1. Require Files
When You Start to Program In Vc, You Must Have The Lib Files of Excel. The next Table Will show That:
Office Version Requirement files Other files Default Dir Office 97 Excel8.olb Excel.exe C: / program files / MS Office / office Office 2000 Excel9.olb Excel.exe C: / program files / MS Office / office Office 2002 Excel.exe
C: / Program Files / MS Office / Office10 Office XP Excel.exe
C: / Program Files / MS Office / Office10
Before You Start Work, You Must Be Sure That Corresponding Files Are There.
2. The Excel Object Model
BEFORE You Start To Work, Another Thing Must Be Known, It Is The Excel Object Model. It Tells US That What Are InCluded in Excel? Let us.
2.1. Basic Model
Excel program consists of eight main parts; these are application object, workbooks object, work book object, work sheets object, work sheet object, range object, charts, chart Next picture describes the relationship of main objects in Excel:.
NOTHER OBJECTS, but offten.com.
2.2. Application Object
Application Object Is Defined in Excel Type Library AS _Application Class. Application is The Excel Itself, The Main functions are:
l the setting and options of excel application level
L Some methods which return to top object
We can Get Workbooks / Workbook Object from _Application Object Like this:
_Application app;
app.get_workbooks ();
2.3. Workbooks Object
Workbooks is the aggregate of all Open books. It is container object, The element is workbook object.
The main functions are:
l retturn the workbook object by index.
l Add a new empty workbook.
l Open a file, and create a new workbook for this file.example:
Workbooks books = app.get_workbooks ();
Workbook newbook = books.add (votp);
Newbook = books.open (".// 1.xls", ...);
Newbook = books.get_item (Colvariant ((Short) 1);
2.4. Workbook Object
Workbook Object Is A Work Book. It includes work sheet and chart. The main functions are:
l activate a workbook
l Return a Worksheets or Charts
l retturn the active sheet
l save to file (xls)
Newbook.activate ();
Worksheets sheets = newbook.get_worksheets ();
Newbook.get_Charts ();
Newbook.get_Activechart ();
Newbook.get_Activesheet ();
2.5. Worksheets Object
The main functions are:
l add new work sheet
l get Work Sheet by Index
Worksheet Sheet = Sheets.Add (Vopt, Vopt, Vopt, Colevariant ((Short) 1));
Sheet = Sheets.get_Item (Index);
2.6. Worksheet Object
Worksheet Object Is A Work Sheet Of Excel. It Is The Member of Worksheets and Sheets.
The main functions are:
l All Operation on Work Sheet, Like Password.
l Return the Range Object by Cell Area.
l activate itself
Sheet.Put_name ("My Create Sheet");
Ranget orng = Sheet.get_Range (Colevariant ("A1: B3"), VOPT);
Sheet.Activate ();
2.7. Range Object
Range Object Is A Cell, OR A Row, OR A Column, OR A Area (It Maybe A Cell Or Some Continuous Cells, OR A 3D Area.
The main functions are:
l Get and set the cells value
l Get and set the cells formal offset
l font, autofit, and so on ...
ORNG.PUT_VALUE (Colevariant ("Date");
Orange = Orange.get_resize (Colevariant ((long),
Colevariant ((long) 1));
Orange.put_formula (Colevariant ("= C2 * 0.07");
2.8. Charts
CHARTS IS A AGGREGATE OBJECT, IT INCLUDES All Charts in Workbook, But It Doesn't Contain Embedded Charts.
The main functions are:
l get chart by index
L Add a new chart to workbook
l Print Chart
Charts charts = newbook.get_charts ();
Charts.get_Item (Index);
Chart Newchart = Charts.Add (Vopt, Vopt, Colevariant ((Short) 1));
2.9. Chart
Chart Represents Chart, IT Can Be A Embedded Chart OR A Single Chart.
The main functions:
l Set the Basic Attributes, E.G., Name, Title, Active.
l set the chart type
l set the chart data source
Newchart.put_name ("my charT");
Newchart.put_charttype ((long) xllinemarkers;
Range orang;
ORANG = newsheet.get_range (Colevariant ("C2: D21"), VOPT);
Newchart.setsourceData (Orang, Colevariant ((Short) 2));
2.10. Chart Type
3. THE Step of create
Now let us start to create a project and write program for Creating An Excel Sheet and an Excel Chart.
We describe that in two steps. The first step is how to import type libraries and what type libraries are imported into project, and the second step is how to code. The second will be described in next section.
3.1. How and what
What Libraries Area Imported Into? Different Office Version Has Different Type Libraries, See Above Form.
There is Some Difference of How To Import Between VC6.0 and VC7.0.
2. Select Menu "View-> Class Wizard"
3. SELECT OPTION CARD "Automation-> Add class-> from Type Library"
4. SELECT An Excel9.olb / Excel8.olb / Excel.exe File, Which often Locates Under Dir C: / Program Files / Office /.
5. Select specified classes, e.g. _Application, Workbooks, _Workbook, Worksheets, _Worksheet, Range, then click OK, and a file named excel9.h / excel8.h will be created. That file includes the definition of above classes.
See Next Pictures:
Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:
Picture 4:
Picture 5:
3.1.2. VC7.0
1. Create a MFC EXE Project, Single Document, And Container
2. SELECT MENU "Project-> Class Wizard"
3. SELECT "Class in Type Library"
4. Click "Open" Button
5. Set the source of class as "file", and select the file.
6. SELECT The interfaces That You want to add your project from left list and insert The Into Right List
7. Set the import file name (Excel.h), The Click The "Complete" button.
See Next Pictures:
Picture 6:
Picture 7:
Picture 8
Picture 9:
4. Program with create Excel file
WE Suppose That All Classed Are Defined in Excel.h, So We can use those classes by Only Including Excel.h.
WE Add Two Menu Items, One for Creating Specified Excel Sheet Named ID_Newsheet, The Other for Creating Chart name id_newchart.
The Steps:
Add Two Menu Items
2. Add Two Message Map Functions for Above Two Menu Items
3. INCLUDE Excel.h file in the file you define Above Two Message Map Functions.
4. Implement The Two Functions
4.1. Program with Sheet
The next is a way of id_newsheet message map function implemented:
// Excel Object Model
_Application app;
Workbooks books; _Workbook newbook;
Worksheets sheets;
_Worksheet osheet, firstsheet;
Charts charts;
_Chart Chart, Firstchart;
Range Range;
Range ICell;
Colevariant vresult;
Colevariant Vopt ((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
// Create Excel Server (START Excel)
IF (! app.created ")))
AfxMessageBox ("Can't Start Excel Server!");
App.put_visible (TRUE); // SET Excel Visible
App.put_userControl (True); // User CAN Operate Excel
// new a book
Books.attachdispatch (app.get_workbooks ());
Newbook = books.add (vopt);
// Get Worksheets and get the first worksheet
SHETS = Newbook.get_worksheets ();
Osheet = Sheets.get_Item (Colevariant ((Short) 1);
// *** Add data to the worksheet
// add headers to rotate 1 of the worksheet
Range orange;
Orange = osheet.get_range (Colevariant ("A1"), VOPT);
Orange.put_Value2 (Colevariant ("Date");
Orange = Osheet.get_Range (Colevariant ("B1"), VOPT);
Orange.put_value2 (Colevariant ("Order #");
Orange = Osheet.get_Range (Colevariant ("C1"), VOPT);
Orange.put_Value2 (Colevariant ("Amount"));
Orange = osheet.get_range (Colevariant ("D1"), VOPT);
Orange.Put_Value2 (Colevariant ("TAX");
// Create a Safe Array That Is Numrows x 3 -
// Column 1 Will Contain Dates Column 2 Will Contain Strings
// and column 3 Will Contain Numbers
ColesafeArray SA;
DWELEments [0] = 20; // Number of Rows
DWELEments [1] = 3; // Number of Columns
sa.create (VT_VARIANT, 2, DWELEMENTS);
// Populate the Safe Array with the data
Long Index [2];
Long LROW;
Colevariant vTemp;
CString S;
For (LROW = 0; LROW <= 20-1; LROW ) {
Index [0] = LROW;
// Fill The First Column with dates
INDEX [1] = 0;
VDATETIME.SETDATE (1999, RAND ()% 12, RAND ()% 28);
Sa.putelement (Index, Colevariant) vdatetime;
// Fill The Second Column with strings
INDEX [1] = 1;
S.Format ("ORDR% D", LROW 1000);
vTemp = S;
Sa.putelement (index, vtemp);
// Fill The Third Column with Numbers
INDEX [1] = 2;
VTEMP = (long) Rand ();
Sa.putelement (index, vtemp);
// Fill A Range, Starting at a2 with the data in
// the Safe Array
Orange = osheet.get_range (Colevariant ("A2"), VOPT);
Orange = Orange.get_resize (Colevariant ((Short) 20),
Colevariant (short));
Orange.put_Value2 (SA);
sa.detach ();
// *** Add formulas to the worksheet
// Fill The Fourth Column with a formula to compute the
// Sales Tax. Note That The Formula Uses A "Relative"
// Cell Reference SO That IT Fills Properly.
Orange = osheet.get_range (Colevariant ("D2"), VOPT);
Orange = Orange.get_resize (Colevariant ((long),
Colevariant ((long) 1));
Orange.put_formula (Colevariant ("= C2 * 0.07");
// *** Format the worksheet
Orange = osheet.get_range (Colevariant ("A1"), Colevariant ("D1"));
/ * Font ofont = orange.get_font ();
Ofont.setBold (Colevariant (short)); // Apply Bold To Headers * /
Orange = orange.get_entirecolumn ();
Orange.autofit (); // Autofit The Column 1: 4
// Make Excel Visible and Give The User Control
Osheet.Put_name ("My New Sheet");
Newbook.saveas (Colevariant ("c: //mynew.xls"), Vopt, Vopt,
Newbook.close (VOPT, Colevariant ("C: //mynew.xls" / * outfilename * /), VOPT);
Books.close (); app.quit ();
4.2. Program with chart
The next is a way of id_newchart message Map Function Implementation:
// New Create Excel Object Model
_Application app;
_Workbook newbook;
Workbooks books;
Worksheets sheets;
_Worksheet newsheet;
Charts charts;
_Chart newchart;
Colevariant Vopt ((long) DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
// Create Excel Server (START Excel)
IF (! app.created ")))
AfxMessageBox ("Can't Start Excel Server!");
//app.put_visible (true); // set Excel Visible
App.put_userControl (True); // User CAN Operate Excel
Books = app.get_workbooks ();
Newbook = books.open ("c: //mynew.xls", VOPT, VOPT, VOPT, VOPT, VOPT,
// newbook = books.add (vopt);
SHETS = newbook.get_sheets ();
Newsheet = shop.get_item (Colevariant ((Short) 1);
Charts = newbook.get_charts ();
// for (; M_ChartType <100; M_ChartType )
IF (charts.get_count ()> 0)
Charts.delete ();
Newchart = charts.add (Vopt, Vopt, Colevariant ((Short) 1);
Newchart.put_name ("my charT");
Newchart.put_charttype ((long) xllinemarkers;
Tip.format ("c: //mynewchart%d.xls", XLLINE);
// MessageBox (TIP);
Range orang;
ORANG = newsheet.get_range (Colevariant ("C2: D21"), VOPT);
Newchart.setsourceData (Orang, Colevariant ((Short) 2));
Newchart.put_haastit (true);
Charttitle Ochartttl = Newchart.get_Charttitle ();
Ochartttl.put_text ("My Sample Xy-Scatter Chart");
Newchart.put_haslegegend (false);
Newbook.saveas (Colevariant (TIP), VOPT, VOPT,
Catch (...)
//newbook.close(VOPT, Colevariant (tip/*outfilename * /), vopt); // app.quit ();
//newbook.close (Vopt, Colevariant (TIP / * OUTFILENAME * /), VOPT);
Books.close ();
app.quit ();