3.2.3. Specific user Peter, John must not change the directory
The user's preset directory is / home / username, if we don't want the user to be able to
Switch to the last directory / home, refer to the following steps.
STEP1. Modification /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Three lines
# chroot_list_enable = yes
# (Default Follows)
# chroot_list_file = / etc / vsftpd.chroot_list
Change to
Chroot_list_enable = yes
# (Default Follows)
chroot_list_file = / etc / vsftpd / chroot_list
STEP2. Add a file: / etc / vsftpd / chroot_list
Content increase two lines:
Step3. Restart VSFTPD
[root @ Home vsftpd] # / sbin / service vsftpd Restart
Shutting down vsftpd: ok]
Starting vsftpd for vsftpd: ok]
If Peter wants to switch to the directory other than the root directory, the following warning will appear:
Failed to Change Directory.