The possibility of ORA-12560 issues and corresponding solutions

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  53

There are three reasons for ORA-12560: TNS: Agreement adapter error: 1. The listening service does not play. Windows platform, as follows: Start --- Program - Management Tool - Service, open the service panel,

Launch OracleHome92TnsListener service. 2. Database instance did not play up. Windows platforms are processed by: Start --- Program - Management Tool - Service, Open Service

Panel, launch Oracleservicexxxx, xxxx is your database SID.3. Registry problem. Regedit, then enter hkey_local_machine / software / oracle / home0 to turn this environment variable Oracle_si

D is set to xxxx, xxxx is your Database Sid. Or Right My Computer, Property - Advanced - Environment Variable - System Variable - New

, Variable name = oracle_sid, variable value = xxxx, xxxx is your Database SID. Or enter SQLPlus, under Command Line

Lost set oracle_sid = xxxx, xxxx is your Database SID. After the above steps, you can solve the problem.


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