Boiled three countries: the seven must repair lessons in the era of entrepreneurship (transfer)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  51

Say the life of life, success or failure, care care. In a popular, no matter the rich family, the children, no matter where the city wells or business giant, everyone is using his own idea to decide, enter his survival status, and explain his survival status as success, fail or fate. There is a classic quoted in the field of educational psychology: "Broadcasting a kind of thought, harvesting a behavior; broadcasting a behavior, harvesting a habit; broadcasting a habit, harvesting a personality; broadcasting a character, Harvest a fate. "It is very good to explain the interaction between thoughts and destiny.

Born a poor boy Liu Bei, using his own life, very good explanation of this classic quotes.

Liu Bei is a student in Zhangzhou City, Hebei Province. Because the young father is full, it relies on the oligomatus to support the family, and the days have abnormal. On a night of the high-rise, Liu Bei's self-study, I was back to my home, and I saw the mother still sewing cotton boots under a dim light. Liu Bei said: "Mom, this cold is frozen, sleep early!"

Mother replied: "You have to participate in the college entrance examination next year. I can do more cotton boots, I can sell ten dollars, so I will give you a tuition fee on the university."

Liu Bei is in front of the mother, the nose is sour, tears will come up. He whims and said: "Mom, I have to spend a lot of money in college. Our family is too poor, what is this money to send? Don't do something expensive!"

The mother heard the shoulders and asked him: "Don't you have a lifetime in this poor?"

Liu Bei said: "What is the way? Maybe, this is your life?"

The mother put down the needle, looked at her son, said, "I read" three characters "when I was a child, I can think about some problems. What do you say is destined, is it the beginning of the person, or a person? I give You tell a story, maybe you can help you find the answer. "

An egg is rolled out from the eagle nest and falls in the grass. Some people discovered him, thinking is a egg, take him home, put it in the chicken. There is a hen in the chicken, which is incubated with other eggs, and has been hatched.

So, he was a chicken as a child and lived with a chicken. Due to the long-term, many partners bullied him. He feels loneliness and pain.

One day, he followed the chicken in the rice field. Suddenly, there was a black shadow on the mountain, and the chickens were panicked, and they hide everywhere. When the crisis has passed, everyone is relieved.

"What bird is it just?" He asked.

His partner told him: "That is an eagle, supreme eagle."

"Hey, that hawk is really can't afford, flying so happy!" He made an inner envy, "If one day, I can fly like an eagle, then how good!"

"It's an infatuation!" His partner was not in love with him said: "You are born is a chicken, even chickens feel face for your uglie, how can you fly like an eagle?"

The mother said, "Son, the so-called fate is the eagle that falls in the chicken. Now, you are willing to choose the same life as the chicken, or the hawk is the same as the wings?"

Liu Bei is still asked to ask Mother: "Do you think son is the little eagle that is unfortunately falling in the chicken?"

The mother said: "Yes, you are the descendants of the eagle, you should pursue your blue sky, don't sigh in front of the valley!" She told the son, his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather is Hanyi Son Liu Sheng, from this, he is actually the descendants of Han Gaozu Liu Bang, the royal blood of the root red seedlings. Liu Bei awakened, resolutely said to his mother: "Mom, I don't understand what you mean, I will never live up to your expectations!" After studying, the second year, Liu Bei finally took the Yangtze River International Business Administration University. On the day of the admission notice, the mother and child were sad and happy, and the door was crying.

Second lesson self-service

The school name of the Yangtze River International Business Administration is from the opening of the "Three Kingdom Romance" of Chinese classical masterpieces. Liu Bei can become a student of this university, a promising future, is enough to launch an unlimited association.

Uncle Liu Yuanqi, I know that this child will have a good time, come over to the nephew: "This child finally gave him the death of the death. You, the guards have been, it is very difficult. Do you have a tuition fee for college behind him? I will be responsible for me! "Uncle

The uncle opened a shop, and the uncle was opened in the next day, and it was also saved.

Liu Bei and his mother feel both surprises and strange. The surprise is that the high tuition fees have finally settled. The strange thing is that uncle has always been poor to love, and the nephew, the nephew is very cold, how do you suddenly want generous to ply enthusiastic help?

Uncle Haha smiled, explained: "As the saying goes, self-service people are helpful. Since the old God is willing to help you, let alone my uncle?"

God helps those who help themselves? Liu Bei's heart is moving. It was until he came to the university until he graduated from his university until he was in a dilemma. He fell into a contemplation again, and once again, he would ask the gods in the sky: What is the relationship between self-service and heaven?

He lists himself with the following answers:

1. Real self-help is a admirable conscious person, he will despise difficulties, and difficulties will be strange to fly in front of him - this process is like a helpless.

2. The real self-help is like the fireflies of the night, not only will illuminate themselves, but also win other people's appreciation - when people appreciate someone, they often express their love in the form of help - good luck therefore.

3. People believe that a real self-service will eventually achieve his success, and all those who have helped him will be gratified.

4. If the self-help understands, people will give him more help, so he can face life more easily.

He used his own understanding to apply this philosophical reputation of mythical color, actually trying to be unhappy. In view of his self-improvement in the economic difficult situation, the school also helped him from many aspects, giving him tuition fees, giving him a scholarship, giving him a chance to study. When I graduated from the big four, he looked back, and he had pressed the poverty problem of breath. It is already a general, quietly passed in the morning.

The third lesson will attract happiness

He believes that the famous master Lu Jian gave him a third lesson of life, then he was still a big freshman. Lu Zhi smiled and walked on the platform. Welcomes the arrival of the new classmates. He said: "As a teacher, I hope to give you a Mentor (a good teacher Yifu / Bole), can give you the help. As for you can True material, it is necessary to depends on your own understanding and pursuit. "He told the students that the university is more than just the things on the book, but not only to get a paper diploma, and It is necessary to get a Vision (foresight), a way of logical thinking. "Who is there?" He suddenly asked.

A boy named Gongshuqi replied: "I have played, I can be fun."

A girl named Cai Wenji said: "I know, there is a Ya Ya, called 'to weave". My father said, this kind of bug makes people play. "

Teacher Lu said: "Some people think that playing will make people play a play. Some people think that they have brought children to our world, and the world full of children is relaxed, pure. Here, we don't discuss 蟋蟀Yes, but there is other purpose. I will tell you a story, about an insectologist and his cricket, a businessman and a coin about the insectologist. I hope this story, I can have everyone Inspired ... "

With the fascinating body movement accompanied by Teacher Lu, his story magic box opened:

There is an insectologist with his businessman friends walking in the park, chatting. Suddenly, he stopped and as if he heard.

"What?" His businessman asked him.

The insectologist screamed: "Have you heard it? A cricket called, and it is definitely a big buzz."

The businessman and friends are very difficult to listen to the ear, and they will answer where to answer: "I didn't hear anything!"

"You are waiting." The insectologist said, while ran in the nearby woods.

Soon, he found a big head, come back to tell his friends: "I saw it? A white teeth is a big wings, this is a big-level 蟀! How, I didn't listen to it. ? "

"Yes, you didn't listen to the wrong." Businessman is inexplicably asked in insectologists: "You not only listen to the screaming of 蟋蟀, but also heard the variety of 蟋蟀 - how can you listen?"

Insectologists replied: "The big screams slowly, sometimes it is two or three sounds for a few hours. Small cricket is fast, called black, purple, red, yellow and other colors of a variety of colors The sound is different, for example, there is a metal sound in the yellow squatting. All the sounds are only extremely subtle, and even the difference between words is difficult to describe, you must use your heart to distinguish it. "

While they said, they left the park and walked on the lively sidewalk on the side of the road. Suddenly, the merchant also stopped the footsteps, and the waist picked up a coin dropped on the ground. The insectologists are still walking forward, and there is no sound of the land of the coin.

"What is the truth of this story?" Asked Lu.

Everyone is thinking, no one answered.

After waiting for a while, Teacher Lu gave the answer: "The heart of the insectologist in the worms, so he heard the tweezers. The heart of the businessman is in the money, so he can hear the sound of the coin. This Story note, where is your heart, where your wealth is. "

Teacher Lu continued: "After four years of university study, you are also pursuing the wealth of life, please consider, what is your wealth? Let your heart in your wealth, so you can get your wealth - In order to help you understand this truth, let's take an experiment together. "

He took out a big paper filled with the sand, while showing it to everyone, he said: "These sands have a mixed iron filing. Can you pick the iron filings from the middle of these sands?"

Everyone shook his head.

"We can't use your eyes and your fingers from a bunch of sands, just like we are hard to find our customers from the vast sea. However, there is a tool to help us quickly find iron filings from the middle of the sand. Everyone may I thought that this tool is magnet. "Teacher Lu took out a magnet from the bag, put it in the sand, and quickly gathered the arrows like the iron filings around the magnet. Teacher Lu took the group of iron filings to the students. He said: "This is the magic of the magnet. We can't do anything with your eyes and your eyes, but it is easy to do very well."

The students have grown up their eyes and look at the miracles of Siki in the hands of Lu. Teacher Lu said: "If this box is like the life, setbacks and boring books we face, then this magnet is a heart full of love. Where is the heart, where is your wealth - if You have a heart full of love, then it will be in your book, in your life, find a lot of good physical and mental knowledge, just like magnets can take out the iron filings. But, a don't know how to love The heart is like your fingers, it is looking for it in the sand, but I can't find a little iron filings. Isn't it? Classmates, as long as you have a heart that loves life, you can always find it, every Every day, there are gains, every day, there is a happy thing every day. "

Teacher Lu stands while letting the students turned into the sand and magnets. He hit the unquestionable gesture, and the voice told the children: "Where is your wealth? Your wealth is where you encounter what is difficult, what kind of adversity, what is confused, you must believe this sentence Whenever there is a real love, you can attract useful resources, good things and happiness like magnets. "

Fourth lesson to be a popular person

Only one week, Liu Bei shouted to the training by the student because of fighting in the bedroom. Just after Lu Jian, I took a closer look at Liu Bei, asked the teacher at the Student Office: "What mistakes he made?"

The teacher in the student said: "The students in their bedroom jointly have a name, saying that he likes to swear. A few days in the school, actually played three frames. You see his head of his head!"

Lu Zhi said: "I know this boy, you give him it!"

So Liu Bei followed Teacher Lu to his office. Teacher Lu called Liu Bei to sit down, giving Liu Bei poured a cup of tea, making Liu Bei's heart as hot as this cup of tea.

"Tell me, what is going on?" Teacher Lu asked.

Liu Bei said: "They all look down on me, deliberately can't go with me."

"Why can't they go with you?" Teacher Lu asked again.

Liu Bei grabbed his head, replied: "They said that I am a village. In fact, seven people in our bedroom, seven people are coming from the countryside, why do you look down on me?"

Lu Ji knows what is going on, he is very sincerely looked at Liu Bei's eyes, saying: "If you don't mind, I want to tell you a story." After the consent of Liu Bei, Lu Teacher Lu is Listening to tell a story about the dog.

There is a dog called "lonely", inadvertently broke into a model of a model school. The four walls of the room are inlaid in glass mirror, and countless shadows of dogs.

Seeing that so many dogs suddenly appeared, this lonely snack was shocked. It instinctively retired, and his mouth was grinned, showing a low snoring. All the dogs in the mirror have retired, and one is grinned, and the dance room also sounds the echo of the dog.

This lonely drum started to panic, it stuffed, struggled ... it was messy in the room, more crazy, more and more confusing ... until it was in the past because of physical strength and despair.

Liu Bei asked: "Do you say that I am a lonely dog?"

"What are you talking?" Lu Jian asked.

Liu Bei said: "My character is some lonely. However, what is the relationship between the classmates of the bedroom and the dog in the mirror?"

Teacher Lu Ji said: "Don't you understand? The classmates in your eyes are dogs in the mirror. Remember, if we are friendly for others, others will be friendly for us; if we are not rude to others, others will also We have tooth with teeth. You said that the students can't go with you, then how do you treat students? "

Liu Bei did not say anything.

"You want to be a popular person, can you be a popular person? Can you." Lu Jun smiled and said, "I have a secret, as long as you believe, accurately Within three months, let you become a popular person. "

Going back to the bedroom, Liu Bei immediately copied this "popular secret recipe", and praised the title page of the notebook from the brothers:

First, practice the mirror smile every day;

Second, encounter a classmate, be friendly to hear;

Third, take a good heart to help others;

Fourth, people are not sages, can I not? Take each person around you with the same mind;

Fifth, I firmly believe that others are kind to be kind to their public relations philosophy.

Since then, Liu Bei listens to the words of Lu Jian, practicing these secrets. Not long after, he became the most people like the students, the most humble and humble people. In the "Three Kingdoms", Chen Shou evaluated: "The Lord (Liu Bei) is a generous, knowing people's hospitality, covering the wind of Gao Zu (Liu Bang), the hero." It means that Liu Bei can grow into The hero of the business community, the most important thing is that he is sincere, generous, affinity.

Because of this character charm of Liu Bei, he became a good friend who liked many teachers liked. Even in those days when he later entrepreneur, no matter how hard work, how to discharge, there is still some talents to follow him, and he is hard with him with him. The most famous, is the Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, which is the same as Liu Guiyi, "Don't ask for the same day, but the same day, the same month, the same day,".

The fifth class has mystery inside the eggshell

In the past four last semester, when the approach, Liu Bei accidentally encountered the buying teacher in the supermarket of the campus, and suddenly had a strong impulse to think about him. At that time, Lu Zhi had left the podium, and it was the general manager of a school office. Liu Bei took the initiative to help him with the basket. Then I went out of the door together, I didn't know that I came downstairs.

Lu Zhi said: "Let's go, go to my house, let's get a meal!"

Liu Bei hesitated for five seconds, his face was popular, nodded: "Well!"

The next thing happened to let Liu Bei have some embarrassment. He was choosing a dish with Teacher Lu, to do a housework, talk about his family, his mother and the story of the eagle, talked about his career that he was about to graduate.

Teacher Lu said: "Whether you know how to hatch it, no matter what chicken or eagle?"

Liu Bei shook his head. "From an egg into a fresh life, what kind of miracle!" Teacher Lu raised a egg and said, "You can imagine it as an egg - we break it, you Look inside, there is no feathers, eyes, or the shape of the legs. It is incredible that this group has sticky, but it is hidden the mystery of the beginning of life. Put it in a warmth In the environment, after the appropriate time, it will become a cute eagle. "

Teacher Lu came back and looked at his students. It means that he would say deeply: "People also have the potential. After training, it will show appreciation talents and advantages. Four years of university life You are now like the eggs in the eggshell, you have to break the shell. From the eggshell, a new world is waiting for you! "

Liu Bei said: "Yeah, I only fleate the eggs from the Tianyu field in Hebei, after four years of study in this egg shell, now face another new life!"

Sixth lesson uses all the power

The students of the big four are almost all work or prepare for postgraduate, and everyone has fallen into busy and panic. Liu Bei is also like this, but until the winter holiday, his work is still not a bit eyebrow.

This is a Saturday afternoon, he came back from the talent exchange market, sitting on the side of the school's playground. He has participated in many times, the job hunting conference of various names, and handed a hundred counseling applications, but also did not have a little effect.

I don't know when Liu Bei began to pay attention, there is a sand pit from him about 100 meters away, a little boy is using a sandwrapping road. Next to the sand, some toy cars are placed.

The little boy waves a plastic shovel and works very enthusiastically. The sun warmly shines on his busy figure, and those sand becomes beautiful roads, bridges and tunnels under his creation. However, in the construction process, a big stone appeared unexpectedly.

The little guy began to dig the sand around the stone, then hug it and wanted to move it away. He is so small, while the stone is so big, when he makes it try to move the stone to the edge of the sand, and no power is. He biting his teeth, shouting, initiating an impact on the stone again and again. However, whenever he just has a little progress, the stone slipped and reappeared into the sand.

The little boy screamed loudly, resolutely puff it, and fought out the hardships of the milk push the big stone. The big stone rolled down again and hurt his feet. He sat in the sand and cried.

Liu Bei has seen these scenarios clearly, he wants to help the little boy. He stood up and went to the couch to kneel down.

"Little brother, do you want to move this stone?"

"Yes. However, I can't move it," The little boy sobbed frustrated. "I have exhausted all my strength, but I still can't move it!"

Liu Bei cordially corrected him: "Xiaoyi, you are not right. You didn't use all your strength, you didn't ask me."

Liu Bei jumped down the sand pit, picked the stone, moved it out, just like moving it from his own heart.

He suddenly realized what, quickly returned to the dormitory, sitting in front of the desk, writing his difficulties he encountered on the left side of a piece of paper, listed in the right, all resources and strength he can use. He found that the way of using this power is indeed a good way to effectively solve difficulties.

He wrote in the diary: From now on, no matter what frustration and dilemma, no matter what kind of desperation, you should think about the stone, then ask yourself: "You really use all the strength. ? "The seventh lesson made the soul passionate

The lively Spring Festival is very fast, and the students of the four have ushered in a nervous last semester. Liu Bei's work is still not enough. He can't stand the earth and ask Guan Yu, Zhang Fei: "You said, why can't I find a job?"

Zhang Fei said: "You look at you, all the day, who wants you, who wants you?"

Guan Yu also said: "Liu Bei, not we say you, you have to positive. People are active, the spirit is also coming. The examiners who are responsible for recruitment are energetic guys. It is like you, just like you. It can be reversed. "

Liu Bei sighed and said: "I also want to actively. However, I don't know why, I will not do it."

Zhang Fei put the two glasses on the table, poured into the water, then grabbed a dust from the ground, and asked Liu Bei: "I saw it? I am a cup of water, so I have no Surfied. You, is a cup of water, all day gray face. You said, what method can be used to make this cup of water? "

Liu Bei said: "There are two ways, one is the precipitation method, one is the filter method."

Guan Yu is watching "Zuo Spring Spring and Autumn", he puts down the book and said: "Zhang Fei's meaning, this cup of water represents a positive thinking, this cup of water represents negative thoughts. The sedimentation means that the depth is deep At the time, sometimes you think that you forget, I didn't expect the wind and waves, and it was re-filled with the whole mind. The poets often use 'only the eyebrows, but the words of the heart' to describe this state, so the precipitation method Not enough. "

Liu Bei asked: "So, the filtering method?"

Guan Yu said: "Filtering can solve problems more compared, but there are two shortcomings. The sediment that blocks outside the filter is easy to block the filter hole. When the pressure outside the filter is too large, it is easy to break the filter. Therefore, filtering can only keep short-term ice and jade, and 'a mistake to make a thousand ancient hate' is the normal state of people in the world. "

Liu Bei asked: "Do you have any other good way?"

Zhang Fei said: "Of course." He brought two good friends to the bathroom, put the cup of water in the faucet, unscrew the water source. Under a clear shock, the water in the cup is constantly diluted, filled out. In less than a minute, the cup of water has been completely turned all over water. He said to Liu Bei: "Seeing that there is no? The water in the faucet represents happiness, vitality and positive ideas, it can dilute your troubles, rush away your confusion, exclude all negative things. Just like you need a cup of water. You should choose those positive and exciting thoughts, let it flourish your mind. "

Liu Bei said: "You know, although I have been poor, I have never given up my self-motivation. But I don't know why, my attention is easy to turn to the other side, so I can't actively."

Zhang Fei said: "Yes, in this process, you feel shy, don't turn, panic, sad, excluding, these phenomena are normal. However, don't let some phenomena in the process affect your determination. You must Put your attention in the 'final result', let those active thinking is 'final result' service. "

Liu Bei said: "Where did I go to this source of active thoughts?"

Zhang Fei said: "It is very simple, as long as you don't doubt, those happy, affirmation, philosophical quotes, the beautiful imagination of things, the self-satisfaction, even just a motto, can sourly stunning your heart. However, As long as you suspect, you will be silent - as long as you are silent, those active thoughts will stop the role - and the troubles between the world seem to be drifted with dust, it will take the opportunity to turn your water turbid. "Liu Bei Laughed: "Your presentation is right, I do often doubt, I think this is why I can't active reason. Zhang Fei, usually see you big, I didn't expect you to be so big."

Guan Yu said: "You see him seems to be a crude, in fact, the beauty figure is beautiful than anyone, but also writes a good word, the mind is good!"

Liu Bei wandered for a while, said: "Zhang Fei, you summon the macro you just now into a word, write a word, as my motto, how?"

"Good wow!" Zhang Fei generously, immediately returned to the bedroom, paving the paper and the ink, wrote: "Don't doubt success, always passionate!"

Skating after class

The graduation thesis submitted by Liu Bei is "the Qi Tuan Mustic Course" in the Entrepreneurial Age. At high three, the mother gave him the first class, so that he struggled to jump through the threshold of the college entrance examination, and became the famous school student of the Yangtze River International Business Administration. Uncle gave him a second lesson, let him work hard, and finally spent four years of study time. Teacher Lu Jian gave him a third lesson, the fourth class and the fifth class, so that he learned that the meaning of love, society and growth. That little boy gave him the sixth class, let him know what is going on. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei used two glasses of water demo, gave him the seventh class, let him truly understand the correlation between positive and success. He is like the eagle that is under the shell fails.

Because of the cultivation of this seven lesson, he uses his neither and strong feet and wings, and goes to the new life outside the eggs.

It is worth mentioning that he and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei worshiped the brothers in the Taoyuan in the school West Hillside. According to the birthday month, Liu Bei is a big brother, Guan Yu is two brothers, Zhang Fei is the third brother. Liu Bei said: "Traditional Chinese habits of Chinese Readers are the sorrows such as the gentlemen, but our volunteers are not just to praise the text. We will also gallop the Jiangshan, enter an entrepreneurial space. As the saying goes, the three people are concentric, their discriminant . Concentrate the strength of our three people to pursue success, success, it is necessary! "

So, the story of the peach garden was circulated, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in the Event of the Entrepreneurial Age started.

Milu, who has served as the Chinese football team, said a famous saying: "The attitude determines everything." However, only a few people can understand the true meaning of this sentence.

The world, all beings, everyone is learning how successful. It is worth noting that many people will complain about his objective conditions, so it is weak to pursue success. It must be admitted that the disappointing dilemma is indeed a truth of life - the same must be recognized that some of the probability of success constitutes another truth of life. Therefore, how to understand your life and objective conditions, in fact, it is exactly on your attitude.

All resources and strengths can support you to achieve the possibility of the success. The more active in your attitude, the greater your determination, the more resources you can mobilize, the probability of success will rise. The attitude determines the maximum probability of success and determines all successful knowledge.

These schools include the "Seventh Mustic Tips" in the Event of Venture Age. Let these learn to support your starting point for success and help you manage all the processes. Success, it is waiting for you at the other end of the process.

[Zt by six @]


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