Diagnose and test TCPIP or NetBIOS network connection

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  49

This article describes how to diagnose and test the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) or NetBIOS network configuration. This article also describes how to use the most common diagnostic tools and basic network analysis techniques.

Your computer configuration wishes to exclude TCP / IP network issues, first check the TCP / IP configuration of the problem.

Use the IPConfig.exe tool to view TCP / IP configuration

Click Start, click Run, type CMD, then press Enter. At the command prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter. This command displays your computer's DNS suffix, IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. If you need more information and want to display a detailed configuration report, type ipconfig / all on the command prompt and press Enter.

Use the NBTSTAT.EXE tool to display the NetBIOS (NetBT) on TCP / IP to resolve the NetBIOS name to an IP address. TCP / IP provides a number of options for NetBIOS name, including local cache findings, WINS server queries, broadcast, DNS server queries, and LMHOSTS and HOSTS findings.

• To list the NetBIOS table of the local computer, type nbtstat -n at the command prompt, then press ENTER. This command displays a name that is registered locally on a computer by a program (such as servers and redirector). • To list the contents of the NetBIOS name cache, type NBTSTAT -C at the command prompt, and press Enter. This command displays the NetBIOS name cache, which contains the name to address mapping of other computers. • To clear the name cache and reload from the LMHOSTS file, type NBTSTAT -R at the command prompt, then press Enter. • To execute the NetBIOS Adapter Status command to the computer specified by the name, type the NBTSTAT -A NetBIOS computer name at the command prompt, and press ENTER. The adapter status command returns the computer's local NetBIOS name table and the MAC address of the network adapter. • To display a list of clients and server connections, type NBTSTAT -S at the command prompt, and press Enter. This command lists the current NetBIOS session and its status (including statistics), as shown in the following example:

NetBIOS Connection TableLocal Name State In / Out Remote Host Input OutputDAVEMAC1 <00> Connected Out CNSSUP1 <20> 6MB 5MBDAVEMAC1 <00> Connected Out CNSPRINT <20> 108KB 116KBDAVEMAC1 <00> Connected Out CNSSRC1 <20> 299KB 19KBDAVEMAC1 <00> Connected Out Sth2NT <20> 324kb 19kbdavemac1 <03> listening

The connection to the remote server can be used if you cannot contact the remote server, you can use two commonly used tools. use

The ping command verifies that the host can be connected to the TCP / IP network and network resources. use

The Tracert command checks the route of the oriented target.

Connect to use ping.exe you can

The ping command is used as a troubleshooting tool, and the connection of each network resource is tested. To directly ping the network host, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, click Run, type CMD, then press Enter. 2. Type the IP address of the PING remote network host (for example, ping or ping hostname (such as ping www.microsoft.com), then press ENTER. 3. Check the returned message, maybe just below: reply from Time = 40ms TTL = 61

If this message is displayed, this server is available on the network. If you are unable to contact the resource, you can use the ping command to test the connection of each network resource, thereby excluding connection failure:

a. ping loopback address (using ping command), verify that TCP / IP is installed on the local computer and runs normally. b. ping the IP address of the local computer, verify that it has been added to the network. c. ping the IP address of the default gateway, verify that the gateway can run normally and can be connected to the local host on the LAN. You can use the ipconfig command to get the IP address of the local default gateway. d. ping another IP address of the remote host, verify that you can communicate via the router.

Use Tracert.exe test connection

Tracert.exe is a routing trace tool that can be used to determine the network path to the target. To determine the path employed when the packet is sent on the network, and the location where the path may terminate, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, click Run, type CMD, then press Enter. 2. At the command prompt, type the IP address of the Tracert remote network host, then press Enter. 3. Check the result, determine the time used by the packet to reach each network segment and the point where the connection may stop.

Test the connection with the NET View command

1. Click Start, click Run, type CMD, then press Enter. 2. Under the Command Prompt, type the NET View // Computer Name and press ENTER. By establishing a temporary NetBIOS connection to generate a file and print sharing list running Windows 2000. If there is no file or print sharing on the specified computer, a "There no Entries in the list" message is received. If the command does not work, type the IP address of the NET View // Remote computer, then press Enter. If the command works, but the NET View attempt to the computer name does not work, the computer name may be parsed to an error address. If the command does not work, simultaneously generate the "System Error Has Occurred" error message, use the ping command to verify that the remote computer name you typed correctly, the computer runs normally (and is running the "Microsoft Network file and printer sharing" Service), all gateways (routers) between local computers and remote hosts are running normally.


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