What is a style sheet?
CSS is abbreviated by the cascading style sheet. Translated "laminated style form". Is a marker language for (enhanced) control web page styles and allows styles information to separate from web content.
How to add a style sheet to your page
You can use the following three ways to add a style sheet to your web page. The higher the priority of the most closely targets. High-priority patterns will inherit undequited definitions of low priority patterns but overlaid. Please refer to exception
Important declaration.
Link to the external style sheet file (Linking to a style sheet)
You can build an external style sheet file (.css) and then use the HTML LINK object. Examples are as follows:
In XML, you should join in the declaration area as shown in the following example:
xml-stylesheet type = "text / css" href = "http://www.dhtmlet.com/rainer.css"? >>
Define internal style block objects (Embedding a style block)
You can insert a