WINDOW.OPEN () method uses a summary

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  50

The appearance of the pop-up window, the size of the pop-up, the size of the pop-up window can be customized to accommodate the specific situation of the page. ('Page.html', 'NewWindow', 'Height = 100, Width = 400, TOP = 0, Left = 0, Toolbar = NO, MenuBar = NO, SCROLLBARS = NO, ResIzable = no, location = no STATUS = NO ') pops up the new window command; 'page.html' pops up the file name of the window; 'NewWindow' popping the name (not the file name), no must, can be empty '' instead; height = 100 window height; width = 400 Window Width; TOP = 0 Window Distance Pixel Value above the screen; LEFT = 0 Window is the pixel value on the left side of the screen; the toolbar = no display toolbar, YES is displayed; MenuBar, Scrollbars represents the menu bar and scroll bar . ResizAble = no allows the change window size, YES is allowed; whether local = no displays the address bar, YES is allowed; whether status = no displays information in the status bar (usually the file has been opened), YES is allowed; Application, only the first connection page is required to display the pop-up window. For example, the home page. This is the use of cookie control: