Testing Server under Linux --- Push success: Test.php ====================================
new document title> I (EREG ("MSIE", $ http_server_vars ["http_user_agent"] )) {echo " / n";}?> head>
body> html> ============================================== Server .php ===================================================== ". JPG "; $ SEP =" GirlskickassiTSayssoonatshirt "; if (EREG (". * msie. * ", $ http_swer_vars [" http_user_agent "]) {# i i, spit out one Pic and exit header (" cache-control: no -cache "); Header (" content-type: image / jpeg "); Header (" Content-size: "; FileSize ($ file); readfile ($ file) } else {# IF not IE, Give The Browser A Try Header ("Content-Type: Multipart / X-Mixed-Replace; Boundary = $ SEP"); Print "- $ SEP / N"; do {print " Content-type: image / jpeg / n / n "; ReadFile ($ file); Print" / n - $ SEP / N "; flush (); $ mt = filemtime ($ file); do {Sleep (1) # We Won't output the Same Image TWICE. ClearsTatcache ();} while ($ file);} while (1);}?> ********** *********************************************************** ******* Realization: Put two pictures in the corresponding directory 1.jpg, 2.jpg back to change the name of the picture to see the image of the execution page changes. And the screen will not refresh. The basis of the success of the above is that if you want to implement the client's system, it is good.
is currently mostly used by the client's technology: there are many ways to implement, the following article: Client.htm
client title> head>