SmartPersistencelayer 2.0 is officially released!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

Since the project is very urgent, SmartPersistencelayer has not been issued and released, and now I finally finished the end, it can be officially released!

In order to let everyone really experience the effect of SmartPersistencelayer, I wrote a sample, now release together with the Sample source code, download the address:

Things about the persistence of .NET, everyone may have also seen a lot, but may always stay in theory, and SmartPersistencelayer can make you really experience the charm of the lasting layer.

The following is a release description of SmartPersistencelayer 2.0:

SmartPersistencelayer 2.0 release instructions

Publishing type:

The release version of SmartPersistencelayer 2.0, the specific version number is:


.8, release type: DLL

Just "reference" this DLL in the system, then use "usesistencelayer" Namespace from "Using Persistencelayer" in the system page.

Use environment:

The SPL itself has no environmental requirements, as long as it is based on .Net, my release example has the following environmental requirements:

Visual Studio.NET 2003 (Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1) C #

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

Infragistics Netadvantage 2004 VOL 3 ASP Net Final official version

About NetAdvantage Download address:

Installation serial number: Code: 8411-1200014-9313983

Of course, there are many other places to provide downloads online.

Example configuration:


Publish the release of Sample as a web application: The application name is SPL_WEB

If it is the Windows 2003 operating system directly released, the default is a web application;

If you are Windows 2000, you need to configure the application on the properties in IIS: as shown below

Configure the database:

Open the DatabaseMap.xml file in the sample / spl_web / config directory:

// Do not modify this

// Do not modify this

// Modify the password for your SQL

// Do not modify this

// modified to your SQL account

// Modify to your SQL server

// Do not modify this line

As long as the connection information of the personality database (such as the red note)

After the modification is correct, you can use: http: // localhost / spl_web / method to access;

If you are accessible before you have no modification, you will be reported because you can't connect the database, then you can make the IIS restart to make the modification take effect: Use the Iisreset command in the run.

Open the solution:

Then double-click SPL_WebTest.sln to open this solution, you can view the source code of the entire example

Ok, so you can experience the system framework that SmartPersistencelayer brings you, this SPL does not make any version restrictions.

Good luck !!

Partial interface:


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