ASP.NET Unleashed - Using The DataList and DataGrid Controls (1)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Overview of the datalist and datagrid controls

The DataList and DataGrid controls share many of the same features. Before getting into the details of how each of these controls work, you will learn about some of the common properties of the controls. In the following sections, you will learn how both controls support . event bubbling, templates, and the DataKeys collection Understanding Event bubbling Three of the standard controls included with the ASP.NET framework support event bubbling:. the Repeater, DataList, and DataGrid controls These controls enable you to capture events in their child controls. When an event is raised in a child control, the event "bubbles up" to the containing control, and the containing control can then execute a subroutine to handle the event. As you saw in the preceding chapter, for example, you can display a List of linkbutton controls in a reteater control .hen you click a linkbutton control, IT Raises a Click Event. Instead of Writing Code to Handle The Click Event For Each LinkButton Individally, you can associate one subroutine with any Click event that is raised in the Repeater control. The Repeater, DataList, and DataGrid controls enable you to associate a subroutine with an event bubbled up from a child control by specifying a value for the OnItemCommand property. For Example, In The Case of the Repeater Control, you would associate a substrictine with the itemmand event limited:

OnItemCommand = "Repeater_ItemCommand"

Runat = "Server">

  • Text = '<% # Container.DataItem ("CategoryName")%>'

    Runat = "server" />

    When any of the LinkButton controls rendered by the Repeater control are clicked and the Click event occurs, the Repeater_ItemCommand subroutine executes to handle the event The DataList and DataGrid controls enable you to go one step further Both of these.. Controls enable you to make distinctions Between The Events raised by Their Child Controls. The Datalist and DataGrid Controls Support The Following Five Events:

    ItemCommand UpdateCommand EditCommand DeleteCommand CancelCommand When you create the child controls in a DataList or DataGrid, you can indicate the type of event to raise in the containing control by using the CommandName property. For example, if you want to raise an UpdateCommand event, you would Specify The CommandName Property Like this:

    TEXT = "Update Field!"

    CommandName = "Update"

    Runat = "server" />

    Three ASP.NET controls have a CommandName property:.. LinkButton, Button, and ImageButton All three controls also have a CommandArgument property that enables you to specify an optional argument that is passed when the control is clicked So, you can bubble up an optional Argument by using an Event Like this:

    TEXT = "Update Field!"

    CommandName = "Update"

    Commandargument = "12"

    Runat = "server" />

    Using Templates Templates were introduced in the preceding chapter. The Repeater control supports several templates that enable you to format the output of the control. For example, you can use the ItemTemplate to format how the Repeater control renders each item that it displays. The DataList . and DataGrid controls also support templates The DataList control supports all the same templates as the Repeater control, in addition to two others: HeaderTemplate- Controls how the header of the DataList is formatted ItemTemplate- Controls the formatting of each item displayed by the DataList AlternatingItemTemplate - Controls how alternate items are formatted SeparatorTemplate- Displays a separator between each item displayed by the DataList FooterTemplate- Controls how the footer of the DataList is formatted SelectedItemTemplate- Controls how a selected item is formatted EditItemTemplate- Controls how an item selected for editing is formatted When You SELECT An Item in a Datalist, The SE . LectedItem template is displayed When you select an item for editing in a DataList, the EditItem template is displayed The DataGrid control supports the following four templates when you display a column using a TemplateColumn.:

    HeaderTemplate- Controls how the header of the DataGrid is formatted ItemTemplate- Controls the formatting of items displayed by the DataGrid FooterTemplate- Controls how the footer of the DataGrid is formatted EditItemTemplate- Controls how an item selected for editing is formatted The EditItemTemplate is displayed when you select an item for editing in a DataGrid. When working with the DataList and DataGrid controls, you often run into situations in which you need to retrieve a particular control contained in a template. you can find a particular control in a template by using the FindControl () method. You can use the FindControl () method, for example, with the Controls collection of a DataListItem to find a particular control in a DataList template. You can use the FindControl () method with the Controls collection of a DataGridItem to find A Particular Control IN A DataGrid Template. I Will Discuss Some Concrete Examples of How To Use the FindControl () Method Later in this chapte r. Using the DataKeys Collection Both the DataList and DataGrid controls have a special collection named DataKeys. This collection represents the primary key field associated with each item in the control. Imagine, for example, that you have a database table named Products that you want to display and edit with a DataGrid control. Imagine, furthermore, that the Products table has an identity column named ProductID. You can associate the value of the identity column with item in the DataGrid by assigning the name of the identity column to each the DataKeyField Property of the datagrid like this:

    Runat = "server" />

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