Edit edit_toolbar_standard and edit_toolbar_wysiwygthen Edit Bbcode So On 1, Editing _boolbar_standard Template Edit
Under the plus:
Find: Find: In the following: In the following: Third, modify the clientscript / vbulletin_stdedit.js file Find: linktext = prompt (vbphrase ["Enter_Link_Text"], DTEXT); replace: if (THTYPE! = "Money") {linktext = prompt (vbphrase ["enter_link_text"], dtext);} else {linktext = prompt "Please enter the content of the sale (required):", DTEXT); Find: if (THMPT_TEXT = Vbphrase ["Enter_Link_URL"]; prompt_contents = "http: //";} else {prompt_text = vbphrase ["Enter_Email_Link"]; prompt_contents = ""; Replaced: if (thetype == "URL") {prompt_text = vbphrase [ "enter_link_url"]; prompt_contents = "http: //";} else {if (thetype == "EMAIL") {prompt_text = vbphrase [ "enter_email_link "]; Prompt_contents =" ";} else {prompt_text =" Please enter the sale price (default 100): "; prompt_contents =" 100 ";}} Find: IF ((LinkURL! = NULL) && (LinkURL! = ")) {If ((LinkText! = NULL) && (LinkText! =")) {Addtxt = "[" THETYPE "=" LinkURL "]" linktext "[/" THETYPE "]" EXTRASPACE; addText (addtxt);} else {addtxt = "[ THETYPE "] " linkURL " [/ " THETYPE "]" extraspace; addText (addtxt);}}} Replace: IF ((LinkURL! = NULL) && (LinkURL! = ")) {If (THTYPE! =" Money ") {IF (LinkText! = NULL) && (LinkText! =")) {AddtxtXT = "[" THETYPE "=" linkURL "]" linktext "[/" THETYPE "]" EXTRASPACE; addText (addtxt);} else {addtxt = "[ THTYPE "] " LinkURL " [/ " THETYPE "] " EXTRASPACE; AddText (addTxt);}} else {ix ((linktext! = null) && (linktext! =")) {addtxt = "[" THETYPE "=" LinkURL "]" linktext "[/" THETYPE "]" EXTRASPACE; addText (addTxt);} else {ALERT ("must be entered or selected for content!"); AddTxt = linktext; addtext (addtxt);}}}} four, open clientscript / vbulletin_wysiwyg.js file Find: CASE "unlink": {if (is_ie) {do_format ("unlink", true, null;} else {if (moz_get_html () == "") {Alert (vbphrase ["must_select_text_to_use"]); Break; } Do_Format ("unlink", false, null;}} Break; In the following: Case "Wrap1_Money": {if ((! Document.selection) || (Document.SeLection.Type == "None")) {alert ("You must choose the sale content!") Break;} IF Elm.cmd.substr (0, 4) == "wrap") {wrap_tags (Elm.cmd.substr (6) .touppercase (), "[", "]", elm.cmd.substr (4, 1) } Else {do_format (elm.cmd, false, null);}} Break; lookup: if (use == 1) {thingy = prompt (vbphrase ["enter_tag_option", (OpenBrace Tagname Closebrace) ), ""); Replace: if (use == 1) {if (tagname.tolowercase () == "Money") {thingy = prompt ("please enter the sale price: (default 100)", (OpenBrace tagname closebrace) ), "100");} else {thingy = prompt (construct_phrase (vbphrase ["enter_tag_option", (openbrace tagname closebrace), "") 4. Upload all GIF files in the compressed package to the images / editor directory. carry out!
div> td> if> In the following:
div> td>
div> td> if>
div> td> Find:
div> td> if>
div> td>