Microsoft Application Block for .NET
- cache
2. Cache's main interface
· IDataProtection
Protect Cache data, Cache Framework provides: defaultdataprote
· IcacheiteMexpiration
Cache data expires, Cache Framework offers: absolutetime, extendedformedformattime, FileDependency, SlidingTime.
Automatically clear the Cache project, Cache Framework provides: lruscavenging
· IcacheStorage
Cache Save, Cache Framework offers: MMFCacheStorage,
3. Major class
· Cache Manager
Cache Service
Cache Storage
4. Profile
Mainly configured for data protection, data expiration, data clearance, and data storage.
5. Call method
CacheManager.add method Add an object to cache
CacheManager.getdata or getItem method gets an object from cache
CacheManager.flush and remove methods will empty cache or remove an object
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