
zhaozj2021-02-16  161

Lock - Modification - Unlock

Copy - Modification - Merge

Comprehensive revised version number

Unlike many other version control systems, the Subversion's revision number is valid for the entire tree, not only on individual files. Each revision number can be selected throughout the tree, it corresponds to a specific time delivery. State archive. Another way of thinking is that the version N indicates the archive system status of the archive after the nth delivery. Subversion users say the revision of `foo.c's revision 5 version '' The meaning is `` An appearance of foo.c '' ''. Please note that the revised N and M version of the basic file is not seen! Since CVS is used by the file from each revision number, CVS Users can take a look at Appendix A. "Introducing SVNs for CVS users" to learn more.

Working replicas is not necessarily in line with a specific revision of the archives. Because you don't synchronize the private workspace and repository when submitting. (See the explanation of the manual.) This is a situation in Mixed Revision.

Working Revision: What revision your working file is based on.

Unchanged, and current

Locally changed, and current

Unchanged, And Out-of-Date

Locally changed, and out-of-date

Mixed revisions

Several key revisions


# Prev, base, and committed can be used to reference to local paths, but not to urls.

Base: The original unclear version of .svn / text-base is stored each time you update. HEAD: The latest version in the archive


A substance is previously revised, and the revised revision of the most revised.


The previous revision of the revised revision of the revised version. (Technically, committed - 1.)

Subversion accepts considerable date format - just remember that the date with spaces will be packaged in quotation marks. {"10 days ago"} Remember that Subversion will find the new file revision from you to the Date.


Although your work replica is just a collection with other collection of directory and files in the system, you have to re-put things in the work, you still have to let Subversion know. If you want to copy or move your job You should use the SVN COPY or SVN Move, instead of the copy and movement of the job system. This chapter will discuss these instructions later.

U foo

The file foo will be updated (UPDATE) (more active from the server).

A foo

Archives or directory FOO will be added (add) to the working directory.

D foo

Archives or directory FOO will be deleted from the work directory (delete).

R foo

Work repository file or directory foo is replaced; Different historical processes.

G foo

The file foo self-archive has achieved new fidelity, but the files of local replicas contain yours. However, these fierce do not overlap some, so Subversion can be more difficult to combine (Merge) files.

C foo

The file foo self-servers receive conflicts (Conflict) is being faster. From the server, it is more overlapping with you, but it is not necessary to panic. Conflicts must be human (that is, you) Solve; we will discuss this situation later in this chapter.


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