Struts International Treatment (Transfer)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  58

Option One

Ultimate Solution of "Struts Chinese", "Struts Internationalization"

Java itself supports multi-language coding. You don't need to write any procedures, you can make it easy. The secret is two points:

1, all HTML / JSP pages are all UTF-8 encoding

2, client browser fully supports UTF-8 encoding

Steps: 1, first set all the HTML / JSP ContentType to UTF-8

2, and then you should be written in the program for the non-ASCII code prompt in the JSP program, and should be managed in

3. Do HTML with the Native2ASCII tool unified to handle, convert the non-ASCII code in HTML to Unicode encoding.

4. For different languages, write different, such as Simplified Chinese is Application_ZH_CN.Properties, Traditional Chinese is Application_ZH_TW.Properties This, then use the Native2ASCII tool to handle it once, non-ASCII chi Go to Unicode encoding.

5. Get the client's operating system default encoding, then set to the httpsession of the Struts.

OK! Different customer visits are now displayed different languages. You can look at the character set of your browser at this time, is UTF-8. Now your website is the same as Google, hey, in fact, what is your browser to visit Google?

Remember: All HTML / JSPs are set to UTF-8 encoding, and the non-ASCII code characters in all files must be converted to Unicode encoding represented by ASCII. --------------------------------------- above is the one I am from the Internet The solution in Chinese issues, it is exactly that it should be about Struts' internationalization. Below I combined with my practice talk about how to implement Struts internationalization, I am not very proficient in theory, I can only pay hard Understanding and practice, so the content below may not be very correct, please forgive me. But one thing can be sure, I solved the Chinese problem of Struts through my own efforts, and realize the internationalization of Struts. In fact, everything is not complex, the following is the specific step:

0. The problem encountered (these issues may not appear at the same time) a. The Chinese data becomes "????" b. Do a good Chinese Properties file, where Chinese Value is The page shows the Chinese to the browser in garbled C.JSP file, it is also garbled when it is displayed (it is recommended not to enter Chinese in the JSP file, try to put it in the Properties file) d. By the JSP passed to the Chinese value, then pass it by bean The page is also garbled E. When replacing the local browser language option, the web application cannot automatically select the appropriate * .properties file according to your LOCALE. Leading web applications cannot be international. 1. Environment: Web Server: Tomcat 5.0.19 Operating System: WIN2000 Server JVM: JDK 1.4 Database: Oracle 8.1.7 Development Tools: Struts Studio 5.2 Pro for Eclipse 2. Add all * .jsp web pages <% @ Page language = "java" contenttype = "text / html; charset = UTF-8"%> Set

3. Then edit the two * .properties files, place them under the Classes folder, here is placed in / web-inf / class / com / wiley, they are: (English) ApplicationResources_ZH.Properties (Chinese resource file) is used to write all the tools! 4. Transcode ApplicationResources_ZH.Properties into GB2312. The above citation said to be transferred into UTF-8, and I tried it, no. It is possible to turn into GB2312, and the operation is. The renamed in the DOS command line enter the folder where the file use the command: native2ascii -encoding gb2312 (As to why you will "native2ascii is not an internal command" ,, please check Other information, maybe you have to set an environment variable because he is an application under the JDK folder bin) 5. Configure struts-config.xml, which is very simple, we join:

This has been able to solve most Chinese issues. As mentioned above, the A, B, E now open the browser, select the menu: Tool "Internet Option" language, "Chinese-China [ZH-CN]" delete, add a "English-British [zh-gb] "After confirming, restart Tomcat, enter the URL. You will find that your page text information will be used in the (English resource file). If you change back, "Chinese-China [EN]", it will display the Chinese content in the (Chinese resource file). As for problems "C. JSP files are also garbled when they are displayed after the browser" "You have to use a similar method similar to the fourth step to the * .jsp file encoding, then -Encoding parameters will use UTF- 8. If you use the Struts Studio 5.2 Pro for Eclipse tool, this step is free. It automatically stores the format of UTF-8. As for the problem "D. The Chinese value passed by JSP to bean, and then it is solved by the bean transfer to the page again", I just add a filter. You can now join: set character encoding com.wiley.setcharacterencodingfilter Encoding UTF-8 ignore TRUE set character encoding action < / filter-mapping>

Then I add a Java file in the package you specified. I am in / web-inf / class / com / wiley, below is the source code: / ** xp forum * * CopyRight (C) 2002-2003 Redsoft Group. All Rights reserved. ** / package;

Import javax.servlet. *; import;

/ ***

Filter that sets the character encoding to be used in parsing the * incoming request, either unconditionally or only if the client did not * specify a character encoding. Configuration of this filter is based on * the following initialization parameters : *

  • Encoding - the character encoding to be configured * for this request, Either confoundation or unconditionally based on * the ignore initialization Parameter. this parameter * is Required, So there is no default. *
  • ignore - if set to "true", any character encoding * Specified by the client is ignored, and The value returned by the * selectEncoding () method is set. if set to "false, * selectencoding () is caled only if the * Client Has Not Already Specified An Encoding. by Default, this * Parameter Is Set to "True". * **

    although this filter can be used unchanged, it is also easy to * Subclass IT and make the se lectEncoding () method more * intelligent about what encoding to choose, based on characteristics of * the incoming request (such as the values ​​of the Accept-Language * and User-Agent Headers, or a value stashed in the current * user's session. ** @Author John wong ** @version $ ID:, v 1.1 2002/04/10 13:59:27 Johnwong Exp $ * / public class setcharacterencodingfilter imports filter {

    / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Instance Variables / *** The default character encoding to set for reviews That pass through * this filter. * / Protected string encoding = null;

    / *** The filter configuration Object We are associated with. If this value * is null, this filter instance is not currently configured. * / Protected filterconfig filterconfig = null;

    / *** SHOULD a CHARACTER ENCODING SPECIFIED BY THE CLIENT BE IGNORED? * / Protected boolean ignore = true;

    / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Public Methods

    / *** Take this filter out of service. * / Public void destroy () {

    THIS.Encoding = null; this.filterconfig = NULL;


    / *** Select and set (if specified) the character encoding to be used to * interpret request parameters for this request. ** @param request The servlet request we are processing * @param result The servlet response we are creating * @param chain The filter chain we are processing ** @exception IOException if an input / output error occurs * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs * / public void doFilter (ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

    // Conditionally select and set the character encoding to be usedif (ignore || (request.getCharacterEncoding () == null)) {String encoding = selectEncoding (request); if (! Encoding = null) request.setCharacterEncoding (encoding); }

    // Pass Control on to the next filterchain.dofilter (request, response);


    / *** Place this filter into service. ** @Param filterConfig the filter configuration Object * / public void init (FilterConfig filterConfig) throws servletexception {

    this.filterConfig = filterConfig; this.encoding = filterConfig.getInitParameter ( "encoding"); String value = filterConfig.getInitParameter ( "ignore"); if (value == null) this.ignore = true; else if (value.equalsIgnoreCase ("True")) this.ignore = true; Else IF (Value.equalsignorecase ("YES")) this.ignore = true; elsethis.Ignore = false;}

    / / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Protected Methods

    / *** Select an appropriate character encoding to be used, based on the * characteristics of the current request and / or filter initialization * parameters. If no character encoding should be set, return * null . *

    * The default implementation unconditionally returns the value configured * by the encoding initialization parameter for this * filter. ** @param request The servlet request we are processing * / protected String selectEncoding (ServletRequest request) {

    Return (this.encoding);


    } // eoc here I have all the Chinese issues have been resolved and learned from the deep meaning of the internationalization of Struts. I personally think that Struts as a powerful application framework should take into account its internationalization, and it will not be very complicated in practical applications. As long as we follow some rules, we can enjoy Struts to bring us. pleasure. I hope that the above will help you. Option II

    Struts Internationalization

    Thoughts on the International Treatment of Struts - -

    First, Struts Internationalization Struts is a web framework supporting international MVC. But how to use Struts internationalization is a problem. Let's discuss how to implement the internationalization of Struts. The internationalization of the Web program involves 3 levels. First, the input / output of the JSP section; the second, the application handler is international; third, DB internationalization. It is mainly discussed here that the input / output problem of the JSP portion is discussed. Second, the internationalization of the static part of the Struts JSP page static content (including static text, still pictures) internationalization, is achieved by resource files. To achieve internationalization, you need to do the following work: 1. Define the parameters of the moving ActionServlet of Web.xml; 2. Define resource files; 3. Define the character set of the JSP page; 4. Get the content in the resource file in the JSP page . 1. Define the parameters of the actionServlet for Web.xml action org.apache.struts.Action.ActionServlet config /web-inf/struts-config.xml Application ApplicationResources 2 2, define the resource file Add a UTF-8 resource bundle file below / web-inf / classes. Each resource file is a collection of "key-value" pairs. In the JSP page, you can find the corresponding data value by the key. This example of the file name is ApplicationResources, so the corresponding resource file is (including E-text, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese) Default resource file. When you can't find a resource in other resource files, the definition in this resource file is used. Simplified Chinese resource file. Traditional Chinese Resource File. The format of the resource file is: default resource file name _ country _ language .properties. Each file is converted through% java_hone% / bin / native2ascii.exe tool. You can also use other tools to process get ( There is a tool INTERNATIONALIZATION JAVA Internationalization and localization toolkit can handle). Below is an example, we show how to use the% java_hone% / bin / native2ascii.exe command to define the resource bundle file. 2.1 Preparing the file //; the default resource file, usually in English.

    Label.username = username: label.password = password: //applicationresources_zh_cn.bak; Simplified Chinese resource file. The content inside is Chinese. It requires the tool to process the content into UTF-8Label.userName = username: label.password = password: //applicationResources_zh_tw.bak: Traditional Chinese resource file. The content inside is Chinese. It requires the tool to process the content into UTF-8, the following content is a traditional code. label.username = Techno Circular W:? label.password = Techno Circular W:? 2.2 preparation is completed, create a resource file UTF-8 bundle native2ascii -encoding gb2312 ApplicationResources_zh_CN.bak ApplicationResources_zh_CN.propertiesnative2ascii -encoding big5 Applica tionResources_zh_TW use the following command. Bak 3, Defining the Language of the JSP page to define the language of the JSP page to UTF-8. At each JSP page, you must have the following content (if you use template technology, you just need to add it on the template page, other pages that use this template do not need to be added) <% @ Page ContentType = Text / HTML; charset = UTF- 8 "%> 4, get the contents of the resource file in the JSP page. In the JSP, you need to display static contents in the Message label in the bean tag package of strus. For example, the following page

    Ok, when this page is displayed, if the language collection of the customer is zh_cn, it will display the user. Name: Handle: If the language of the customer's IE is zh_tw, it will display the username: Username: You can choose to define the language of the IE in the IE tool -> Internet option-> language. Third, the processing of the data of the form. For the processing of form data, we are implemented by adding a filter. All submitted requests need to do character processing. Then define this filter in Web.xml. This way we don't need to do any character processing in the program. 3.1 Define the Filter. Below is an example.

    package com.webapps.commons; import *;. import javax.servlet *;. public class CharsetEncodingFilter implements Filter {private FilterConfig config = null; private String defaultEncode = "UTF-8"; public void init (FilterConfig config) throws ServletException {this.config = config; if (! config.getInitParameter ( "Charset") = null) {defaultEncode = config.getInitParameter ( "Charset");}} public void destroy () {this.config = null;} public void doFilter (ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {ServletRequest srequest = request; srequest.setCharacterEncoding (defaultEncode); chain.doFilter (srequest, response);}} 3.2 the statement of web.xml Filter character encoding com.Webapps.commons.charstetencodingfilter Character Encoding / * IV, expanded is the internationalization problem of the application part, and the internationalization of DB.


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