LOCAL / Samba / BIN: / USR / UCB: EXPORT PATH CLASSPATH = $ Oracle_Home / JRE : $ ORACLE_HOME / JLIB: $ ORACLE_HOME / RDBMS / JLIB ClassPath = $ ClassPath: $ ORACLE_HOME / Network / JLIB TMPDIR = / TMP; Export TmpDir Umask 022 Re-landing Oracle User Set | More View Whether the settings of the environment variable is correct in part of the variable The setting is not absolute, you can also select it in the Oracle installation process. Install the Oracle user login, start X-windows, enter the directory where the Oracle installation file is stored, Gunzip Linux920_disk1.cpio.gz cpio -idmv


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