1. Prohibiting the use of IE6 download file Some things we need to prohibit IE download file function, but have not been able to use the system settings, in fact, if you modify in the registry, you can meet your requirements. Open the registry editor, find hkey_current_user \Software\Microsoft \Windows \currentversion \Internet settings \zones \3, then find 1803 this DWORD value on the right, double click to modify it. 3. Restart IE to see if you can't download it? If you want to cancel the limit, you only need to restore the DWORD value is 0.
2. Accelerate the speed of Windows XP Remote Access Shared Folder In Windows XP, if you try to access a folder in a remote computer via the network, then it will be delayed for nearly 30 seconds, because Windows XP needs additional Time to find the tasks contained in the remote computer. The following method can allow you to speed up. Open the registry editor, find hkey_local_machine / currentversion / microsoft / windows / currentversion / Explorer / Remote Computer / Namespace, find its branch {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}, then delete it.
3. Change the default location of the command prompt in XP In Windows XP, click Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt "to open the command prompt window, by default, the system is positioned to" x: / Documents and Settings / Current Username> Under where X is the drive letter where the operating system is located. However, in general, we need to work in a specific directory when you use the command prompt, so it is necessary to use the Computer Management feature to change the default location of the command prompt: click "Start → Control Panel → Performance and Maintenance → Administration Tools → Computer Management, select System Tools → Local User and Group → User, and then double-click the currently logged in user name in the right window. On the Open Properties dialog box, click Profile tab. After "local path" under the "Main Folder", type the current drive or current directory you want to change, such as "E: /", then click Apply → OK, restart your computer to complete your changes.