Auther: zfive5 (zhaozidong) email: datetime: 2004-12-10 02:20:00 I have slept now, but because the toothache is hard to fall asleep, I have to open the machine to write something, then Study the use of COM components under Python while studying! First, write a simple COM component with VC,
VC IDL and class definitions:
#pragma overce #include "resource.h" // master symbol
// IizFive5 [Object, UUID ("808D04AA-C847-46A6-AA70-8D23FE1A7999), Dual, Helpstring (" IIZFIVE5 Interface "), Pointer_Default (unique)] __interface IizFive5: idispatch {
[ID (1), Helpstring ("Method Add")] HRESULT ADD ([in] long A1, [in] long A2, [out, retval] long * ret);
[Coclass, Threading ("Apartment"), VI_ProgId ("ZFive5.izFive5"), Progid ("ZFive5.izFive5.1"), Version (1.0), UUID ("E219A9E8-1EBB-4E24-808F-561F373AF8BE"), Helpstring ("IZFive5 Class"] Class ATL_NO_VTABLE CIZFIVE5: PUBLIC IIZFIVE5 {public: CIZFIVE5 () {}
Declare_protect_final_construct ()
HRESULT FINALCONSTRUCT () {Return S_OK;} Void FinalRelease () {}
PUBLIC: STDMETHOD (ADD) (Long A1, Long A2, long * RET);
Other VC code is not written, the main simple completion of the addition function!
Pyhton first installs Win32all.exe (Python's Window Extend Lib) when using COM.
This is the code that I type in my Python window.
PythonWin 2.2.3 (# 42, May 30 2003, 18:12:08) [MSC 32 Bit (Intel)] on Win32. Portions Copyright 1994-2001 Mark Hammond ( - See 'Help / About PythonWin 'for further copyright information. >>> import win32com.client from * >>> zfive5 = >>> import win32com.client from * Traceback (File "
Now write an Access operation class under Python, implement similar query analyzer features, the code is as follows:
#author: zfive5 (zhaozidong) #Email:
From win32com.client import * Class myaccess:
def __init __ (self, str_dbpath, str_name = "", str_pw = ""): self.str_dbpath = str_dbpath self.str_name = str_name self.str_pw = str_pw self.strdb = str = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Persist security info = false; data source =% s; "% (str_dbpath) defoke (self): self.conn = dispatch (" adodb.connection ") (Self.Strdb, Self.Str_name, Self. .str_pw) Def Execute (Self, SQL): i = 0 flag = 0 (RS, Result) = Self.conn.execute (SQL, I, -1) While (RS <> None and rs.State == 1 and (NOT RS.EOF): n_fld = rs.fields.count n_fld1 = 0 "" "" "" "if flag == 0: str_headline = '|' while (n_fld1