Bugzilla Outside the Selection - another bug tracking management system Mantis installation guide under IIS5 [转]

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  61

When I started to find a bug tracking management system, I want to use bugzilla, but I found very much in Windows when I actually install it, I need to change N more than one place to get a Hack version that can be used under Windows. And the mail settings have not been successful, and finally give up. When you find Bugzilla related information online, I found Mantis, which is also an open source bug tracking management system, based on PHP MySQL, supports Windows; relative to bugzilla, relatively lightweight, but for our development team is complete enough Used, so I turned to Mantis after giving up Bugzilla. Here is a installation guide I wrote. BUG Tracking Manage System Mantis Installing Guide in IIS5 V1.1 V1.1: Modify Part Error; Modify JPGRAPH and PHPMAILER Settings part of the path error is a C: / PHP / C: / PHP / ..., JPGRAPH settings part For the modification of Extension_Dir in php.ini; V1.0: Completed on 2004-03-18; this is a mantis I wrote in the installation guide under Windows IIS, if you have help you, I will be very happy. Please indicate the source. Like Bugzilla, Mantis is also an open source bug management system; based on PHP MySQL, can run on the Windows / XNIX platform; its homepage is http://www.mantisbt.org/, the latest version is 0.18.2. Unlike Bugzilla, Mantis is lightweight, relatively less functional (especially reporting modules), but is complete enough for small development teams. For me, Mantis is complete enough, and the most important point is: Mantis directly provides support for the Windows platform, do not need to make N more modifications to make a HACK version to run on the Windows platform. After many attempts to use Bugzilla fail, I turned to Mantis. Some people may have noticed that Mantis is the meaning of 螂, I want to give Mantis, people who have this name must be hoped to eat this BUG in our system :-D? Description: 1. Since I use IIS, I don't use Apache, so I will do it under the IIS below; 2. The operations mentioned below are my event, some details may not be very correct. If there is a problem, please try to solve itself, or contact me: turbonetcobra@hotmail.com (it is impossible to pay each trust, if there is no echo after sending the email, please understand); 3. The highest software mentioned in the article The version number is the highest version number of 2004-03-17; Ok, let's start installing Mantis.

Prepare for you: 1. Download the mysql installation file from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/index.html, download the Windows installation file, there are multiple versions available for download, for stability, suggestions Download recommended production release (Recommended), the highest version is 4.0.18; you can download Mysql Control Center, a free mysql graphics management interface program; 2. Download from http://www.php.net/downloads.php PHP installation file, currently the highest version 4.3.4, please download the Windows installation file; "PHP 4.3.4 Installer" EXE package can be automatically set, but some modules are missing than the zip package, if you need to use a graphic report function, it is recommended to download " PHP 4.3.4 Zip Package "ZIP package, because the graphic report needs to be used to include the PHP extension module included in the zip news, but zip needs to manually set it yourself; Tip: For lazy people like me, you can do this: two Download, first install the EXE package automatically complete the settings, then compress the zip packet to the PHP installation directory, override the original file, then manually modify the php.ini profile, let PHP load the expansion module, you can get a complete PHP Install the package * ^ _ ^ *; 3. Download the Mantis installation file from http://www.mantisbt.org/download.php, the highest version is 0.18.2; 4. (Optional) If you want to use Mantis PHPMAiler Sending the function and graphical report function, you also need PHP's phpMailer module and JPGRAPH module, please download at http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net and http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php Download, Latest The versions are 1.71 and 1.14; ready, you can start installing; 1. Install mysql, establish a database; Mysql installation is simple, unzip the downloaded zip package, run the setup.exe file, then you can Use "Next" to easily install; here you assume your mysql under C: / MySQL; run the Winmysqladmin.exe file after installation, if the green light is displayed in the system taskbar, indicating your mysql The service has been launched; 1) Modify Mysql default root user password: Enter C: / mysql / bin in the command line, transport The following command: c: /> cd mysql c: / mysql> cd bin c: / mysql / bin> mysql -u root mysql mysql> Update user set password = password (' Flush Privileges; Description: Please change to your new password you set. After changing the password, use the root user to access mysql, you must use mysql -u root -p, press prompt to enter the correct root new password.

2) Creating a Mantis Database: Note: Before conducting this step, you need to install your Mantis to install your Mantis, as you create a database to use the table SQL file. MySQL> Create Database Mantis; MySQL> Connect Mantis; MySQL> Source /sql/db_generate.sql Description: Please change to you to decompress the path to the Mantis installation package; 3) Create a Mantis user, and assign it to corresponding rights to the Mantis database: mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE, DROP, REFERENCES, LOCK TABLES, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES oN mantis * tO mantis @ localhost IDENTIFIED BY ''; Mysql> Flush Privileges; Description: Please change to your password you set; this password is written in the MANTIS configuration file in the following operations; 4) Complete MySQL initialization work, exit mysql> EXIT The above database operation can also be done directly in the MySQLCC graphical interface. 2. Installing the PHP My installation method is the lazy installation method of the above saying * ^ _ ^ *, it seems that there is no special operation; when using charts and phpmail, you need to modify php.ini, these modifications I will tell later . 3. Set Mantis 1) Open the IIS Manager, add a virtual directory Mantis in the default website, point to your Mantis unzip directory (here D: / Website / Mantis), add the "Document" page in the Properties window Default Document "Index.php"; 2) Copy the config_inc.php.sample in D: / Website / Mantis, renamed config_inc.php, modify the settings; Mantis settings are Saved: In Config_Defaults_inc. Save this Mantis default setting in PHP, and the user's own setup information is saved in config_inc.php, if an option is set in config_inc.php, the system uses the settings in config_inc.php, otherwise using config_defaults_inc.php system Default settings; config_inc.php.sample is an example of a user setting file given by Mantis. So we need to modify the settings in the config_inc.php file, the setting is very simple, the meaning of each parameter can be found in config_defaults_inc.php, which has a detailed explanation for each parameter. Although it is E text, it should be understood; Sample Some settings given in the presentation must be modified, such as the connection parameters of the mysql database, and the administrator's mailbox; other should be modified according to your actual situation.

Here is some of my custom parameters, some of whom ($ g_use_jpgraph and $ g_use_phpmailer settings, please refer to the content below; # u u $ g_show_version = OFF; # 不 在; 号 号 号 号 $ g_default_language = 'chinese_simplified'; # default language to Simplified Chinese $ g_show_project_menu_bar = oN; # display item selection bar $ g_show_queries_count = OFF; # in the footer does not display the number of inquiries $ g_default_new_account_access_level = DEVELOPER executed; # default user level $ g_use_jpgraph = oN ; # 使用 =::: /;; 管理 管理 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统 系统; # Page title bar $ g_enable_email_notification = on; # Opening mail notification $ g_smtp_host = 'smtp.mail.net'; # SMTP server $ g_smtp_username = 'mailuser'; # E-mail login user name $ g_smtp_password = 'mailpwd'; # E-mail Password $ g_use_phpMailer = ON; # use PHPMailer to send Mail $ g_phpmailer_path = 'c: / php / incruDes / phpmailer /'; # phpmailer's storage path $ g_phpmailer_method = 2; # phpmailer Send Email $ g_file_upload_ftp_server = in SMTP mode

'Ftp.yourftp.com'; # upload files FTP $ g_file_upload_ftp_user = 'ftpuser'; # FTP login username $ g_file_upload_ftp_pass = 'ftppwd'; # FTP login password $ g_short_date_format = 'Ym-d'; # short date format, Y Updritory represents 4 bits $ g_normal_date_format = 'ymd h: i'; # 普通 date format $ g_complete_date_format = 'ymd h: i: s'; # 全日 完 Complete the above settings, you can use Mantis, open IE, Enter http: // localhost / mantis, you should see the Mantis login page, you can use the default username Administrator and password root to log in to manage settings. 4. Preliminary Security Settings 1) There is an admin directory in the mantis directory. If you open this directory in IE, you will know that this directory is Mantis Administration, using this module to check Your Mantis is fully installed, upgrade the old version of Mantis, modify the Mantis's page CSS file; use this management module does not require username and password, so anyone can view your Mantis system through this management module Information, and because there is an upgrade module, you can also modify the database directly; so if the unauthorized person is opened, the result will not need me to say more; it is best to follow the system's suggestion, after the configuration is completed This admin directory is deleted; note that it must be deleted instead of the rename! It is still accessible after the rename! 2) After adding an administrator user, delete the default Administrator user. 5.Phpmail setting By default, Mantis uses the built-in mailto () function to send mail, including the new user registration sending password, bug change reminder, reset password, etc., send it to use mailto () to complete, but actually In use, the MAILTO function does not seem to support the mail server that needs to be verified. For example, my 263 mailbox is prompted to check each time, I have installed the phpmail module for PHP, and Mantis will send mail using PHPMAiler.

1) Download phpMailer: Download from http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net, the latest version is 1.71; 2) Install phpMailer: Unzip the downloaded phpMailer-1.71.zip to the C: / PHP / INCLUDES / PHPMAILER directory; 3) Modify the php.ini under the Windows directory, find include_path, add a c: / php / incrudes / phpMailer directory; 4) As shown in the above table, set $ g_use_phpmailer, $ g_phpmailer_path and $ g_phpmailr_method three parameters; 5) should now You can send mail using phpMailer; 6. Settings for graphics reports By default, Mantis's graphics report is closed, you need to install the JPGRAPH module and set $ g_use_jpgraph to open a graphic report; 1) Download JPGraph: from http: / / www.aditus.nu/jpgraph/index.php Download JPGraph's installation file, the highest version is 1.14; 2) Unzip the downloaded jpgraph-1.2.tar.gz to the C: / PHP / Includes directory; 3 Open config_inc.php file, modify $ g_jpgraph_path for jpgraph's src directory, $ g_use_jpgraph is ON; 4) Modify the php.ini file under the Windows directory, "; extension = php_gd2.dll"; extension = php_iconv.dll "Several deletion in front of the two lines; if the extension_dir item is incorrect, please change the extension_dir to the correct value (should be extension_dir =" ./extensions/ ", I don't know why extension_dir =" ./ ", probably It is because of the use of lazy installation methods); 5) Copy the iconv.dll under C: / PHP / DLLS to the Windows / System32 directory, the above two steps automatically load PHP_GD2 and PHP_ICONV.DLL modules, These two modules are JPGraphs to display chart and Chinese character encoding conversion; 6) Modify JPGraph.php under the SRC directory of JPGraph; defined cache_dir and ttf_dir as the TEMP directory and fonts directory under Windows, as follows DEFINE ("Cache_Dir", "E: / WINTEMP / TEMP / JPGRAPH_CACHE"); Define ("TTF_DIR", "C: / Winnt / Fonts /"); 7) Now open Mantis's statistics page, you can see more A graphical report for statistics, including post, pie, pie chart, and line map; 8) However, if your interface language is using Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese, then you will see the Chinese characters in the graphic is garbled. This is because Mantis is incorrect for JPGraph's encoding settings. JPGraph will automatically convert Chinese characters to UTF-8 encoding, but it is necessary to do this, Mantis, etc., Mantis does not do this, so the Chinese characters are not doing this operation when calling JPGraph. Coagand code, the solution is to increase the code for setting fonts on graphic titles in Mantis / Core / Graph_API.php;


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