Accwiz.exe -> Auxiliary Tools Wizard Acsetups.exe -> ACS Setup DCOM Server ExecutableActMovie.exe -> Direct Display Installation Tool Append.exe -> Allows Programs Open Data from the Directory ARP.EXE -> Display and Change your computer IP Corresponding list at.exe -> plans to run tasks at.exe -> Call Manager statistics atTrib.exe -> Display and change file and folder properties Autochk.exe -> Detection File System AutoConv.exe - > Automatic transformation system autofn.exe -> using long file name format Bootok.exe -> Boot Acceptance Application for RegistryBootvrfy.exe -> notified successful cacls.exe -> Display and Edit Aclcalc.exe -> Calculator CDPlayer.exe -> CD Player Change.exe -> Query CHARMAP.EXE -> Character Map Table Chglogon.exe -> Startup or Disable Session Record CHGPORT.EXE -> Change Port (Terminal Services) Chgusr.exe -> Change the Users (Terminal Services) Chkdsk.exe -> Disk Detector Chkntfs.exe -> Disk Detector Cidaemon.exe -> Composed CI Document Service Cipher.exe -> Display or change the encrypted file or directory on NTFS CISVC.EXE -> Index Content CKCNV.EXE -> Transform CookiecleAmgr.exe -> Disk Clean Cliconfg.exe -> SQL Customer Network Tool CLIPBRD.EXE -> Scrapbook View CLIPSRV.EXE -> Run CLIPBOARD Service CLSPACK.EXE -> Establish System File List List Cluster.exe -> Display Domain Cluster_cmd_.exe -> Nothing to say! CMDL32.EXE -> Automatic Download Connection Management CMMGR32.exe -> Connection Manager CMMON32.EXE -> Connection Manager Monitor CMSTP.EXE -> Connection Tube Profile Setup COMCLUST.EXE -> Cluster Comp.exe -> Comparison Two files and file sets * Compact.exe -> Display or change the compressed status of the file on the NTFS partition CONIME.EXE -> IME Console Control.exe -> Control Panel Convert.exe -> Convert File System to NTFSConvlog. EXE -> Convert IIS log file format to NCSA format CPROFILE.EXE -> Conversion Display Mode Cscript.exe -> Better Version CSRSS.exe -> Customer Server Runtime Process CSVDE.exe -> Day to Format Converter DBGTRACE.EXE -> and Terminal Server Related DCOMCNFG.EXE -> DCOM Configuration Properties DCPHELP.EXE -> DCPROMo.exe -> AD Setup Wizard Ddeshare.exe -> DDE Share DDMPRXY.EXE -> Debug.exe -> is Debug! DFRGFAT.EXE -> FAT partition Disk Defragmentation DFRGNTFS.EXE -> NTFS Partition Disk Defragmentation DFS_CMD_.EXE -> Configure a DFS Tree DFSINIT.EXE -> Distributed File System Initialization DFSSVC.EXE ->
Distributed File System Server Diantz.exe -> Making CAB File Diskperf.exe -> Disk Performance Counter DllHost.exe -> Main Process of All COM Applications DllHst3g.exe -> Dmadmin.exe -> Disk Management Service Dmremote.exe - > Disk management services DNS.exe -> DNS Applications DNSDoSKey.exe -> Command Line Create Macro Dosx.exe -> DOS Extension DPLAYSVR.EXE -> Direct Run Help DRWATSON.EXE -> Huasheng Doctor error detection Drwtsn32.exe -> Huasheng doctor showing and configuring management DTCSetup.exe -> installs mdtcdvdplay.exe -> DVD play DXDIAG.EXE -> DIRECT-X Diagnostic Tool EDLIN.EXE -> Command Line text editor (history is long!) Edlin .exe -> Command line text editor (history is long!) esentutl.exe -> ms database tool eudedingit.exe -> Type Brace EVENTVWR.EXE -> Event Viewer evnt_cmd_.exe -> Event to Trap Translator Configuration Toolevntwin.exe -> Event to Trap Translator Setupexe2bin.exe -> Convert EXE File to Binary Expand.exe -> Decompression Extrac32.exe -> Decomposition CAB Tool Fastopen.exe -> Quickly Access Hard Disk Fax Faxcover in Memory .exe -> Fax Cover Editing Faxqueue.exe -> Display Fax Queue Faxsend.exe -> Send Fax Wizard FaxSvc.exe -> Start Fax Service Fc.exe -> Compare Two Files Different Find.exe -> Find files The text row FindStr.exe -> Find rows in the file Finger.exe -> A user and display statistics fixmapi.exe -> fix MAPI file flattemp.exe -> Allow or disable temporary file directory fontview.exe -> display Fonts in the font file forcedos.exe -> forces a file to start in dos mode. Forced files in DOS model Type RUN freecell.exe -> popular windows game FreeCell ftp.exe -> file transfer protocol used to transfer files over a network connection is the ftp gdi.exe -> graphic device interface graphical interface driver grovel.exe -> grpconv. Exe -> Program Manager Group Convertor Converter Administrators Group Help.exe -> Displays Help for Windows 2000 Commands Display Help Hostname.exe -> Display Hostname for Machine. Show Hostnameie 4uinit.exe -> IE5 User Install Tool IE5 User Installation Tools IESHWIZ.EXE -> Customize Folder Wizard Custom Folder Wizard IEXPRESS.EXE -> CREATE AND SETUP PACKAGES for Install Parts Install Pack IisReSet.exe ->
restart iis admin service to restart the iis service internat.exe -> keyboard language indicator applet keyboard language indicator ipconfig.exe -.> windows 2000 ip configuration view ip configuration ipsecmon.exe -> ip security monitor ip safety monitor ipxroute.exe -> ipx routing and source routing control program ipx routing and source routing control program irftp.exe -> setup ftp for wireless communication a wireless connection ismserv.exe -> intersite messaging service to install or remove the service jdbgmgr.exe service control manager in -> microsoft debugger For Java 4 Java4 debugger JetConv.exe -> Convert A Jet Engine Database Convert Jet Engine Database JetPack.exe -> Compact Jet Database. Compressed Jet Database JVIEW.EXE -> Command-Line Loader for Java Java command line loader KRNL386.EXE -> Core Component for Windows 2000 2000 Core Component Label.exe -> Change Label For Drives Change the Volume LCWIZ.EXE -> License Compliance Wizard for Local or Remote Systems. License Conforms the Wizard LDIFDE.EXE - > LDIF CMD Line Manager LDIF Directory Exchange Command Line Management Licmgr.exe -> Terminal Server License Manager Terminal Services License Agreement Management Lights.exe -> Display Connection Status Lights Display Connection LLSMGR.EXE -> Windows 2000 License Manager 2000 License Agreement Management Llssrv.e XE -> Start The License Server Start License Protocol Server LNKSTUB.EXE -> Locator.exe -> RPC Locator Remote Location Lodctr.exe -> LOAD Perfmon Counters Call Performance Count LogFF.exe -> Log Current USER OFF. Log for LPQ. Exe -> Displays Status of a Remote LPD Queue Displays the status of the remote LPD print queue, showing the print task that is sent to UNIX-based server lpr.exe -> Send a print job to a network printer. Redirect print jobs Printer in the network. Usually used for UNIX client printers to send print tasks to printer servers connected to the NT of the print device.
LSAss.exe -> LSA EXECUTABLE AND Server DLL Running LSA and Server DLLLSERVER.EXE -> Specifier The New DNS Domain for the Default Server Specifies the default Server new DNS field OS2.exe -> an OS / 2 WARP Server (OS2 / o) OS / 2os2srv.exe -> an OS / 2 WARP Server OS / 2os2ss.exe -> An OS / 2 WARP Server OS / 2osk.exe -> On Screen Keyboard Screen Keyboard Packager.exe -> Windows 2000 Packager Manager object Package PATHPING.EXE -> Combination of ping and tracert Contains PIN.EXE -> IS A POSIX Program and path name Used as arguments must be specified in posix format. Use "File: // c / users / Default "Instead of" C: / Users / Default. "Start portable archive interchange (PAX) utility PENTNT.EXE -> Used to check the pentium for the floating point division error. Check Pentium floating point error Perfmon.exe - > Starts Windows Performance Monitor Performance Monitor PING.EXE -> Packet Internet Groper Verification with Remote Computers POSIX.EX.EXE -> Used for Backward Compatibility WITH UNIX is used to compatibility with Unixprint.exe -> cmd line buy to print files print text files Or display the contents of the print queue. progman.exe -> program manager program manager proquota.exe -> profile quota programpsxss.exe -> posix subsystem application posix subsystem application qappsrv.exe -> displays the available application terminal servers on the network server on the network display terminal Available Programs QProcess.exe -> Display Information About Processes Local or Remote Information in Local or Remote Display Process (Required Terminal Services) Query.exe -> Query Termserver User Process And Sessions Query Process and Dialogue Quser.exe -> Display Information About a User Logged ON Displays the user login information (requires a terminal service) Qwinsta.exe -> Display Information About Terminal sessions. Display Terminal Services
Rasadmin.exe -> Start The Remote Access Admin Service Launches Remote Access Service Rasautou.exe -> Creates A RAS Connection Creating a RAS connection rasDial.exe -> Dial a connection dial-up RAS.EXE -> Starts a ras connection Run RAS connection RCP.EXE -> COPIES A File from AND to a RCP Service. In Windows 2000 Computer and Running Remote Shell Port Monitor RSHD RDPClip.exe -> RDPClip Allows You to Copy and Paste Files Between a Terminal Session And Client Console session. Recover.exe -> Recovers Readable Information from A Bad or Defective Disk restores readable information from a bad or defective disk. Redir.exe -> Starts The Redirector Service Running RecordT32.exe -> 32-Bit Register Service 32-bit Registration Service Regini.exe -> Modify Registry Permissions from With I I Script Use Script Modify Registration License Register.exe -> Register . a program so it can have special execution characteristics include special registration program running characters regsvc.exe -> regsvr32.exe -.> registers and unregisters dlls as to how and where it registers them i dont know registration and the registration dllregtrace.. Exe -> Options to Tune Debug Options for Applications Failing to Dump TracementStrace Setting REGWIZ.EXE -> Registration Wizard Registration Wizard REMRAS.EXE -> Replace.exe -> Replace Files Replace files in the target directory with the same name file in the source directory . Rexec.exe -> Runs Commands on Remote Hosts Running The Rexec Service. Run the command on remote computers running the Rexec service. Before executing the specified command, verify the username on the remote computer, only the command can only be used after the TCP / IP protocol is installed.
Runup.exe -> Starts The Remote Installation Service Wizard. Running Remote Setup Wizard Services Route.exe -> Display Or Edit The Current Routing Tables. Control Network Routing Table Routemon.exe -> No longer supported no longer support! Router.exe -> Router Software That Runs Either on a deted dos or on an OS / 2 System. Route software in DOS or OS / 2 system RSH.EXE -> Runs Commands on Remote Hosts Running The RSH Service is running RSH service Remote computer RSM.EXE -> Mounts and Configures Remote System Media Configuring Remote System Media RsNotify.exe -> Remote Storage Notification Recall Remote Storage Notification Election Rsvp.exe -> Resource Reservation Protocol Source Appointment Protocol Runas.exe > Run A Program As Another USER allows users to run the specified tools and programs Rundll32.exe -> Launches a 32-bit DLL Program starts 32-bit DLL programs Runonce.exe -> Causes a program to run DURING Startup Run Run During Startup Rwinsta.exe -> RESET the session subsystem hardware and software to reset session subsystem hardware and software to the initial value savedump.exe -> does not write to e: /winnt/User.dmp Into User.dmp in Scardsvr.exe -> Smart Card Resource Management Server Subsida Card Resource Management Server Schupgr.exe -> It Will Read The Schema Update Files (.ldf Files) And Upgrade The Schema. (Part of ADSI) Read Plan update file and update plan SECEDIT.EXE -> Starts Security Editor Help Auto Security Configuration Manage Services.exe -> Controls All The Services Controls All Services SETHC .EXE -> SETHIGH Contrast - Changes Colors and Display Mode logoff to set it back to normal setting High Contrast setReg.exe -> Shows The Software Publishing State Key Values Display Software Published National Language Setup.exe -> GUI BOX Prompts you To Goto Control Panel To Configure System Components Setup (Go to Control Panel) Setver.exe -> SET VERSION for Files Sets MS-DOS Subsystem to MS-DOS Version Sfc.exe -> System File Checker Test and Check System Files for Integrity System File Check SfmPrint.exe ->
Print Services for Macintosh Print Macintosh Service SfmpSexe.exe -> Sfmsvc.exe -> Shadow.exe -> Monitor Another Terminal Services Session. Monitoring another Middle-end server session Share.exe -> WINDOWS 2000 and MS-DOS subsystems are not used This command.
Accept this command is just to compatibility with MS-DOS files. SHMGRATE.EXE -> Shrpubw.exe -> Create and Share Folders established and shared folder SIGVERIF.EXE -> File Signature Verification file signature verification SKEYS.EXE -> Serial Keys Utility sequence No. Maker smlogsvc.exe -> performance logs and alerts performance logs and alerts smss.exe -> sndrec32.exe -> starts the windows sound recorder recorder sndvol32.exe -> display the current volume information display sound control information snmp.exe - > simple network management protocol used for network mangement sNMP snmptrap.exe -> utility used with snmp snmp tool sol.exe -> windows solitaire game solitaire sort.exe -> compares files and folders to read input, and sort data The result is written to the screen, file and other devices Spoolsv.exe -> Part of the spooler service for printing SPRESTRT.EXE -> SRVMGR.EXE -> Starts The Windows Server Manager Server Manager Stimon.exe -> WDM StillImage- -> Monitorstisvc.exe -> WDM StillImage- -> Servicesubst.exe -> Associates a path with a driving link to drive the path to the drive letter SVCHOST.EXE -> SVCHOST.EXE IS A Generic Host Process Name for Services That Are Run from Dynamic-Link Libraries (DLLS). DLL Great Process SyncApp.exe -> C Reates Windows Briefcase. Create a Windows File Sysedit.exe -> Opens Editor for 4 System Files System Configuration Editor Syskey.exe -> Encrypt and Secure System Database NT Account Database Press Group Tool Sysocmgr.exe -> Windows 2000 Setup 2000 installer systray.exe -.> Starts the systray run systraymacfile.exe in the lower right corner in the lower right -> Used for managing MACFILES management MACFILESmagnify.exe -> Used to magnify the current screen magnifier makecab.exe -> MS Cabinet Maker make CAB File MDM.EXE -> Machine Debug Manager Machine Debug Management MEM.EXE -> Display Current Memory Stats Display Memory Status Migpwd.exe -> Migrate Passwords. Migration Password MMC.exe -> Microsoft Management Console Console Mnmsrvc.exe ->
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Mobsync.exe -> Management Synchronization. Sync Directory Manager MountVol.exe -> Creates, DELETES, OR LISTS A VOLUME MOUNT POINT. Create, delete, or list the load point. mplay32.exe -> MS Media Player Media Player mpnotify.exe -> Multiple Provider Notification application multi-provider notifies the application mq1sync.exe -> mqbkup.exe -> MS Message Queue Backup and Restore Utility queue backup and recovery tools mqexchng .exe -> MSMQ Exchange Connector Setup Information Queen Exchange Connection Setting MQMIG.EXE -> MSMQ Migration Utility Information Queen Migration Tool MQSVC.EXE ->? Mrinfo.exe -> Multicast Routing Using SNMP Using SNMP Multipoint Transfer Routing MscdexNT.exe - > Installs MSCD (MS CD Extensions) Install MSCDMSDTC.EXE -> Dynamic Transaction Controller Console Dynamic Transaction Console Msg.exe -> Send a Message to a User Local or Remote. Send Messages to Local or Remote Customers
mshta.exe -> HTML Application HOST HTML application host msiexec.exe -> Starts Windows Installer Program start Windows Installer mspaint.exe -> Microsoft Paint drawing board msswchx.exe -> mstask.exe -> Task Schedule Program task schedule program mstinit.exe -> task scheduler setup task schedule installation narrator.exe -> Program will allow you to have a narrator for reading Microsoft Narrator nbtstat.exe -.> Displays protocol stats and current TCP / IP connections using NBT using NBT ( NetBIOS on TCP / IP display protocol statistics and current TCP / IP connections. NDDEAPIR.EXE -> NDDE API Server Side NDDE API Server NET.EXE -> NET UTILITY Detailed Usage /? Net1.exe -> Net Utility Updated Version from MS Net Upgrade NetDDe.exe -> Network Dde Will Install Itself INTO The Background Install yourself to the background NETSH.EXE -> Creates a shell for network information for configuring and monitoring Windows 2000 Command line script interface. NetStat.exe -> Displays Current Connections. Displays protocol statistics and current TCP / IP network connections. NLSFUNC.EXE -> Loads Country-Specific Information Loading a specific country (region). This command is not used by Windows 2000 and MS-DOS subsystems. Accept this command is just to be compatible with the MS-DOS file. NOTEPAD.EXE -> Opens Windows 2000 Notepad Notepad Nslookup.exe -> Displays Information For DNS This diagnostic tool displays information from the Domain Name System (DNS) name server.
ntbackup.exe -> Opens the NT Backup Utility Backup and troubleshooting tools ntbooks.exe -> Starts Windows Help Utility Help ntdsutil.exe -> Performs DB maintenance of the ADSI ADSI completion of the maintenance ntfrs.exe DB -> NT File Replication Service NT file replication service NTFRSUPG.EXE -> NTKRNLPA.EXE -> KERNLPA.EXE -> KERNL PATCH Core Patch Ntoskrnl.exe -> Core NT Kernel KT NTSD.EXE -> NTVDM.EXE -> Simulates A 16-Bit Windows Environment Simulation 16 Windows environment nw16.exe -> Netware Redirector NetWare redirector nwscript.exe -> runs netware scripts running Netware script odbcad32.exe -> ODBC 32-bit Administrator 32-bit ODBC Administrator odbcconf.exe -> Configure ODBC drivers and data sources from command LINE command line configures ODBC driver and data source Taskman.exe -> Task Manager Task Manager Taskmgr.exe -> Starts The Windows 2000 Task Manager Task Manager TCMSetup.exe -> Telephony Client Wizard Telephone Service Customer installation TCPSVCS.EXE -> TCP Services TCP Service .exe -> Telnet Utility Used to Connect To Telnet ServerTermsrv.exe -> Terminal Server Terminal Services TFTP.exe -> Trivial FTP Transfer files to remote computers running TFTP services or remotely running TFTP services Computer Transfer File TFTPD.EXE -> Trivial FTP daemhemes.exe -> Change Windows themes Desktop Themes tlntadmn.exe -> Telnet Server Administrator Telnet Service Management tlntsess.exe -> Display the current Telnet Sessions to display the current Telnet session tlntsvr.exe -> Start the Telnet Server Telnet service to start tracert.exe -> Trace a route to display PATHS This diagnostic utility will send the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) that contains different survival time (TTL) values to the target to determine the route Tsadmin.exe -> Terminal Server Administrator Terminal Services Manager TSCON . EXE -> Attaches a User Session to a Terminal Session. Paste User Session to Terminal Dialogue Tsdiscon.exe -> Disconnect A User from a Terminal Session Disconnect Terminal Services User Tskill.exe -> Kill a Terminal Server Process Kill Terminal Serving Tsprof.exe -> Used with Terminal Server to Query Results. Terminal Services get query results TSSHUTDN.EXE ->
SHUTDOWN THE SYSTEM Close System Unlodctr.exe -> Part of Performance Monitoring Performance Monitor Some UPG351DB.EXE -> UPGRADE A JET Database Upgrade Jet Database Ups.exe -> UPS Service UPS Services User.exe -> Core Windows Service Windows Core services userinit.exe -> part of part usrmgr.exe the winlogon process Winlogon process -> Start the windows user manager for domains domain user Manager utilman.exe -> This tool enables an administrator to designate which computers automatically open accessibility tools when . Windows 2000 starts automatically open when Windows 2000 starts the machine verifier.exe -> Driver Verifier Manager Driver Verifier Managervwipxspx.exe -> Loads IPX / SPX VDM call IPX / SPX VDMw32tm.exe -> Windows time server time server wextract.exe -> Used to windows files solution extract compressed Windows files winchat.exe -> opens Windows chat Windows open chat winhlp32.exe -> Starts the Windows help system to run the help system winlogon.exe -.> Used as part of the logon process Logon process Part of WINMINE.EXE -> Windows Game Digling mines WINMSD.EXE -> Windows Diagnostic Utility System Information Wins.exe -> Wins Service Wins Service Winspool.exe -> Print Routing Print Road Winver.exe -> Displays the current version of Windows displays the Windows version wizmgr.exe -> Starts Windows Administration Wizards Windows Management Wizard wjview.exe -> Command line loader for Java command line call Javawowdeb.exe -> For starters, the 32-bit APIs. require that the WOWDEB.EXE task runs in when the target debugees VM starts, 32 API requires wowexec.exe -> For running Windows over Windows applications running on Windows applications Windowswpnpinst.exe -> write.exe -?> starts MS Write Program Word board WScript.exe -> Windows Scripting Utility Script Tools WUPDMGR.EXE -> Starts The Windows Update Wizard (Internet) Running Windows Upgrade Wizard Xcopy.exe -> Copying files and directories, including subdirectory Win XP console command details
The console command of WIN XP (including 2000) is a very effective diagnostic and testing tool that appears in the system. Xiaobian did always want to sum up this command, this time, the hardships gave us this practical secret. Part 1: File and directory operation command
Attrib Batch Chdir (CD) Copy Delete (DEL) Expand Mkdir (MD) RMDIR (RD) TYPE
Part II: System and Disk Operation Commands
Bootcfg HKDSK DiskPart FixBoot fixmbr format map
Part III: Auxiliary operations and special function orders
CLS Disable Enable Exit Help CommandName Listsvc Logon Net USE
Set SystemRoot
Attrib changes the properties of a single file or directory. This command sets or deletes read-only, system, archive, hidden, and compressed properties assigned to files or directories.
Attrib commands with the following parameters are only available when using a fault recovery console. Attrib commands with different parameters can be used in the command prompt.
Attrib [ r | -r] [ s | -s] [ h | -h] [ c | -c] [[drive:] [PATH] FileName]
r Sets read-only properties. -r Clear read-only properties. S Set system properties. -s Clear system properties. h Set hidden properties. -H Clear hidden properties. C Sets the compression properties. -c Clear compressed properties.
[[DRIVE:] [PATH] FileName]
Specifies the location and name of the directory or file you want to process. You can change only one file at a time or change the entire directory.
Note: You can change multiple properties of a file or directory with a command.
Perform the command specified in the text file. The Batch command is only available when using the fault recovery console. The fault recovery console can be started from the installation CD.
Batch Input_File [Output_File]
Specifies the text file that contains the list of commands to be executed. Input_file can be composed of a drive letter and a colon, a directory name, a file name, or a combination thereof.
If specified, store the command output in the name file. If not specified, the output will be displayed on the screen.
The following example will execute the batch file C: /JOBS/FIND.TXT and store the output in File C: /JOBS/Results.txt:
Note: Batch files cannot contain nested BATCH commands.
Displays the name of the current directory or change the current folder.
The chDIR command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. You can use a chDIR command with different parameters at a command prompt.
Chdir [Drive:] [PATH] [..]
CD [Drive:] [PATH] [..]
If you do not bring any parameters, ChDIR will display the name of the current drive and folder. Use only with the drive letter (for example, CD C :), chDIR will display the current directory on the specified drive.
[Drive:] [PATH]
Specifies the drive to be changed (if not the current drive) and directory.
Indicates to the parent folder. Insert a space between chDIR and two stations.
ChDIR regards space as a separator. Use quotes to extend the name of the catalog containing spaces. For example: CD "driver cache"
ChDIR applies only to the current Windows installed system directory, movable media, hard disk partition root, or local installation source. Copy copies a single file to another location. The copy command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console.
You can use a copy command with different parameters at the command prompt.
Copy Source [Destination]
Specifies the location and name of the file to be copied. Source can be constructed from the drive letter and colon, directory name, file name or combination.
Specifies the location and name of the file or file set to be copied. Destination can consist of drive numbers and colons, folder names, file names, and combinations.
The source can be any directory, the root directory of the drive, the root directory of the drive, local installation source or cmdcons directory in the current Windows installation system directory. The target can be anywhere in the same position as the source other than the movable medium. If there is no target, the default is the current directory. The compressed file in the Windows installation CD is decompressed during the replication process. COPY does not support wildcard. Delete (DEL)
Delete a single file. The delete or DEL command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. You can use the delete or del command with different parameters at the command prompt.
Delete [Drive:] [PATH] FileName
Del [Drive:] [PATH] FILENAME
[Drive:] [PATH] FileName Specifies the location and name of the file to be deleted.
Delete applies only to system directories, mobile media, hard disk partitions, or local installation sources. DIR
Display the files and subdirectory lists in the directory. DIR commands with the following parameters are only available when using the fault recovery console. The DIR command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Dir [Drive:] [PATH] [filename]
[Drive:] [PATH]
Specify the drive and directory to view the list.
Specify a specific file or a set of files to view the list. You can use multiple file names. The file name can be separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons. A set of files can be displayed using wildcards (? And *) in the filename parameter.
DIR also lists the volume labels and serial numbers of the disk, as well as the number of the listed files, cumulative size, and the remaining available space on the disk (in bytes). For each file and subdirectory, the DIR lists the extension of the file, the file byte, the last modification date and time of the file, and the following file properties (if available):
Abbreviation Properties D Directory h Hidden File S System File E Encrypted R Read-only A Archive File C Compressed P Re-Analyy
DIR applies only to system directories, mobile media, hard disk partitions, or local installation sources.
Extract files from the compressed file. The driver file can be extracted from the .cab file or compressed file by this command.
The expand command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. You can use the Expand command with different parameters at the command prompt.
Expand Source [/ f: filespec}] [destination] [/ d] [/ y]
Specifies the file to be expanded. If the source file contains only one file, use this option. Source can be constructed from the drive letter and colon, directory name, file name or combination. Can't use wildcard.
/ f: size
If the source file contains multiple files, specify the name of the file to extract. You can use wildcards to files to be extracted.
Specify the target directory and / or file name of the extraction file or each individual file.
/ d
List the files contained in the CAB file without expand or extract.
/ y
Cover prompt does not appear when expanding or extracting files.
The following example extracts the msgame.sys file from the driver CAB file on the installation CD and copies it to C: / Windows / System / Drivers: Expand D: /i386/ msgame.sys C: / Windows / System / Drivers
The following example will expand the compressed file Access.cp_:
Expand d: /i386/acces.cp_c: /windows/system32/access.cpl
The following example lists all files in the driver CAB file on the installation CD.
Expand / D D: /i386/
The driver CAB file contains thousands of files, including most of the drivers provided by Windows. It takes a long time and a large amount of disk space to expand all files from the CAB file to your hard drive. It is recommended to extract the required files from this file. note
If you do not specify a target, the file will be copied to the current directory. You cannot specify a movable media such as a floppy disk drive or a CD-ROM as a target. Mkdir (MD)
Create a directory or subdirectory. The mkdir command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. The MKDIR command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Mkdir [Drive:] Path
MD [Drive:] Path
Specify the drive to create a new directory.
Specify the name and location of the new directory. Can't use wildcard.
Mkdir applies only to the current Windows installed system directory, movable media, hard disk partition root, or local installation source. Rename (ren)
Change the name of a single file. The rename command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. The rename command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Rename [Drive:] [PATH] Filename1 FileName2
Ren [Drive:] [PATH] Filename1 filename2
[Drive:] [PATH] FileName1
Specifies the location and name of the file to rename. Can't use wildcard.
Specify a new name for the file. You cannot specify a new drive or path when renameting files.
RMDir (RD)
Delete the directory. The RMDIR command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. MDIR commands with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Rmdir [Drive:] Path
Rd [Drive:] Path
[Drive:] Path
Specifies the location and name of the directory to be deleted. Can't use wildcard.
The directory must fail for the empty command. RMDIR is only applicable to the current Windows installation system directory, movable media, hard disk partition root directory, or local installation source. Type
Display the contents of the text file. Use the Type or more command to view text files without modifying files. The TYPE command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. You can use the Type command with different parameters at the command prompt.
TYPE [Drive:] [PATH] FileName
More [Drive:] [PATH] FILENAME
[Drive:] Path] FileName
Specifies the location and name of the file to view.
If you use the NTFS drive and the file name contains spaces, you must use quotation marks (") to cause file names.
Display the contents of the text file. Use more or type command to view text files without modifying files. More commands with the following parameters are only available when using the fault recovery console. The more command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
More [Drive:] [PATH] FILENAME
TYPE [Drive:] [PATH] FileName
[Drive:] Path] FileName Specifies the location and name of the file to view.
If you use the NTFS drive, and the file name contains space, you must use quotation marks (") to cause the file name.
Bootcfg command launch configuration and fault recovery (for most computers, the Boot.ini file).
The bootcfg command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. The bootcfg command with different parameters can be used under the command prompt.
Bootcfg / default Set the default boot item.
Bootcfg / add to the boot list to add a Windows installation.
Bootcfg / Rebuild Repeats all Windows installation procedures and allows users to select content to be added.
Note: Before using Bootcfg / Rebuild, you should back up the boot.ini file through the bootcfg / copy command.
Bootcfg / scan scans all disks used for Windows installation and display results.
Note: These results are stored in static and used for this session. If the disk configuration changes during this session, for the updated scan, you must restart your computer and then scan the disk again.
Bootcfg / list lists the entries in the boot list.
Bootcfg / disableredirect disables redirects in the boot boot program.
Bootcfg / redirect [portbaudrrate] | [usebiossettings]
Enable redirection by specifying configuration in the boot boot program.
Bootcfg / Redirect Com1 115200 Bootcfg / Redirect Usebi OSsettings
Create and display the status report for the disk. The chkdsk command can also list and correct the error on the disk.
The Chkdsk command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. The Chkdsk command with different parameters can be used under the command prompt.
Vol [Drive:] [CHKDSK [Drive:] [/ P] [/ R]
If you do not bring any parameters, CHKDSK will display the disk status in the current drive.
DRIVE: Specifies the drive to check the Chkdsk. / p Even if the drive is not in the Check of CHKDSK, it is also performed. This parameter does not make any changes to the drive. / r Find bad sectors and restore readable information. Implicit / P parameters.
The chkdsk command requires the autochk.exe file. If this file cannot be found in the startup directory (default to /% systemroot% / system32), try to find it in the Windows Installation CD. If there is a multi-boot system, you must ensure that the command is used on a drive containing Windows. Diskpart
Create and delete partitions on your hard drive. The DiskPart command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
Diskpart [/ add | / delete] [device_name | drive_name | partition_name] [size]
If no parameters, the diskpart command will launch the Windows character mode version of Diskpart.
/ add
Create a new partition.
/ delete
Delete existing partitions.
To create or delete a partition device. The device name can be obtained from the output of the MAP command. For example, device name:
/ Device / HardDisk0
The partition is derivated in the drive letter. Only use / delete. The following is an example of the name of the drive:
The partition is represented by a partition name. Can be used instead of DRIVE_NAME. Only use / delete. The following is an example of a partition name: / device / harddisk0 / partition1
The partition size to be created, is represented by a megabyte (MB). Only use / add simultaneously.
The following example will delete the partition:
Diskpart / delete / device / harddisk0 / partition3 diskpart / delete f:
The following example will add a 20 MB partition on the hard disk:
DiskPart / Add / Device / HardDisk0 20
Write a new partition boot sector to the system partition. The FixBoot command can only be used when using the failed recovery console.
Parameter drive
The drive will be written to the boot sector. It will replace the default drive (ie, the user logged in system partition). For example, drive: D:
The following command example writes a new partition boot sector to the system partition of the drive D::
FixBoot D:
Note: If you do not bring any parameters, the fixboot command will write to the user partition to the user to the new partition guided sector.
Fix the primary start record of the boot disk. The Fixmbr command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
FIXMBR [Device_name]
To write a new device (drive) for the new main boot record. The device name can be obtained from the output of the MAP command. For example, device name:
/ Device / HardDisk0
The following command example writes a new main boot record to the specified device:
FIXMBR / Device / HardDisk0
If DEVICE_NAME is not specified, the new main boot record will be written to the boot device, that is, the drive of the main system. If the system detects an invalid or non-standard partition table tag, the user will prompt whether the user continues to execute the command. Do not continue unless you have problems with your drive. Write a new primary boot record to system partitions may destroy the partition table and cause the partition to be unacceptable. Format
Format the specified drive to the specified file system. The format command containing the following parameters is only available when using the fault recovery console. The format command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Format [drive:] [/ fs: file-system]
Specifies the drive to format. Formatting floppy disks from fault recovery console.
/ Q
Quickly format the drive. Do not scan the driver to see if there is a bad area, so this parameter should only be used for the previously formatted drive.
/ fs: file-system
Specify the file system to use: FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. If the file system is not specified, an existing file system format will be used.
Displays the mapping of the drive letter and the name of the physical device. This information is non-commonly used when running the fixboot and fixmbr commands.
The MAP command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
Indicates the MAP command to display the Advanced RISC Calculation (ARC) device name instead of the device name. The following is an example of the name of the ARC device:
Multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) Partition (1)
The equivalent device name is:
/ Device / HardDisk0 / Partition1
The following example maps the physical device name to the drive letter named using the ARC device:
Map Arc
If the Arc parameter is not used, the MAP command displays the device name. The MAP command also displays the type of file system and the size of each disk (MB). ← Back
CLS clears the screen.
The cleared screen only displays the command prompt and insert point.
Disable Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 system service or device driver. The disable command is only available when using the fault recovery console. Disable {service_name} [device_driver_name}
System service name to be disabled.
The device driver name to be disabled.
The following example will disable the EventLog service:
Disable Eventlog
The Disable command sets the specified service or the startup type of the driver to Service_Disabled. When using the disable command to disable the system service or device driver, the name of the system service or device driver lasts the name of the last launch type will be displayed on the screen. This name should be recorded in order to use the enable command to use the Enable command to restore the startup type to last settings. There are five types of start types. The first three types are: service_auto_start, service_disabled, and service_demand_start. Corresponding standard launch type: Auto, disabled, and manual, usually configured using "Services" in the Computer Management management tool. The latter two types are: service_boot_start and service_system_start, usually used to configure the way to load the device driver. For example, load it when you start your computer or when Windows is started. Enable
Enable Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0 system service or device drivers. The enable command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
Enable {service_name | device_driver_name} [startup_type]
To enable the name of the system service.
The name of the device driver to be enabled.
The start-up types are assigned to the service or device driver. Effective start types include:
Service_boot_start service_system_start service_auto_start service_demand_start example
The next example sets the start-up type of the EventLog service to Auto or Service_Auto_Start:
If the start type is not assigned, the enable command lists the current start type of the service or device driver specified in Service_name. When you use the enable command to change the start-up type, the name of the last start type will be displayed on the screen. This name should be kept to restore the start type to last settings when needed. Exit
Turn off the fault recovery console and restart your computer. The exit command is only available when using the "Fault Recovery Console".
Provide online information about the fault recovery console command.
Help [CommandName]
List the commands provided in the fault recovery console.
Provide command information, including parameters used by commands.
There are two ways to get the online help of the command. You can specify the command name after the HELP command, or you can type the command name and /?. switch. For example, type the following command to get information about the extract command: HELP EXTRACTEXTRACT /?
List the services and drivers that can be used on your computer. The listsvc command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
Log in to Windows installation. The logon command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
The Logon command lists all detected Windows installations, and the local administrator password that needs to be installed can be installed. If the 3 times a login attempt fails, the "Fault Recovery Console" will exit and the computer will restart. Net USE
Connect the network to the drive letter. NET USE commands with the following parameters are only available when using the fault recovery console. The NET USE command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Net use [// computername / sharename [/ user: [domainname /] username] password] | [Driveletter:] [/ d]
// ServerName / Sharename
Specifies the name of the server and shared resources. If ComputerName contains blank characters, the computer name is enclosed from the double-reverse slash (//) to the computer name. The computer name length can be 1 to 15 characters.
/ User
Specifies the username to establish a connection.
domain name
The domain name to be used when confirming the user's credentials.
Specifies the username used when logging in.
Specifies the password required to access the shared resource. Do not enter your password, give a prompt to type a password. The password is not displayed when you type a password at the password prompt.
/ d
Indicates that the connection will be continuously opened.
Display and set the environment variable of the "Fault Recovery Console". The SET command is an optional command that must be used with the security template.
SET commands containing different parameters are only available when using fault failures. The set command with different parameters can be used at the command prompt.
Set [variable = [string]]]
Specifies the variables that need to be set or modified.
"Fault Recovery Console" supports the following environment variables:
Variable Description AllowWildCards allows some commands (such as DEL commands to support wildcard. AllowAllPaths allows all files and directories on the system. AllowRemovableMedia allows files to be copied to removable media, such as floppy disks. NocopyPROMPT is not displayed when the existing file is overwritten.
Specifies the string to be associated with the specified variable.
The next example allows the use of wildcards in some fault recovery console commands:
Set allowWildcards = true
Specifies the location and name of the directory to be deleted. Can't use wildcard.
The directory must fail for the empty command. RMDIR is only applicable to the current Windows installation system directory, movable media, hard disk partition root directory, or local installation source. Systemroot
Set the current directory to the SystemRoot folder of the Windows installation system logged in to the user. The systemRoot command is only available when using the fault recovery console.
Enhanced DOS command in XP
◆ Command: DIR, column file, directory
Add parameter: / - c Parameter Description: DIR column file, the file size displayed when the directory is separated, and its value is separated by a thousand units, using this parameter, "DIR / -C" will cancel the separator in the display to meet the part People's visual habits.
Increase parameters: / q Parameter Description: Windows is a multi-user operating system, using this parameter, "DIR / Q" list, the user properties of the file, directory will be displayed.
Add parameters: / t: c, / t: a, / t: w Parameter Description: Use this parameter, "DIR / T: C", "DIR / T: A", "DIR / T: W" display files, respectively , The creation time of the directory, last access time, and last modification time.
Add parameter: / x Parameter Description: Use this parameter, "DIR / X" file, the directory, the file name of the "8.3" format is also displayed on the long file name.
◆ Command: CD, change the directory
Increase parameters: / d Parameter Description: This parameter is to quickly change the current directory, such as the current directory is C: / Windows, using the command "CD / D E: / Tools" to quickly switch to the E: / Tools directory. Note: This parameter can only be used in the "CMD" DOS window in the "Run" text box in Win XP. ◆ Command: MD, establish a directory
Function Description: This command does not add parameters, but enhances the function, it can create multi-stage subdirectory once, such as using the command "MD AA / BB / CC / DD" to create AA, BB, CC, DD level 4 Subdirectory. In the old version of DOS, if there is no AA subdirectory, you cannot directly establish a deep subdirectory such as BB under AA.
◆ Command: rd, delete directory
Add parameters: / s Parameter Description: Use this parameter, "RD / S" is used to delete the directory tree, that is, delete all subdirectories and files in the directory and directory, equivalent to the Deltree command in previous versions.
Increase parameters: / q Parameter Description: When you use the above / s parameter to delete the directory tree, the system will require the user to confirm whether it is really deleted. If you use the / q parameter, "RD / S / Q" is used, the confirmation is canceled when the delete operation is performed, and the / y parameters of the deltree command are applied.
◆ Command: Del, delete files or directories
Add parameter: / f Parameter Description: Use this parameter, "DEL / F" can delete read-only files.
Increase parameters: / s, / q parameter description: Use this parameter, "DEL / S" effect is exactly the same as "RD / S", that is, delete all subdirectories and files in the directory. At the same time, parameters / Q can be unable to delete the system confirmation when the operation is removed.
Add parameter: / a parameter description: Delete files, / ar, / AH, / AA other than specified attributes or specify attributes, indicate deletion read-only, hidden, system, archive file, / ar, / ah, / as , / AA means deleting files other than read only, hidden, system, and archiving. For example, "DEL / AR *. *" Means deleting all read only files in the current directory, "del / a-s *. *" Means all files other than the current directory removed system files.
◆ Command: attrib, change the properties of the file or directory
Increase parameters: / d Parameter Description: In WIN XP we cannot set files or folders to system properties, can only be converted to read-only, hidden or archive properties. Belt parameter / d using the attrib command to set all the properties of the file, and must be used at the same time as parameters / s. For example, "Attrib / S / D S D: / Study", the role is to set the D: / Study folder as the system folder.
◆ Command: Format, formatted disk
Increase parameters: / fs: Filessystem parameter Description: Format disk by specifying file system type (FAT, FAT32, NTFS), such as "Format / FS: NTFS".
◆ Command: Date, Time, Show System Date and Time
Add parameter: / t parameter description: Use this parameter, "Date / T", "Time / T" will only display the current date and time without having to enter the new date and time.
Windows XP Command Interpretation A new instance
CMD [/ a | / u] [/ q] [/ d] [/ E: ON | / E: OFF] [/ f: on | / f: OFF] [/ v: on | / v: OFF] [ / S] [/ c | / k] String] / c Execute a string specified command then end up / k to execute the command specified by the string but retain / s to modify the string processing after / c or / k (see below) / Q Close the response / D Deactivate the autorun command from the registry (see below) / a to make the output of the internal pipe or file command into the output of the ansi / u so that the output of the internal pipe or file command becomes Unicode / T: FG settings Prospect / background color (details, see Color /?) / E: ON Enable Command Extensions (See) / E: OFF Disable Command Extension (See below) / f: ON Enables File and Directory Name Complete Character (see Next) / f: OFF Disable File and Directory Name Complete Character (see below) / V: ON will be delayed as a delimiter starts delaying environment variable extension. Such as: / v: ON will allow! VAR! Allows when executed! VAR! Extend variable var. VAR syntax expands variables when entering, which is different in a FOR cycle. / V: OFF deactivation delay environment extension. Note that if the string has quotation marks, you can accept multiple commands that are separated by command separator &&. Also, due to compatibility, / x and / E: ON are the same, / y is the same as / e: OFF, and /r is the same as / c. Ignore any other command line switch.
If you specify / c or / k, the rest of the command line after the command line switch will be assigned as the command line; in this case, the following logic will be used ("):
1. If you meet the following conditions, the quotation marks on the command line will be retained:
- Do not bring / s command line switch - full two quotes characters - there is no special characters between the two quotes characters, the special characters are one of the following: <-> () @ ^ | - between two quotes characters There is at least one blank character - there is at least one executable name between the two quotes characters.
2. Otherwise, the old way is to see if the first character is a quotation key character. If it is, let's go to the character and delete the last quotation mark character on the command line, keep the last quotes characters after the last quotation number.
If / D is not specified on the command line, it will look for the following REG_SZ / REG_EXPAND_SZ registry registry. If one or both are present, the two variables will be executed first.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Autorun
and / or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Autorun
Command extensions are enabled by default. You can also use / E: OFF to deactivate an extension for a particular call. You can enable or deactivate all CMD.exe all called extensions on the machine and / or user login session, which is used to use the registry in the registry of the regedt32.exe to one or two REG_DWORD values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / EnableExtensions
and / or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / EnableExtensions
To 0x1 or 0x0. User-specific settings are prioritized than the machine settings. Command line switch is prioritized than the registry settings.
Command line extensions include changes and / or add to the following commands:
DEL or ERASE COLOR CD or ChDIR MD or MKDIR PROMPT PUSHD POPD PUSHD SETLOCAL Endlocal if for call Shift Goto Start (including changes made to external command calls) Assoc fType For more information, type the HELP command name.
The delay variable environment extension is not enabled by default. You can use the / V: ON or / V: OFF command line switch, enable or deactivate delay environment variable expansion for a call for cmd.exe. You can enable or deactivate all CMD.exe all calls on the machine and / or user login sessions, which is to use the registry in the registry of the registry using the regedt32.exe:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / DelayedExpansion
and / or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / DelayedExpansion
To 0x1 or 0x0. User-specific settings are prioritized than the machine settings. Command line switch is prioritized than the registry settings.
If the delay environment variable expansion is enabled, the exclamation mark character can be used instead of a value of an environment variable at execution time.
Files and directory names are not enabled by default. You can use the / f: ON or / F: OFF command line switch to enable or deactivate the file name for a call for cmd.exe. You can enable or deactivate all CMD.exe all calls on the machine and / or user login sessions, which is to use the registry in the registry of the registry using the regedt32.exe:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Complaionchar HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Pathcompletionchar
and / or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Complaionchar HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Command Processor / Pathcompletionchar
The hexadecimal value of a control character is used as a specific parameter (for example, 0x4 is Ctrl-D, 0x6 is Ctrl-f). User-specific settings are preferred over the machine settings. The command line switch takes precedence over the registry settings.
If the completion is enabled with / f: on the command line switch, the control character to use is: the directory name completes Ctrl-D, the file name is completed with Ctrl-f. To disable a character in the registry, use the value of the space (0x20) because this character is not a control character.
If you type one of two control characters, it is complete to be called. Complete the function to bring the path string to the left of the cursor, if there is no wildcard, attach the wildcard to the left and establish a list of matches. Then, the first matching path is displayed. If there is no way to match the path, you don't affect the display. Thereafter, repeat the list of matching paths in accordance with a control character. Press the Shift key to control the characters simultaneously and will catch a list. If you edit the row, press the control character again, the list of saved matches will be discarded, and the new will be generated. If you switch between files and directory names, the same phenomenon occurs. The only difference between the two control characters is that the file completed characters in accordance with the file and directory name, and the directory completed characters only in accordance with the directory name. If the file is completed for built-in directory commands (CD, MD or RD), the directory is complete.
The quotation is enclosed in cross-enclosure, and the completion code can correctly process file names containing spaces or other special characters. At the same time, if the backup is completed, then the file is called to be called is the word in the right side of the cursor. The special characters that need quotation marks are: