Windows message catalog

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Windows message directory 1. WM_NULL = $ 0000: 2. Wm_create = $ 0001: Application Create a window 3. WM_DESTROY = $ 0002: One window is destroyed 4. WM_MOVE = $ 0003: Move a window 5. WM_SIZE = $ 0005: Change a window size 6. Whether the window will be swapped 11. wm_settext = 000c: The application sends this message to set the text 12. WM_GETTEXT = $ 000D: The application sends this message to Reclusion 13. Word of the corresponding window to the buffer 14. WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = 00E: Get the length of text related to a window (not 15. contain empty characters) 16. WM_Paint = $ 000f: Require a window to call yourself 17. WM_Close = $ 0010: Send when a window or application is to be closed A signal 18. WM_QUERYENDSESSION = $ 0011: When the user selects the end dialog or the program you call the exitwindows function 19. WM_quit = $ 0012: Used to end the program run or when the program calls postquitMessage function 20. WM_QueryOpen = $ 0013: When the user window recovers 21. When the size is positioned, 22. Send this message to an icon 23. 24. WM_ERASEBKGND = $ 0014: When the window background must be erased (case change the size of the window) 25. WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = 0015: When the system color changes , 26. Send this message to all top windows 27. WM_ENDSESSION = $ 0016: After the system process issues a WM_QueryEndSession message, this message is sent to the application, informs it to end if the conversation ends 28. WM_SYSTEMERR = $ 0017: 29. WM_SHOWINDOW = $ 0018: When hidden Or the display window is sent to this message to this message 30. WM_ActivateApp = $ 001c: Send this message Which window is activated, 31. Which is an intimate; 32. WM_FontChang E = $ 001d: When the system's font resource library changes this message to all top windows 33. WM_TIMECHANGE = $ 001E: Send this message when the system changes to all top windows 34. WM_CANCELMODE = $ 001f: Send this message To cancel some of the ongoing touch state (operation) 35. WM_SETCURSOR = $ 0020: If the mouse 36. Causes the cursor 37. Move in a window and the mouse 38. When the input is not captured, 39. Send a message to a window 40. WM_MouseActivate = $ 0021: When the cursor 41. In a non-active window 42. Users are using a key to the mouse 43 to send this message to the current window 44. WM_CHildActivate = $ 0022: Send this message to MDI Window When the user clicks on this window 45. Question bar, 46. Or when the window is activated, 47. Move, 48. Change size 49. WM_QUEESYNC = $ 0023: This message is sent by a computer-based training program, 50. Via wh_journalpalyback The hook program separates the user input message 51. WM_GETMINMAXINFO = $ 0024: This message is sent to the window When it will change the size or position;

52. WM_PaintICON = 0026: Send to the minimization window When it icon 53. Write 54. WM_ICONERASEBKGND = $ 0027: This message is sent to a minimization window, 55. Just it is drawing icon 56. Previous background Must be redrawed 57. WM_Nextdlgctl = $ 0028: Send this message to a dialog program to change the focus position 58. WM_spoolersTatus = $ 002A: Whenever the print management column is added or decreases this message 59. WM_DRAWITEM = $ 002B: When Button, 60. ComboBoX, 61. ListBox, 62. Menu sends this message to the owner of these empty parts 63. WM_MEASUREITEM = $ 002c: When Button, ComboBox, ListBox, ListViewControl, OrmenUItem is created send this message to the owner controls 64. WM_DELETEITEM = $ 002D: when thelistbox or combobox is destroyed or when certain items are deleted by LB_DELETESTRING, LB_RESETCONTENT, CB_DELETESTRING, orCB_RESETCONTENT messages 65. WM_VKEYTOITEM = $ 002E: this message is a LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style The owner issued to it responds to the WM_KEYDOWN message 66. WM_CHARTOITEM = $ 002F: This message is sent to his owner by a list box of LBS_WANTKEYBOARDINPUT style to respond to WM_CHAR messages 67. WM_SETFONT = 0030: When drawing text When drawing text Message Get the color of the control 68. WM_GETFONT = $ 0031: Application Send this message Get the current control to draw text font 69. WM_SETHOTKEY = 0032: Application Send this message allows a window to associate with a hotkey 70. WM_GETHOTKEY = $ 0033 : The application sends this message to determine if the hotkey is associated with a window 71. WM_QueryDragicon = $ 0037: This message is sent to the minimization window, 72. When this window will be dragged and 73. It is not defined in its class 74., 75. Application can return an icon 76. Or cursor 77. Handle, 78. When the user drags and drop icon 79. When the system displays this icon 80. or cursor 81. 82. WM_CompareItem = 0039: Send this message to determine the relative position of ComboBox or Listbox added items 83. WM_GETOBJECT = 003D: 84. WM_Compacting = 0041: Show memory Little 85. wm_windowposchanging = $ 0046: Send this message to the size and location of the window will be changed, 86. To call the SETWINDOWPOS function or other window management function 87. WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED = 0047: Send this message to the size of the window and When the location has been changed, 88. To call the SETWINDOWPOS function or other window management function 89. WM_Power = $ 0048: (For 16-bit Windows) When the system will send this message 90. WM_copyData = $ 004A: When one The application passes the data to another application to send this message 91. WM_CANCELJournall = $ 004B: When a user cancels log activation status, 92. Submit this message to the program 93. WM_NOTIFY = $ 004e: When a control is When an event has occurred or this control needs to get some information,

94. Send this message to its parent window 95. WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST = $ 0050: When the user selects some kind of input language, 96. or enter the word hotkey change 97. WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE = $ 0051: When the platform has been changed, this message is sent. The most affected top window 98. WM_TCARD = $ 0052: Send this message when the program has initialized the Windows Help routine, send this message to the application 99. WM_HELP = $ 0053: This message shows that the user presses F1,100. If a menu is activated , 101. Just send this message, this window is associated with the menu, otherwise the window with focus, 102. If there is no focus, 103. Send this message to the current activation window 104. WM_UserChanged = $ 0054: This message is sent to all windows when the user has logged in or exit, 105. When the user logins or exits, the system update user's specific setting information, 106. The system immediately sends this message immediately when the user update is set; 107. WM_NOTIFORMAT = $ 0055 : Public controls, 108. Custom controls and their parent windows to determine that the control is using ansi or a Unicode structure in the WM_NOTIFY message, 109. Using this control enables a control to communicate with its parent controls 110. WM_CONTEXTMENU = $ 007B: When you click on the right button in a window to send this message to this message 111. WM_StyleChanging = 007c: When the calling setWindowlong function will change this message to that message when the calling setWindowlong function will change the style of one or more windows. Window 112. WM_Stylechanged = $ 007d: When the style of the setWindowlong function is called after the style of one or more windows, this message is sent to that window 113. WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = 007E: This message is sent to all windows after the resolution change changes. WM_Geticon = 007f: This message is sent to a window to return a big icon 115. or a small icon 116. The handle; 117. Wm_seticon = 0080: Program Send this message to make a new large icon 118. Or small icon 119. Associate with a window; 120. Wm_nccreate = $ 0081: When a window is created first, 121. This message is sent before the WM_CREATE message is sent; 122. WM_NCDESTROY = $ 0082: This message Know a window, 123. Non-customer area is destroying 124. WM_nccalcsize = $ 0083: Send this message when a window must be verified 125. WM_nchittest = 0084: Mobile mouse 126., 127. Press and hold or release mouse 128. 129. WM_NCPAINT = 0085: Program Send this message to a window When it (window) frame must be drawn; 130. wm_ncactivate = $ 0086: This message is sent to a window only when it is only a non-client area Need to be changed to display is activated or an inactive state; 131. WM_GETDLGCODE = $ 0087: Send this message to a control associated with the dialog program, 132. Widdows Control orientation key and Tab keys Enter this control by responding to WM_GETDLGCODE message , 133. Application can treat him as a special input control and can handle it 134. WM_ncmousemove = $ 00A0: When the cursor 135. Send this message when moving in a window in the non-customer area of ​​the window File: Non-Customer For: The standard 136 of the form is: the side frame of the window and the window 137. WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN =

$ 00A1: When the cursor 138. When the non-client area of ​​a window is 139. Press the mouse 140. The left button is submitted to this message 141. WM_nclButtonUp = $ 00A2: When the user releases the mouse 142. Left mouse 143. Time SP 144 Some window sends this message in the non-client zone; 145. WM_nclButtondBLCLK = $ 00A3: When the user doubles the mouse 146. The left mouse is 147. Time Current 148. Some windows send this message 149. WM_ncrbuttondown = $ 00A4: When the user presses the mouse 150. Right-click 152. The message is sent to the window of the window 153. WM_NCRBUTTONUP = $ 00A5: When the user releases the mouse 154. Right-click on the same 155. Time Sports 156. This message is sent to the window of the window 157. wm_ncrbuttondblclk = $ 00A6: When the user doubles the mouse 158. Right-click on the same 159. Time SM 160. Some windows send this message 161. WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN = $ 00A7: When the user presses the mouse 162. The mid button is 163. Time SC 164. This message is sent to the window of the window 165. WM_NCMBUTTONUP = $ 00A8: When the user releases the mouse 166. The middle button is 167. Time Salad 168. Send this message when the window's non-customer district 169. wm_ncmbuttondblClk = $ 00A9: When the user doubles the mouse 170. The mid button is 171. Time SC 172. This message is sent to the window of the window 173. WM_KEYFIRST = 0100: 174 . Wm_keydown = $ 0100: file: Press a key 175. WM_KEYUP = $ 0101: file: Release a key 176. WM_CHAR = $ 0102: file: Press a key, 177. $ 0103: Send this message when translated by the TranslateMessage function to translate the WM_KEYUP message 180. WM_SYSKEYDOWN = $ 0104: When the user holds down the Alt key with 181. Press the other keys when the other keys are pressed, the message is submitted to the window with the focus; 182. WM_SYSKEYUP = $ 0105: When the user releases a key with 183. When the ALT button is pressed, submit this message to the window 184. WM_SYSCHAR = $ 0106: When WM_S This message is submitted YSKEYDOWN TRANSLATEMESSAGE message translation function to the window that has the focus 185. WM_SYSDEADCHAR = $ 0107: When the message window 186. WM_INITDIALOG WM_SYSKEYDOWN TRANSLATEMESSAGE function after being translated to send this message with the focus = $ 0110: program is displayed in a dialog box Before sending this message to it, often use this message to initialize the control and perform other tasks 187. WM_COMMAND = $ 0111: When the user selects a menu command item or when a control sends a message to its parent window, 188. A shortcut is translated 189. WM_SYSCOMMAND = $ 0112: When the user selects a command or when the user selects maximizes or minimizes the message 190. WM_TIMER = $ 0113: Timer event 191. WM_HSCROLL = $ 0114: When one Window Standard 192. Quasi-level scroll bars Generate a scroll event to send this message to that window, 193. Send to have its control 194. WM_VSCROLL = $ 0115: When a window standard 195. The quasi-vertical scroll bar generates a scrolling event Send this message to that window, 196. Send to the control 197. WM_INITMENU = $ 0116: When a menu will be activated, this message is sent, 198. It happened to an item in the user menu bar or one menu,

199. It allows the program to change the menu 200. WM_InitMenupopup = $ 0117: When a drop-down menu or submenu will be activated, 201. It allows the program to change the menu before it is displayed, 202. 203. No 204 To change all 205. WM_MENUSELECT = $ 011f: Send this message to the owner of the menu when the user selects a menu item (generally a window) 206. WM_MENUCHAR = $ 0120: When the menu has been activated by the user Press a key ( Not 207. As 208. At the accelerator), 209. Send this message to the owner of the menu; 210. WM_ENTERIDLE = $ 0121: Send this message to the owner of the owner when a modal dialog or menu enters an empty state, 211. A modal dialog or menu enters the no-load status is to wait for one or several previous messages. There is no message. It is waiting for 212. wm_menurbuttonup = $ 0122: wm_menudrag = $ 0123: wm_mernetObject = $ 0124: wm_uninitMenupopupup = $ 0125: 213 . WM_MENUCOMMAND = $ 0126: WM_CHANGEUISTATE = $ 0127: WM_UPDATEUISTATE = $ 0128: WM_QUERYUISTATE = $ 0129: 214 WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = $ 0132:. this message is sent before the windows drawn message box owner window to the message box 215 in response to this message, 216. Owner window can set the text and background color 218. WM_CTLCOLOREDIT = $ 0133: When an edit control will be drawn, send this message to the parent window: pass In response to this message, the owner window can set the text and background color 220. WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = $ 10134: When a list box control will be drawn before drawn this message to it The parent window; through response to this, 221. Owner window can set the text and background color of the list box by using a given related display device 222. WM_CTLCOLORBTN = $ 0135: When a button control will be drawn Send this message to its parent window; by responding to this message, 224. Owner window can be used by using a given phase Turn the handle of the display device 225 to set the text and background color 226. WM_CTLCOLORDLG = $ 0136: When a dialog control will be drawn before you send this message to the parent window; by response to this message, 227. Owner The window can set the text background color 229. WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = $ 0137: When a scroll bar control will be drawn, the message is sent to the parent window; by response to this Message, 230. Owner window can set the background color of the scroll bar by using the handle of a given related display device 231. WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = $ 0138: When a static control will be drawn, this message will be sent to the parent window; By responding to this message, 233. All window can set the text and background color of the static control by using a given relevant display device 234. WM_Mousemove = $ 0200: Move mouse 236. 237. WM_LButtondown = $ 0201 Lower mouse 238. Left button 239. WM_LBUTTONUP =

$ 0202: release the mouse button 240. 241. WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0203: Double-click the left mouse 242. 243. WM_RBUTTONDOWN = $ 0204: press the right mouse 244. 245. WM_RBUTTONUP = $ 0205: Release the mouse 246. Right 247. WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = $ 0206: double-click Mouse 248. Right-click 249. WM_MBUTTONDOWN = $ 020207: Press the mouse 250. 中 键 251. WM_MButtonup = $ 0208: Release mouse 252. 中 中 253. WM_MButtondblClk = $ 0209: Double click on the mouse 254. 中 中 255. wm_mousewheel = $ 020a: When the mouse 256. When the wheel turns this message, the current focus control 257. WM_ParentNotify = $ 0210: When the MDI sub-window is created or destroyed, 258. Or the user presses the mouse 259. button 260. Cursor 261. Sub-window Upset this message to its parent window 262. WM_ENTERMENULOOP = $ 0211: Send this message to notify the application's main window That has entered the menu loop mode 263. WM_EXITMENULOOP = 0212: Send this message to notify the application of the main window That already Exited menu loop mode 264. WM_NEXTMENU = $ 0213: 265. Wm_sizing = 532: When the user is adjusting the window to send this message to the window; you can monitor the window size and location can also modify them 266. WM_CaptureChanged = 533: Send this message to the window When it lost the captured mouse 267. (268. WM_MOVING = 534: When the user sends this message while the mobile window, 269. You can monitor the window size and location can also be modified. They; 270. WM_POWERBROADCAST = 536: This message is sent to the application to inform it to notify the power management event; 271. Wm_devicechange = 537: This message is sent to the application or device 273 when the hardware configuration change of the device 272.274. Driver 274 WM_IME_STARTComposition = $ 010d: 275. WM_IME_ENDComposition = $ 010e: 276. WM_i ME_COMPOSITION = $ 010F: 277 WM_IME_KEYLAST = $ 010F:. 278 WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = $ 0281:. 279 WM_IME_NOTIFY = $ 0282:. 280 WM_IME_CONTROL = $ 0283:. 281 WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = $ 0284:. 282 WM_IME_SELECT = $ 0285:. 283 WM_IME_CHAR = $ 0286:. 284. WM_IME_REQUEST = $ 0288: 285 WM_IME_KEYDOWN = $ 0290:. 286 WM_IME_KEYUP = $ 0291:. 287 WM_MDICREATE = $ 0220:. application sends this message to the client window multiple document to create an MDI child window 288. WM_MDIDESTROY = $ 0221: application sends this message Give a multi-document customer window to close a MDI sub-window 289. WM_MDIAACTIVATE = $ 0222: Application Send this message to the multi-document client window to activate another MDI sub-window, 290. When the client window receives this message , 291. It issues a WM_MDIACTIVE message to activate it to the MDI sub-window (not activated);

292. wm_mdirestore = $ 0223: Program Send this message to the MDI Customer window to restore the sub-window from the maximum minimization 293. The original size 294. WM_MDINEXT = $ 0224: Program Send this message to the MDI client window to activate the next or the previous window 295. WM_MDIMAXIMIZE = $ 0225: Program Send this message to MDI client window to maximize a MDI sub-window; 296. WM_MDITILE = $ 0226: Program Send this message to the MDI customer window to rearrange all MDI sub-window 297. WM_MDICASCADE = $ 0227: The program sends this message to the MDI client window to rearrange all MDI sub-window 298. WM_MDIICONARRANGE = $ 0228: Program Send this message to rearrange all minimized MDI sub-windows 299. WM_MDiGetActive = $ 0229: Program Send this message Give the MDI customer window to find the handle of the activated sub-window 300. WM_MDisetMenu = $ 0230: Program Send this message to the MDI customer window Substance Sub-window MS 301. WM_Entersization = $ 0231: 302. WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = $ 0232: 303. Wm_dropfiles = $ 0233: 304. WM_MDirefreshMenu = $ 0234: 305. Wm_mousehover = $ 02a1: 306. Wm_mouseeleave = $ 02A3: 307. WM_CUT = $ 0300: Program Send this message to an edit box or ComboBox to delete the currently selected text 308. WM_copy = $ 0301: The program sends this message to an edit box or ComboBox 309. Make the currently selected text to the clipboard 310. WM_PASTE = $ 0302: Program Send this message Get data from the clipboard 311. WM_CLEAR = $ 0303: Program Send this message to editcontrol or combobox clear the current selection; 312 WM_UNDO = $ 0304:. sends this message to editcontrol or combobox undo the last operation 313. WM_RENDERFORMAT = $ 0305; 314 WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = $ 0306:. 315 WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = $ 0307. : Send this message to the owner of the clipboard to the owner of the clipboard 316. WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = $ 0308: Send this message to the first window of the clipboard to observe the clipboard when the content changes of the clipboard; it allows the window to observe the window Display the new content of the clipboard; 317. WM_PaintClipboard = $ 0309: When the clipboard contains data in the CF_OWNERDIPLAY format and the clipboard observation window needs to be re-painted; 318. WM_VScrollClipboard = $ 030a: 319. Wm_sizeclipboard = 030b: When clipboard The size of the client area containing the CF_OWNERDIPLAY format and the clipboard observation window has changed that this message is sent to the owner of the clipboard by the clipboard observation window; 320. WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME = $ 030c: Send this message to the clipboard The owner of the board is requested to request a clipboard in a CF_OWNERDISPlay format 321. Word 322. WM_CHANGECBCHAIN ​​= $ 030D: Send this message to the first window of the clipboard when the window is removed from the clipboard observation chain. 323. WM_HSCROLLLPBOARD = $ 030e: This message sends the owner of the clipboard through a clipboard watch window;

It happens in the clipboard contains data in the CFOWNERDispaly format and has an event on the horizontal scroll bar of the clipboard viewing window; the owner should scroll the clipboard image and update the value of the scroll bar; 324. WM_QueryNewPalette = $ 030f: Send to the window to receive the focus, 325. This message can make the window when receiving the focus, 326. When there is a chance to realize his logical palette 327. WM_PALETTEISCHANGING = $ 0310: When an application is going to implement it Dogic palette This message is sent to all applications 328. WM_Palettechanged = $ 0311: This message is sent to all top-level and overlapping windows after implementing its logical palette in a focus window, 329. With this To change the system palette 330. WM_hotKey = $ 0312: Submit this message when the user presses the hotkey registered by the RegisterhotKey function 331. WM_PRINT = 791: Application Send this message only when Windows or other applications issued a request request request a part of the application; 332 WM_PRINTCLIENT = 792:. 333. WM_HANDHELDFIRST = 856: 334 WM_HANDHELDLAST = 863: 335 WM_PENWINFIRST = $ 0380: 336 WM_PENWINLAST = $ 038F: 337 WM_COALESCE_FIRST = $ 0390: 338 WM_COALESCE_LAST = $ 039F:..... 339. WM_DDE_FIRST = $ 03E0: 340. Wm_dde_initiate = WM_DDE_FIRST 0: A DDE client submits this message to start a session of the service 341.Teler program to respond to the program and topic name 343.; 344. WM_DDE_TERMINATE = WM_DDE_FIRMINATE = WM_DDE_First 1: A DDE application (whether a customer is still a 345.orker) Submit this message to terminate a session; 346. WM_DDE_ADVISE = WM_DDE_FIRST 2: A DDE client submits this message to a DDE service 347. The program is requested to serve the 348. Wriver Whenever the data is changed when the data is changed, 349. WM_DDE_UNADVISE = WM_DDE_FIRST 3: A DDE client notified A DDE service 350. Explorer not 351. Update 352. Item or a special clipboard format item 353. WM_DDE_ACK = WM_DDE_FIRST 4: This message notifies a DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) program has received and is being processing WM_DDE_POKE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, WM_DDE_DATA, WM_DDE_ADVISE, WM_DDE_UNADVISE, orWM_DDE_INITIAT message WM_DDE_DATA = WM_DDE_FIRST 5: a DDE server 354. this message to the service application submitted DDE client to pass a number of data items available for a data item to the client or notifies the client 355 . WM_DDE_REQUEST = WM_DDE_FIRST 6: A DDE client submits this message to a DDE service 356. The program to request a value of a data item; 357. WM_DDE_POKE = WM_DDE_FIRST 7: A DDE client submit this message to a DDE service 358 , 359. Customer uses this message to request a 360.orner to receive a data item that is not with 361; service 362. Wriver By replying 363. WM_DDE_ACK message prompts whether it receives this data item; 364. WM_DDE_EXECUTE = WM_DDE_FIRST


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