10018. Message vocabulary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

AAL 2 (ATM Adaptation Layer Type 2) Class 2 ATM Adaptation Layer ACCS (Automated Calling CARD Service) Automatic Call Card Services ACELP (Algebraic-Code-Excited Algebra) TCP (TCP ACKNOWEDGMENTS) TCP Verify ACM (Address Complete Message) Address ABS (Analysis-By-Synthesis) Analysis Synthesis ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) Auto Call Distributor A / D (ADAPTIVE DIFFERENTIAL PULSE adaptive differential pulse code modulation code modulation) ADSL (asymmetric digital Subscriber line asymmetric digital Subscriber line) AlN (Intelligent network) network AI ANM (answer message) response message API (application Programming Interface application Interface) ASIC (application-specific Integrated Dedicated Integrated Circuit Circuits ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation.1) Abstract Syntax Notes 1 ASP (Access Signal Protocol) Access Signal Protocol AI (Artificial Intelligence) Artificial Intelligence ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATU-R (ADSL TRANSMISION Unit,

ADSL Remote Transmission Unit Remote Side) AVP (Attribute-Value-Pair) Attribute Value Value BA (Bearer Capability) Bearing Capacity BCR (Business Communication REVIEW) Business Communication Comments B-ISDN (BROADBAND ISDN) Broadband ISDN BOC (Bell Operating Company) Bell Operation Basic Rate Interface Basic Rate Interface BSDB (Business Service Database) Business Services Database CAP (Competitive Access Provider) Competitive Access Supplier C Bit (COST Bit) C Bit CBR (Constant Bit Rate) Constant Bit Rate CN (Contributor Node) Contribution Source Node CC (CONTRIBUTOR Count) Contributive Source Count CDN (Called Party Number) Class Code CELP (Code Excited Predictive Linear Code Excited Linear Prediction Coding Codings) CICS (circuit identification code) circuit identifier CID (channel ID) channel identifier CGN (calling party number) of the calling party number CIX (commercial Internet exchange) commercial Internet exchange center CLNP (connectionless network protocol) connectionless network protocol CMSDB (Call Management Service Database) Call Management Business Database CO (Central Office) COT (Continuity Test) Continuity Test CP (Customer Premis Equipment) User foundation device CPG (Call Progress) Call Process CPU (Capacity Of Computers) Computer Capacity CS (CI RCUIT SWITCH) Circuit Switching CS-1 (Capabilities Set 1) Capabile 1 CSB (Circuit-Switch Bypass) Circuit Switching bypass D / A (DIGITAL-TO-Analog) digital-to-mode conversion D Bit (Delay Bit) delay bit DCS digital cross connect) digital cross-connect DiffServ (Differentiated services) Differentiated services DM (memory location) memory locating DNS (domain Name system) domain name system DOD (direct outward dialing) outside dial DS (DiffServ) Differentiated services DSL (digital Subscriber Line) digital User Loop DSU (Data Service Unit) Data Service Unit DSP (Digital Signal Processor) Digital Signal Processor DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) Data Terminal Device DTMF (DUAL-TONE MULTI-FREQUENCY) Dual Volume Multi-frequency E (Extension) Extended E800 ( Enhanced 800) Enhanced 800 Business E-Com (Electronic Commerce) EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) EFT (End Office) ESP (Enhanced Service Provider) Value-added Business Provider ET (Exchange Termination) Exchange FCC Federal Communications Commsion

Bang Communications Commission FCS (FRME CHECK SEQUENCE) Frame Data FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface Distributed Fiber Data Interface FEC (Forward Error Correction) Front Correction FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) Fast Fourier Transform FIN (FINISH Message) message FIR (finite Impulse response) finite impulse response FIX (Federal Internet exchange) Federal Internet switching center FM (frequency modulation) frequency modulation, FM FPGA (field-programmable gate arrays) field programmable gate array FTP (file transfer Protocol) file transfer Agreement GCC (Generic Control) General Conference Confirmation Grq (GRQ (GRQ (GSTN (General Switch Telephone Universal Switch Network NetWork) GT (Global Title) Global Title HEC (Header Error Control) Header Error Control HDSL (High Bit-Rate Digital High Speed ​​Digital User Loop Subscriber Line) HF (Hybrid Fiber COAX) Hybrid Fiber Coaxial HLR (Home Location Register) Post Register IAM (Initial Address Message) Initial address message ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Internet Control Packet Protocol IDC (INTERNATIONAL DATA CORPORATION) International Data Company IDLC (Integrated Digital Loop Carrier Integrated Digital Loop Carrier System) IDSL (ISDN Digital Subscriber Line) ISDN Digital User Ring IETF (Internet Engineeri) ng Task Internet Engineering Task Force) IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Internet Group Management Protocol IMTC (International Media International Federation of multimedia video conferencing Teleconferencing Consortium) IN (Intelligent Network) intelligent network IP (packet-based protocols) packet-based protocol IPDC (Internet protocol device control) protocol device control IPST (IP signaling transport) IP signaling IR (intermediate rate) intermediary media rate IRR (information request response) information request response ISDN (integrated services digital network integrated services digital network) ISDN- Up or iSUP (ISDN User Part) ISDN User Sectional Standards Organization International Standardization ISP (Internet Service Provider) Internet Service Provider ISUP (ISDN User Part) ISDN User Section IWF (Interworking Function) Interaction Function IXC (Interchange CARRIER) LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK) LAN LAN LAPB (Link Access Procedure, Balanced) Balanced Link Acquisition Procedure LAPM (Link Access

Procedure for modem link Access Procedure MODEMS) LD-CELP (Low DELAY CELP) Lower Derivation Code Excitation Linear Prediction LEC (LOCAL Exchange Carrier) Local Switch Communication Company Li (Length Indicator) Length Indicator LIDB (Line Information Database) Database LPC (Linear Prediction Coding) Linear Prediction Code LSR (Last Sender Report) MAE (Multiple And Accumulate) Multiply Multi - Metropolitan Area Exchange Multi-Metrics MAE (Metropolitan) MAE (METROPOLITAN) Area network) MAN MBONE (multicasting backbone) multicast backbone MC (multipoint controller) multi-point controller MC (media gateway controller) media gateway controller MCS (multipoint communication multipoint communication service service) MCU (multipoint Control Unit ) Multi-point control unit MDF (Main Distribution Frame) Mixer Melp (Mixed-Excitation LPC) Mixed Excited Linear Prediction Code MG (Media Gateway) Media Gateway MGC (Media Gateway Control Protocol) ) Media Gateway Control Protocol MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail) Multipurpose Internet Souve (Millions Of Instructions Per Second) MPEG (Motion Pictures Expert Group) Expert Group MOS (Mean Opinion Score) Average View score MP (Multi Link Protocol) multi-link protocol MP (Multi Point Processor) Multi-processor MP-MLQ (Multi pulse Maximum maximum likelihood quantization multi-pulse Likelihood Quantization) MPLS (Multi protocol Label Switching) Multiprotocol Label Switching MTP (Message Transfer Port) packet transmission port MTS (Message Telecommunications Service messages telecommunications services ) MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) NAP (NETWORK Access server) Network Access Point NAS (Network Access Server) Network Access Server NCP (Network Control Protocol) Network Control Protocol NI (Network Interface) Network Interface NIST (National Institute of Standards National Standard Technology Research Institute and Technology) NNI (Network to Network Interface) Network NNI (N2WORK Node Interface) Network Node Interface NSF (National Science Foundation) National Science Foundation NTP (NetWork Time Protocol) Network Time Protocol OAM (Operations, Administration, Operation, Management and Maintenance and Maintenance) OLE (ORIGINATING LOCAL Exchange) Originally swap OSF (Offset Field) Offset Field OSI (Open Sys

Tems Interconnection) Open System OSS (Operator Service Signaling) Concerns Service Signaling P (Parity) Parning Pad (Padding Bytes) Plucking byte PBX (Private Branch Exchange) Special Small Switch PC (Personal Computer) PC PC (POINT CODES) Sample Code PCM (PULSE CODE MODULATION) Pulse Code Modulation PDN (PUBLIC DATA Network) Public Data Network PDU (PROTOCOL DATA UNIT) Protocol Data Unit PHB (Per-Hop-Behavior) PIN Each jump PIN ( Personal Identification Number) Personal Identification Code PM (Memory Location) memory location POP (Point of Presence) Present Point POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) Ordinary Old Telephone Service PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Point-to-Point Protocol PPS (Packets- PER-Second Rate) Packet Packet PRI PRI (PRIMARY RATE INTERFACE) Master PSTS (Packet Switch) Packet Exchange PSTS (PUBLIC SWITCHED Telephone System) Public Switch Phone System PSVQ (PREDICTIVE SPLIT Vector Quantizer predict split vector quantization PT ( PayD Type PTT (Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph Postal, Phone and Telegraph Qam (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) Point Amplitude 64-QAM (64-State Qam Scheme) 64 Status QAM Solution QCIF (Quarter Common Intermiate Format) One common intermediate format QoS (Quality-of-Service) Service QPSK (Quadrature Phase-Shift Keyed) Integral Phase Shouting Key Cause RA1 (Rate A DAPTER 1) Rate Adapter 1 RA2 (RATE Adapter 2) Rate Adapter 2 RAS (Registration, Admission, And Registration, Confirmation, and Status Status) RBOC (Regional Bell Operating Company) Regional Bell Operation CONFIMATION registration confirmation RDT (Remote Digital Terminal) Remote Digital Terminal RDSL or RADSL (Rate Adaptive ADSL) Rate Adaptive ADSL REL (Release Message) Release Packet RFC (Request for Comments) Interconnection Network Standard (Draft) RLC (Release Complete) Release Completion RLS (Release Release ROH (Receiver-on-Hook) Read-only memory ROM (Remote Operations Service Element) Remote Operation Service Element RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Remote Process Call RRQ (Registration Request) Registration Request RRJ (Registration Reject) Register Reject RSPG (Reliable Signaling Gateway Reliable Signal Gateway Protocol Protocol) RST (RSET Message) Route RSVP (Routing Tables) Routing Table RTCP (Real-Time

Control Protocol Real Time Control Protocol RTP (Real-Time Protocol) Real-Time Agreement RTT (Round Trip Time) Reaster S (Splitter) Signaling Agent SA ( security Association) safety Association SABM (set asynchronous balanced mode) is set asynchronous balanced mode SAP (session Announcement protocol) protocol session statement SCAL (signaling TCP connection / IP signaling TCP connection / IP adaptation layer adaptation layer) SCN (Switched Circuit Networks) Swap Circuit Network SCP (Service Control Point) Service Control Point SDE (Source Description Packet) Source Description Group SDSL (Symmetrical Digital Subscriber Balanced Digital User Loop LINE) SG (Signaling Gateway) Signaling Gateway SG & A (Sales, General, And Administrative SGMP (Simple Gateway Control Protocol) Simple Gateway Control Protocol SIP (SESSION INITIATION Protocol) Session Initial Protocol SLA (Service Level Agreement) Service Level Convention SLIP (SIMPLE MAIL) transfer protocol) simple Mail transfer protocol SN (sequence number) sequence number of the SNA (systems network architecture) systems network architecture SNMP (simple network Management SNMP protocol) SNMP2 (simple network Management SNMP (version 2) protocol, Version 2) SONET (Synchron OUS Optical Network Synchronous Fibernet SPI (Security Parameter Index) Security Parameter Index SS7 (SIGNALING SYSTEM NUMBER 7) No. 7 Signaling SSP (Service Switching Point) Business Switch SSN (SUBSYSTEM NUMBER) Subride ST (Signaling TONE) STTM (Statistical TDM) Statistics Time Division Replies STP (Signaling Transfer Point) Signaling Transfer Point TA (Terminal Adaptater) Terminal Adapter T Bit (THROUGHPUT BIT) Bit TASI (Time-Assigned Speech Interpolation) Time Specified Speech Interpolation TCA (traffic Conditioning agreement) flow state convention TCAP (transaction capabilities application part transaction capabilities application part) TCP (transmission control protocol) transmission control protocol TDM (time division multiplexing) time division multiplexed TE (transit exchange) transit exchange TE (terminal equipment ) Trivial File Transfer Protocol Normal File Transfer Protocol TLE (Terminating Local Exchange) Type Type TO (TYPE OF Service) Service Type TSAN (TRAN


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