About SQL Guide Excel

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  31

Supplement: MSO-NUMBER-FORMAT: General; à mso-number-format: @; this can avoid digital transfer of scientific counting and zero disappearance. Use




The result of the query is output


Format file, this program you only need to make a recordset




Query the statement and a file name, the program can output


The format file, this program consists of three files, the file name of the first file is:


Is the primary file, the content is as follows:


'The front is to link to the database, please write the relevant statement yourself, this is slightly

SQL = session ("TOEXCELSQL") 'This is the query statement to output Excel, such as "Samplect * form cai where gender =' female '"

Filename = "excel.xls" '' The file name of the Excel file to output, you only have to change the above two sentences, do not change anything else.

'You just modify the above two variables. Others I have done it.

Call ToExcel (FileName, SQL)

Set conn = Nothing

Function ReadText (filename) 'This is a function for reading the file.

Set Adf = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Stream")


.Type = 2



.Loadfromfile (server.mappath (filename))

.Charset = "GB2312"

.Position = 2

Readtext = .readText

.Cancel ()

.Close ()

End with

Set ads = Nothing


Sub Savetext (filename, data) 'This is a function for writing files.

Set fs = creteObject ("scripting.filesystemobject")

Set ts = fs.createtextfile (server.mappath (filename), true)

Ts.writeline (DATA)


SET TS = Nothing

SET FS = Nothing

End Sub

Sub toExcel (filename, SQL) 'This is a SQL statement and filename generates an Excel file

SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")

RS.Open SQL, CONN, 1, 3


" & formatdatetime (rs (FieldName (I)), 2) & ""







" & RS (FieldName (i)) & ""







Tou = readtext ("Tou.txt")

Di = readtext ("di.txt")

TOEXCELLR = Tou & ToExcellr & Di

Call SaveText (FileName, TOEXCELLR)

End Sub


is generating an exlu file </ title></p> <p></ hEAD></p> <p><Body></p> <p>Generating an EXLCE file ....</p> <p></ Body></p> <p></ Html></p> <p>************** The second file name is: di.txt content is as follows:</p> <p><Table x: str border = 0 cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = 0 width = 288 style = 'border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; width: 216pt'></p> <p><! [if supportmisalignedcolumns]></p> <p><tr height = 0 style = 'Display: None'></p> <p><TD Width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td></p> <p><TD Width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td></p> <p><TD Width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td></p> <p><TD Width = 72 style = 'width: 54pt'> </ td></p> <p></ TR></p> <p><! [Endif]></p> <p></ TABLE></p> <p>*********** The file name of the third file is: Tou.txt content is as follows:</p> <p><html xmlns: o = "URN: schema-microsoft-com: office: office"</p> <p>XMLns: x = "URN: Schemas-Microsoft-Com: Office: Excel"</p> <p>XMLns = "http://www.w3.org/tr/rec-html40"></p> <p><HEAD></p> <p><meta http-equiv = content-type content = "text / html; charSet = GB2312"></p> <p><meta name = progid content = excel.sheet></p> <p><meta name = generator content = "Microsoft Excel 9"></p> <p><link rel = file-list href = "./ 222.files / filelist.xml></p> <p><link rel = edit-time-data href = "./ 222.files / editdata.mso"></p> <p><link rel = orabject-data href = "./ 222.files / oleData.mso></p> <p><! - [if gte mso 9]> <xml></p> <p><o: DocumentProperties></p> <p><o: Author> xky </ o: author></p> <p><o: Lastauthor> xky </ o: LastAuthor></p> <p><o: created> 2002-05-27T17: 51: 00Z </ o: create></p> <p><o: Lastsaved> 2002-06-22T10: 03: 03Z </ o: lastsaved></p> <p><o: Company> ZYDN </ o: Company></p> <p><o: Version> 9.2812 </ o: Version></p> <p></ o: DocumentProperties> <o: OfficeDocumentSettings></p> <p><o: Downloadcomponents /></p> <p><o: locationOfcomponents href = "file: /// e: / msowc.cab" /></p> <p></ o: OfficedocumentSettings></p> <p></ xml> <! [endif] -></p> <p><style></p> <p><! - TABLE</p> <p>{MSO-Displayed-Decimal-Separetor: "/."</p> <p>MSO-Displayed-Thousand-Separetor: "/,";</p> <p>@PAGE</p> <p>{margin: 1.0in .75in 1.0in .75in;</p> <p>MSO-HEADER-Margin: .5in;</p> <p>MSO-FOOTER-Margin: .5in;</p> <p>TR</p> <p>{MSO-HEIGHT-SOURCE: AUTO;</p> <p>MSO-Ruby-Visibility: none;</p> <p>COL</p> <p>{MSO-Width-Source: Auto;</p> <p>MSO-Ruby-Visibility: none;</p> <p>Br</p> <p>{MSO-DATA-Placement: Same-Cell;</p> <p>.style0</p> <p>{MSO-NUMBER-FORMAT: General;</p> <p>Text-align: general;</p> <p>Vertical-align: bottom;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>MSO-ROTATE: 0;</p> <p>MSO-Background-Source: Auto;</p> <p>MSO-PATTERN: AUTO;</p> <p>Color: WindowText;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 9.0pt;</p> <p>Font-Weight: 400;</p> <p>Font-style: Normal;</p> <p>Text-decoration: none;</p> <p>FONT-FAMILY: Song;</p> <p>MSO-generic-font-family: auto;</p> <p>MSO-FONT-CHARSET: 134;</p> <p>Border: none;</p> <p>MSO-PROTECTION: LOCKED VISIBLE;</p> <p>MSO-Style-Name: General;</p> <p>MSO-style-id: 0;}</p> <p>TD</p> <p>{MSO-style-parent: style0;</p> <p>Padding-top: 1px;</p> <p>Padding-right: 1px;</p> <p>Padding-left: 1px;</p> <p>MSO-IGNORE: PADDING;</p> <p>Color: WindowText;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 9.0pt;</p> <p>Font-Weight: 400;</p> <p>Font-style: Normal;</p> <p>Text-decoration: none;</p> <p>FONT-FAMILY: Song;</p> <p>MSO-generic-font-family: auto;</p> <p>MSO-FONT-CHARSET: 134;</p> <p>MSO-NUMBER-FORMAT: General;</p> <p>Text-align: general;</p> <p>Vertical-align: bottom;</p> <p>Border: none;</p> <p>MSO-Background-Source: Auto;</p> <p>MSO-PATTERN: AUTO;</p> <p>MSO-PROTECTION: LOCKED Visible;</p> <p>White-space: nowrap;</p> <p>MSO-ROTATE: 0;</p> <p>.xl24</p> <p>{MSO-style-parent: style0;</p> <p>Border: .5pt solid windowtext;}</p> <p>.xl25</p> <p>{MSO-style-parent: style0;</p> <p>MSO-NUMBER-FORMAT: "Long Date";</p> <p>Text-align: Left;</p> <p>Border: .5pt solid windowtext;}</p> <p>Ruby</p> <p>{Ruby-align: Left;}</p> <p>RT</p> <p>{Color: WindowText;</p> <p>FONT-SIZE: 9.0pt;</p> <p>Font-Weight: 400;</p> <p>Font-style: Normal;</p> <p>Text-decoration: none;</p> <p>FONT-FAMILY: Song;</p> <p>MSO-generic-font-family: auto;</p> <p>MSO-FONT-CHARSET: 134;</p> <p>MSO-CHAR-TYPE: NONE;</p> <p>DISPLAY: NONE;</p> <p>-></p> <p></ style></p> <p><! - [if gte mso 9]> <xml></p> <p><x: Excelworkbook></p> <p><x: Excelworksheets></p> <p><x: Excelworksheet></p> <p><x: name> sheet1 </ x: name></p> <p><x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p><x: defaultRowHeight> 225 </ x: defaultRowheight></p> <p><x: print></p> <p><x: ValidprinterInfo /></p> <p><x: PapersizeIndex> 9 </ x: PapersizeIndex></p> <p><x: HorizontalResolution> -3 </ x: HorizontalResolution></p> <p><x: VerticalResolution> 0 </ x: VerticalResolution></p> <p></ x: print></p> <p><x: selected /></p> <p><x: panes></p> <p><x: Pane></p> <p><x: Number> 3 </ x: Number></p> <p><x: ActiveRow> 24 </ x: activeRow></p> <p><x: ActiveCol> 5 </ x: ActiveCol></p> <p></ x: pane></p> <p></ x: panes></p> <p><x: ProtectContents> false </ x: protectcontents></p> <p><x: ProtectObjects> false </ x: protectobjects></p> <p><x: ProtectsCenarios> False </ x: ProtectsCenarios></p> <p></ x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p></ x: Excelworksheet></p> <p><x: Excelworksheet></p> <p><x: name> Sheet2 </ x: name></p> <p><x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p><x: defaultRowHeight> 225 </ x: defaultRowheight></p> <p><x: ProtectContents> false </ x: protectcontents></p> <p><x: ProtectObjects> false </ x: protectobjects></p> <p><x: ProtectsCenarios> False </ x: ProtectsCenarios></p> <p></ x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p></ x: Excelworksheet></p> <p><x: Excelworksheet></p> <p><x: name> Sheet3 </ x: name></p> <p><x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p><x: defaultRowHeight> 225 </ x: defaultRowheight></p> <p><x: ProtectContents> false </ x: protectcontents></p> <p><x: protectObjects> false </ x: protectobjects> <x: protectscenarios> false </ x: protectscenarios></p> <p></ x: WorksheetOptions></p> <p></ x: Excelworksheet></p> <p></ x: Excelworksheets></p> <p><x: Windowheight> 6600 </ x: windowheight></p> <p><x: Windowwidth> 12000 </ x: WindowWidth></p> <p><x: windowtopx> 0 </ x: Windowtopx></p> <p><x: Windowtopy> 1395 </ x: windowtopy></p> <p><x: protectstructure> false </ x: protectstructure></p> <p><x: ProtectWindows> false </ x: protectWindows></p> <p></ x: Excelworkbook></p> <p></ xml> <! 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