The following combined with the chart of the year's change, see the different error types of the right question.
1. Antonym misuse
This is a frequent frequency education high in the short term change is also a characteristic of a characteristic, such an error must be a thorough understanding of the context semantic basis to discover and correct. More common mistakes:
A. Derive antonym
For example, 72 questions in January 2000 will change Directly to Indirectly.
B. Other antonyms
For example, 77 questions in January 2000 will change Little to Much.
2. Connection word misuse
Although the incorrect of the connection word is a traditional grammatical topic, its use is closely connected to the logical relationship of context semantics, that is, there is a very understanding of context. There are many ways to connect, there are side-by-side consecutive words, such as and, but, or et al; slave, such as Because, IF, AFTER, etc., as well as other methods and ads, such as HOWEVER, DESPITE, etc. The topic of the exam has been examined in June 2000, and the AS is changed to Than, which exams the matching of comparison words. According to the more than the More, it is determined to change the AS is Than.
3. Incorrectly
It is generally checked that the representation of the pronoun. If a pronoun appears in the article, the object referred to by the pronouns must appear in the forebelt, otherwise it will appear unknown. So when there is a pronoun, we have to pay attention to whether the single multiplex number of objects referred to is consistent with the qualifiers. As S9 quest in September 2003, IT changed to they because it referred to in the previous plural noun new houses. For example, S9 questions in June 2002, change IT to them, because the object of the referred to Immigrants in the forebel is still a number of quarters, and of course, it is necessary to pay attention to distinguish between margin and bin.
4. Word error
This is the most common mistake in the wrong mistake. Of course, this also includes a mistake of the usage, this error occurs very high in the overhead exam. As 73 questions in January 2000, change INTO to ON or ONTO can be matched with the Planet. For example, three of the 10-modified questions in June 2000 involved in the wrong words, 71, 75 and 78 questions. Doing the topic of this type, it is usually accumulated, especially some verb phrases, although there is already very few in the vocabulary, but it is possible to appear in the wrong issue, of course, this is not very large, So everyone pays properly in daily English learning.
5. Error of nouns and articles
Recently, noun errors in the frequent tests are erroneous for noun single reputation, such as 75 questions in January 2000, change Planet to multiple forms according to context. For the examination of the crown, it is mainly necessary to have a standard word to modify the singular noun, as the S1 entitled in June 2002 is adding an uncertain word A before New One.
6. J
Non-predicated words are divided into three categories: unparenteral, motion nations and word. The word is divided into present words and past words. Non-quoted volatility features: unfair, nominal and word words can do many sentence components, but they cannot be predicate alone, which is why they are called "non-phonet". Non-predicated logs often occur in the 46th level test. For example, 78 questions in January 2000 will change consider to consIndering.
7. Coming
The main reason for generating such errors is that no subject's subject is found. Perfect in English pursuit, so sometimes the structure of the sentence is very complicated, and this is why we have always emphasized the importance of difficult sentences in English review. The structure of the sentence is generally the "subject" or "main system", which correctly finds that each sentence component is also very helpful for reading. As the S7 question in June 2002, there is a flippoup in this line, so some students can't find the subject of the sentence, so I can't find a mistake. The answer is to change Lies to Lie, because the subject of this sentence is a plural of MYTHS.
8. Adjectives and adverb errors
Such errors are generally misuse of adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives are generally used to modify nouns, and adverbs can modify verbs and adjectives. The subject matter tend to deliberately adjective the place where the apparatus is used. As the S3 in December 2003, the Relative is changed to the adverbial form. 9. Ignore the side structure
Like some of the contacted structure with or or ANDD connection, the front and rear form should generally be the same. As the S6 question in December 2003, the politicals changed to Political. As the S6 on December 2003 will change politicals to political.
10. Relationship word misuse
This class is mainly for the attributive clause, the reader can find a copy of the syntax to make a review of the calibration. For example, in January 2000, there is a more in the sentence in the attribute, and it should be drawn.
11. Time error
This is also a common test method. As the 76 question in June 2000 is the tense. Object out, all used in the past, and thus before and after.
Let's do the topic below, do you understand these common mistakes? ?
Microbiology: (June 2004 Zhen Today)
Culture refers to the social heritage of a people --- The Learned
Patterns for thinking, feputing and acting what characterize a
Population Or Society, Include the Expression of these Patterns in S1 ----------
Material Things.culture is Compose of Nonmaterial Culture --- S2 ------------
Abstract Creations Like Values, Beliefs, Customs and Institutional
Arrangements --- and Material Culture --- Physical Object Like S3 ----------
Cooking Pots, Computers and sum, Culture Reflect
Both the ideas we share or everything we Ordinary S4 ----------
SPEECH, A Person of Culture Is The Individual Can Speak Another S5 -----------
Language --- The Person Who is Unfamiliar with the Arts, Music, S6 -----------
Literate, Philosophy, Or History.But to Sociologists, To BE
Human is to be cultured, Because of culture is the common world s7 -----------
OE Experience We Share with Other Members of Our Group.
Culture Is Essentially To Our Provides A Kind S8 -----------
Of map for relating to others.consider how you feel your way
About Social Do you know how to act in a classroom,
OR a Department Store, or Toward a Person Who Smiles or Laugh S9 -----------
AT you? Your Culture Supplies You by Broad, Standardized, S10 --------- Ready-Made Answers for DEALING WIACH OF THESE SITOTIONS.
Therefore, IF WE KNOW a Person's Culture, We can understand
And Even Predict a good deal of his behavior.
S1 include ----- Including
It belongs to an unparalleled error.
S2 compose ---- Composed
Be composed is a fixed match.
S3 Object ---- Objects
This is an error in the name of the name.
S4 or - and
This is the incorrect connection, Both should match the AND.
S5 plus WHO in Can
This involves the usage of the relationship.
S6 unfamiliar ---- Familiar
This is the misuse of antonyms.
S7 removes of
This involves the usage of the connection, Because guided clauses.
S8 essentially ---- Essential
This is adjective and adverbial error.
S9 laugh --- Laughs
This is a problem with the side of the side, and Laughs corresponds to Smiles.
S10 by --- with
This is a preposition error.