Photoshop shortcut

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  32

Toolbox (multiple tools share a shortcut key, press {Shift} plus this shortcuts)

Rectangle, ellipse box tool {m}

Crop tool {c}

Mobile tool {v}

Subsorphic, polygonal set, magnetic rocker {l}

Magic Wand Tool {W}

Spray gun tool {j}

Brush tool {b}

Like skin stamp, pattern stamp {s}

History brush tool {y}

Like skin wipe tool {e}

Pencil, line tool {n}

Blur, sharpening, smear tool {r}

Reduce, deepen, cotton tool {o}

Fountain pen, free pen, magnetic pen {p}

Add anchor tool { }

Delete anchor tool {-}

Direct selection tool {a}

Text, text mask, straight text, straight row text mask {t}

Metric tool {u}

Linear gravity, radial gradient, symmetric gradient, angular gradient, diamond gradient {g}

Paint barrel tool {k}

Drip, color sampler {i}

Parlet tool {h}

Zoom tool {z}

Default foreground color and background color {d}

Switch foreground color and background color {x}

Switch standard mode and rapid mask mode {q}

Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode {f}

Temporary use of mobile tool {ctrl}

Temporary use of color absorbing tool {alt}

Temporary use of starting tool {space}

Open Tools Options Pateches {ENTER}

Quick Enter Tools Options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool option panel) {0} to {9}

Cycle selection brush {{} or {}}

Select the first brush {shift} {{}

Choose the last brush {Shift} {}}}

Establish a new gradient (in the Gradient Editor) {ctrl} {n}

File operation

New graphic file {ctrl} {n}

Create a new file {ctrl} {alt} {n} with default settings

Open existing images {ctrl} {o}

Open to ... {ctrl} {alt} {o}

Close the current image {ctrl} {w}

Save the current image {ctrl} {s}

Save as ... {Ctrl} {Shift} {s}

Storage copy {ctrl} {alt} {s}

Page Setting {Ctrl} {Shift} {P}

Print {ctrl} {p}

Open "Preset" dialog {ctrl} {k}

Display the "preset" dialog box for the last display {alt} {ctrl} {k}

Set the General option (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {1}

Set "Storage File" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {2}

Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {3}

Set "Transparent Area and Color Domain" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {4}

Set "Unit and Rod" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {5}

Set "Reference Line and Grid" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {6}

Set "Synerg" (in the Preset Dialog) {ctrl} {7}

Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in Preset Dialog) {Ctrl} {8}

Editing operation

Restore / Reduction Previous Operation {Ctrl} {z}

Restore two steps or more operation {ctrl} {alt} {z}

Redo the two steps or more operation {ctrl} {shift} {z}

Cutting selected image or path {ctrl} {x} or {f2}

Copy selected image or path {ctrl} {c}

Merger copy {ctrl} {shift} {c}

Spher the contents of the clipboard {ctrl} {v} or {f4} in the current graphics

Spher the contents of the clipboard to the box {ctrl} {shift} {v}

Free transform {ctrl} {t}

Application free transform (in free transform mode) {enter}

Start transform from the center or symmetry point (in free transform mode) {alt}

Restrictions (in free transform mode) {shift}

Distortion (in free transform mode) {ctrl}

Cancel deformation (in free transform mode) {ESC}

Free transform copy of pixel data {ctrl} {shift} {t} Revert to copying pixel data and establish a copy {ctrl} {shift} {alt} {t}

Delete the pattern or selected path in the box {DEL}

Fill the selected area or entire layer {ctrl} {backspace} or {ctrl} {DEL}

Fill the selected area or the entire layer {alt} {backspace} or {alt} {DEL}

Popked "Fill" dialog {Shift} {backss}

Plug {alt} {ctrl} {backspace} from history

Image adjustment

Adjustment color order {ctrl} {l}

Automatic adjustment color order {ctrl} {shift} {l}

Open the curve adjustment dialog {ctrl} {m}

Add a new point on the curve of the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog) in the image {ctrl} plus points

Add a new point ('Curve' Dialog) on ​​all curves other than the composite curve. {Ctrl} {shift}


Mobile selected point (in the 'Curve' dialog) {} / {} / {←} / {→}

In 10 o'clock in the increase of 10 points, in 10 o'clock in an increase (in the 'Curve' dialog) {shift} {arrow}

Select multiple control points (in the 'Curve' dialog) {shift} plus points

Front movement control point (in 'curve' dialog) {ctrl} {tab}

Post-shift control point (in the 'Curve' dialog) {ctrl} {shift} {tab}

Add a new point (in the 'Curve' dialog) Tap Grid

Delete point (in the 'Curve' dialog) {ctrl} add some point points

Deselect all points on the selected channel (in the 'Curve' dialog) {Ctrl} {D}

Make the curve grid more fine or more rough (in the 'Curve' dialog) {alt} Add to the grid

Select Color Channel ('Curve' Dialog) {Ctrl} {~}

Select Monochrome Channel (in 'Curve' Dialog) {Ctrl} {Digital}

Open "Color Balance" dialog {ctrl} {b}

Open the "Thae / Saturation" dialog {ctrl} {u}

Full Figure Adjustment (in Sismation / Saturation "dialog box) {ctrl} {~}

Only adjust the red (in the Hydra / Saturation "dialog box) {ctrl} {1}

Only adjust the Yellow (in the Hydram / Saturation "dialog) {ctrl} {2}

Turn only green (in the Hydram / Saturation "dialog box) {ctrl} {3}

Only the cyan (in the horseposition / saturation "dialog box) {ctrl} {4}

Turn only in the Blue (in Sismation / Saturation "dialog) {ctrl} {5}

Only adjust the magenta (in the Sismation / Saturation "dialog box) {ctrl} {6}

Deconstruction {ctrl} {shift} {u}

Reverse phase {ctrl} {i}

Layer operation

Newly built a layer {ctrl} {shift} {n} from the dialog

Create a new layer {ctrl} {alt} {Shift} {n} with the default option

Create a layer {ctrl} {j} by copying

Establish a layer {ctrl} {shift} {j} by clipping

Group {Ctrl} {g} with the previous layer

Cancel group {ctrl} {shift} {g}

Merge or consolidate join layers {ctrl} {e}

Merger visible layers {ctrl} {shift} {e}

Cover or cover junction layer {ctrl} {alt} {e}

Cover printing visible layer {ctrl} {alt} {shift} {e}

Move the current layer {ctrl} {}

Move the current layer {ctrl} {}}

Move the current layer to the lowermost {ctrl} {shift} {{}

Move the current layer to the top {ctrl} {shift} {}}

Activate the next layer {alt} {}

Activate the last layer {alt} }} activates the bottom layer {Shift} {alt} {{}

Activate top layers {Shift} {alt} {}}

Adjust the transparency of the current layer (the current tool is a digital parameter, such as mobile tools) {0} to {9}

Keep the transparent area of ​​the current layer (switch) {/}

Projection Effect (in "Effect" dialog) {ctrl} {1}

Internal shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) {ctrl} {2}

External light effect (in the "Effect" dialog) {ctrl} {3}

Internal light-emitting effect (in the "Effect" dialog) {ctrl} {4}

Less and relief effect (in the "Effect" dialog) {ctrl} {5}

Apply the currently selected effect and adjust the parameters (in the "Effect" dialog box) {a}

Layer mixed mode

Cycle selection mix mode {alt} {-} or { }

Normal {ctrl} {alt} {n}

Threshold (bitmap mode) {ctrl} {alt} {l}

Dissolve {ctrl} {alt} {i}

Behind {ctrl} {alt} {q}

Clear {ctrl} {alt} {r}

Positive sheet stack {ctrl} {alt} {m}

Screen {ctrl} {alt} {s}

Overlay {ctrl} {alt} {o}

Soft light {ctrl} {alt} {f}

Strong light {ctrl} {alt} {h}

Color reduction {ctrl} {alt} {D}

Color deepened {ctrl} {alt} {b}

Darken {ctrl} {alt} {k}

Transverse {ctrl} {alt} {g}

Difference {ctrl} {alt} {e}

Exclude {ctrl} {alt} {x}

Color phase {ctrl} {alt} {u}

Saturation {ctrl} {alt} {t}

Color {ctrl} {alt} {c}

Luminance {ctrl} {alt} {y}

Recommended Sea Tool {Ctrl} {Alt} {J}

Gazing Sea Tool {Ctrl} {Alt} {A}

Darkness Reducing / Decaching Tool {Ctrl} {Alt} {W}

Mid-range reduction / deepening tool {ctrl} {alt} {v}

Highlight reduction / deepening tool {ctrl} {alt} {z}

Select function

All selected {ctrl} {a}

Determine {ctrl} {d}

Reselect {Ctrl} {Shift} {D}

Feather selection {ctrl} {alt} {D}

Reverse selection {ctrl} {shift} {i}

Path variable district digital keyboard {entry

The selection {ctrl} points according to the layer, the path, the clot map in the channel panel


Press the last parameter to do a last filter {ctrl} {f}

Return the effect of the previous filter {ctrl} {shift} {f}

Repeat the last filter (adjustable parameter) {ctrl} {alt} {f}

Select Tools (in "3D Change" filter) {v}

Cube tool (in "3D change" filter) {m}

Spherical tool (in "3D change" filter) {n}

Cylindrical tool (in the "3D change" filter) {c}

Track ball (in the "3D change" filter) {r}

Panoramic camera tool (in the "3D change" filter) {E}

View operation

Display color channel {ctrl} {~}

Display monochrome channel {ctrl} {numeric}

Show composite channel {~}

Preview (Switch) {Ctrl} {y} in CMYK mode

Turn on / off color gamut warning {ctrl} {shift} {y} to enlarge view {ctrl} { }

Reduce view {ctrl} {-}

Full canvas display {ctrl} {0}

Actual pixels display {ctrl} {alt} {0}

Up rolling one screen {pageup}

Walk down one screen {pagedown}

Roll to the left {ctrl} {PageUp}

Right rolling one click {ctrl} {pagedown}

Rolling 10 units {Shift} {pageup}

Turn down 10 units {Shift} {pagedown}

10 units to the left {Shift} {ctrl} {pageup}

Right 10 units {Shift} {ctrl} {pagedown}

Move the view to the upper left corner {home}

Move the view to the lower right corner {end}

Display / hidden selection area {ctrl} {h}

Display / hidden path {ctrl} {shift} {h}

Display / hidden ruler {ctrl} {r}

Display / hidden reference line {ctrl} {;;;}

Show / hidden grid {ctrl} {"}

Tight reference line {ctrl} {shift} {;;;}

Lock reference line {ctrl} {alt} {;;;}

Tight grid {ctrl} {shift} {"}

Show / hide "Brush" panel {f5}

Display / hide "Color" panel {f6}

Display / hide "Layer" panel {f7}

Display / hide "information" panel {f8}

Display / hide "Action" panel {f9}

Display / hide all command panel {tab}

Display or hide all talents {shift} {tab}

Text Processing (in the Word Tools dialog)

Left alignment or top alignment {ctrl} {shift} {l}

{{Ctrl} {shift} {c}

Right align or bottom alignment {ctrl} {shift} {r}

Left / Right Select 1 character {Shift} {←} / {→}

Next / select 1 line {Shift} {↑} / {}

Select all characters {ctrl} {a}

Select the character {shift} plus points from the insertion point to the mouse point.

Left / right move 1 character {←} / {→}

Lower / on move 1 line {↑} / {}

Left / Right Mobile 1 word {ctrl} {←} / {→}

Size of 2 points pixel {ctrl} {shift} {<}

Increase the text size of the selected text 2 points pixel {ctrl} {shift} {>}

Minimize the text size of the selected text {ctrl} {alt} {shift} {<}

Increase the text size of the selected text 10 points pixel {ctrl} {alt} {shift} {>}

Reduce 2 points pixel {alt} {}

Increase the line spacing 2 points {alt} {}

Move the baseline displacement minus 2 points pixels {shift} {alt} {}

Add baseline displacement to 2 points pixel {shift} {alt} {↑}

Reduce the word fine-tuning or the division adjustment 20 / 1000EMs {alt} {←}

Add the word fine-tuning or 字 字 调 调 20 / 1000EMs {alt} {→}

Decrease the title and minimize the} {alt} {←}} {alt} {←}

Adding a word fine-tuning or {ctrl} {alt} {} {alt} {→}


I know "Unprecedented Photoshop shortcut", I see that it is actually

◆ Double click panel = Open filectrl Double click panel = new file

Shift Double click panel = save

Alt Double click panel = open as

Ctrl Shift = Save As

Ctrl alt o = actual pixel display

Ctrl h = Hide selected area

Ctrl D = Cancel Selected Area

Ctrl w = ​​Close file

Ctrl Q = Exit Photoshop

▲ f = standard display mode → full screen display mode with menu → full screen display mode

★ Press the Tab key to display or hide the toolbox and palette, press the "SHIFT TAB" button to display or hide other palettes except the toolbox.

★ ESC = cancel operation

★ You can quickly select a tool by pressing a letter key on the keyboard, the letter shortcuts of each tool are as follows: Mar-Quee-M, Lasso-L, Airbrush-a, EraSer-E, Rubber Stamp-S, Focus -R, Path-P, Line-N, Paint Bucket-K, Hand-H, Move-V, Magic Wand-W, Paintbrush-B, Pencil-Y, Smudge-U, TONING-O, TYPE-T, GRADIENT -G, Eyedropper-i, Zoom-Z, Default Colors-D, Switch Colors-X, Standard Mode-q, Quick Mask Mode-q,

Secrets 2: Shift, CTR, Alt Championship!

When using other tools, press and hold the CTRL key to switch to the functionality of the Move tool (except for the Hand tool); press and hold the space button to switch to the HAND tool.

When using other tools, press "Ctrl Spacebar" to switch to zoom in tool to enlarge Image display ratio: Press "Alt Ctrl Spacebar" to switch to zoom OUT tool to reduce image display ratio.

Press the "Ctrl { }" button to allow the image file to continuously zoom in to zoom in, but the window does not zoom in; press the "Ctrl {-}" button to continuously reduce the display ratio, but the window does not shrink.

Press the "CTRL Alt { }" button to make the image file to enlarge the display ratio, and the window is enlarged; press the "Ctrl Alt {-}" button to continuously reduce the display ratio, and the window is reduced.

Double-click the mouse on the HAND tool to make the size display of the image match window.

Press "Ctrl Alt {Number 2}" or double-click the mouse on the ZOOM tool to make the image file in 1: 1 ratio.

Press the "SHIFT Backspace" button to call the Fill dialog directly.

Press "Alt Backspace" button to fill out the outline, press "Ctrl Backspace (Delete)" button to fill the background color into the selection box

On the Layers, Channels, the Paths palette, pressing the tool icon at the bottom of these palettes, and can call up the corresponding dialog box to change the settings.

When moving the layer and the selected box, press and hold the Shift key to move the level, vertical or 45 degree angle, press the direction button on the keyboard to do the movement of the LPixel, hold down the SHIFT button and press the direction button on the keyboard. Make each 10pixel move.

When using the selection tool, press the SHIFT button to add the selected range (open) to the original pick box; press the Alt key to drag the mouse to delete the selection range of the retaining portion overlapping part; press SHIFT to the Alt key The mouse can be selected (intersection) with the original setting frame (intersection). When calling the Curves dialog, press and hold the Alt key to click the mouse in the grid line to increase the grid line and increase the curve accuracy.

After changing the settings of a dialog, to restore the default value, just hold down the Alt key, the CANCEL key will become a reset button, click on the reset button.

To copy the image on a layer to the central position of the image window in size, you can press the SHIFT button while drag the mouse, and the image is dragged to the destination window.

To set an image for network transmission, you can set the image mode to Indexed Color index color mode, have a small file, fast transmission advantage, if you choose GIF89A EXPORT (GIF output), you can set the transparent effect, and will file Save into a GIF format.

When using the Layer / Free Transform function, press the CTRL button and drag a control point to adjust the adjustment of the arbitrary deformation; "Shift Ctrl" button and drag a control point can be tilted; press Alt Key and drag a control point can be symmetrical; press the "SHIFT CTRL Alt" button and drag a control point to adjust the perspective.

On the Layers palette, press and hold the Ctrl with a mouse to click a layer, which is loaded into the selection box (after the Background layer, it can be renamed).

Several tricks when using the Path (PATH) tool: Hold down the Shift button when using the pen shape (PEN) tool, press and hold the SHIFT button to enhance the path, vertical or 45 degree angle, press and hold the CTRL button to temporarily switch to the path selection Tool, press and hold the Alt key to click the pen-cursor on the black node to change the direction of the direction line, so that the curve can be turned; pressing the ALT key to select the Direct Selection tool Click the path to select the entire path; Multiple paths can be clicked one by one after the SHIFT; pressing the "Ctrl Alt" button when using the path selection tool to switch to the plus node and the subtile mesh tool.

To switch whether the path (PATH) is displayed, you can click on the SHIFT button and click the mouse on the path color board, or click the Gray area of ​​the Path Tune.

To perform a plurality of macros together, you can add a macro before you record the macros you want to perform.

To add a command after a command in a macro (action), you can select this command, then click the Begin Recording icon on the palette, select the command to add, click Stop recording icon.

When using the Filter / Render / Clouds filter, to generate more obvious stripes, first hold the Alt key and then execute the command; if you want to generate a low-diffusing color effect, press and hold the SHIFT button first. After the command is executed.

When using the Filter / Render / Lighting Effects filter, to copy the light source within the dialog box, you can then drag the light source and then drag the light source.

To switch the color mode directly on the Color palette, you can first press the SHIFT button, and then move the cursor to the colors bar.


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