Use ACE Reactor framework programming

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55

Use ACE Reactor framework programming

High song

The code download according to my understanding, I roughly tell the principles under the Windows platform. The implementation class of the ACE_RAAAAAAAAAAAAAACTOR in the Windows platform is achieved by WaitFormultiObject and WSaEventselect, two functions. The function of WaitFormultiobject is to wait for a set of (64) Handle or all of the operating system activation, the program returns, and the function is used to see the MSDN. The function of WSAEventSelect is to specify an event object Event Object to associate with a socket FD_xxx network event. After the ACE_WMFO_REACTOR object is constructed, we call Run_Event_Loop (), and the multi-channel separation thread of the event will begin.


IF (this-> Reactor_event_loop_done ()) Return 0;

While (1) {int result = this-> meansmentation _-> handle_events (); // loop call implementation class Handle_Events;

IF (EH! = 0 && (* EH) (this)) Continue; Else IF (Result == -1 && this-> Implementation_-> deactivated ()) Return 0; Else IF (Result == -1) Return - 1; }

ACE_NOTREACHED (return 0;)}

Here is the Handle_Events call process

ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: handle_events (ACE_Time_Value * how_long) -ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: event_handling (ACE_Time_Value * max_wait_time, int alertable) - ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: ok_to_wait (ACE_Time_Value * max_wait_time, int alertable) - ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: ok_to_wait (ACE_Time_Value * max_wait_time, int alertable) --ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: calculate_timeout (ACE_Time_Value * max_wait_time) - ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: calculate_timeout (ACE_Time_Value * max_wait_time) - ACE_WFMO_Reactor :: wait_for_multiple_events (int timeout, int alertable)

The above function is the key multi-channel separation function. How does Reactor know that the event processor should be called (Event_Handler), please see the function below,

ACE_WFMO_RACTOR:: Register_Handler (ACE_EVENT_HANDAL * Event_Handler, ACE_RAACTAL * Event_Handler, ACE_REACTOR_MASK MASK) This is a simple event processor's registration function, because we can derive a class from ACE_EVENT_HANDLER, and overload GET_HANDE () in this class The function provides an IO handle. as follows

class Server_Acceptor: public ACE_Event_Handler {public: virtual int open (const ACE_INET_Addr & local_addr); virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const {return acceptor_.get_handle ();}; virtual int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask = 0); virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE); protected: ace_sock_acceptor acceptor_;};

This registration process is ultimately through the member function of Register_Handler_i,

intACE_WFMO_Reactor :: register_handler_i (ACE_HANDLE event_handle, ACE_HANDLE io_handle, ACE_Event_Handler * event_handler, ACE_Reactor_Mask new_masks) {// If this is a Winsock 1 system, the underlying event assignment will // not work, so do not try. Winsock 1 must use ACE_Select_Reactor FOR // Reacting to Socket Activity.

#if! defined (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2) || (ACE_HAS_WINSOCK2 == 0)



// Make Sure That The Is Valid IF (IO_HANDLE == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) IO_HANDLE = Event_Handler-> get_handle ();

IF (this-> handler_rep_.invalid_handle (io_handle)) {errno = error_INVALID_HANDLE; RETURN-1;}

Long new_network_events = 0; int delete_event = 0; auto_ptr Event;

// Look up the repository to see if the is already // there ACE_Reactor_Mask old_masks;. Int found = this-> handler_rep_.modify_network_events_i (io_handle, new_masks, old_masks, new_network_events, event_handle, delete_event, ACE_Reactor :: ADD_MASK);

// check to see if the user passed us a valid; if not the weight (event_handle == ace_invalid_handle) {// Note: Don't change this Since Some C Compilers Have // ​​ s that do not work properly ... auto_ptr tmp (new ACE_Auto_Event); event = tmp; event_handle = event-> handle (); delete_event = 1;} int result = :: WSAEventSelect ((SOCKET) io_handle , event_handle, new_network_events); // If we had found the there is nothing more to do if (found) return result;! else if (result = SOCKET_ERROR && this-> handler_rep_.bind_i (1, event_handler, new_network_events, IO_HANDLE, EVENT_HANDLE, DELETE_EVENT)! = -1) {// The WAS NOT FOUND in The repository, add to // the repository. if (delete_event) {// clear out the handle in the ace_auto_event so that When / / it is destend, the handle isn't closed out from Under // The Reactor. After Settin g it, running down the event // (via auto_ptr <> event, above) at function return will // cause an error because it'll try to close an invalid handle. // To avoid that smashing the errno value, save the Errno // Here, Explicitly Remove The Event So The Dtor Won't do it // Again, The Restore Errno. ACE_ERRNO_GUARD Guard (Errno); Event-> Handle (ACE_INVALID_HANDLE); Event-> remove ();} return 0; Else Return -1;



This function first calls WSAEventselect to register for Event_Handler, and then call Handler_rep_.bind_i to modify the handle related information. Handler_rep is a handle warehouse for ACE_WFMO_REACTOR. I have encountered such a few questions when using ACE_WFMO_REACTOR.

How do I secure ends RUN_EVENT_LOOP thread?

Define into the next class

Class quit_handler: public ace_event_handler {friend class ace_dewarn_gplusplus; public: quit_handler (ACE_REACTOR * R): ACE_EVENT_HANDLER (R) {}

Virtual INT HANDLE_EXCEPTION (ACE_HANDLE) {Reactor () -> End_reactor_event_loop (); return -1; // trigger call to handle_close () method () method.

Virtual Int Handle_Close (ACE_HANDLE, ACE_RAACTOR_MASK) {delete this; return 0;}


// private destructor ensures dynamic allocation.virtual ~ quit_handler () {}};

Then call

Quit_handler * quit_handler_; ace_reactor * r = ace_reactor :: instance (); quit_handler_ = new quit_handler (r); r-> notify (quit_handler_);

How to securely delete an event processor?

ACE_RACTAN :: Instance () -> transove_handler (acceptor_.get_handle (), ACE_EVENT_HANDLER :: Read_Mask

Don't call Handle_Close directly

How to end workers, consumer threads?

If the thread synchronous queue, then the following message may be inserted, the end of the thread ACE_Message_Block * shutdown_message = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (shutdown_message, ACE_Message_Block (0, ACE_Message_Block :: MB_STOP), -1); if (my_card_queue.enqueue_tail (shutdown_message) == -1 Shutdown_message-> release ();

How to use ACE programming in MFC?

When the program starts running, it is called Ace :: init (), and then calls ACE: Fini ().

The problem in Reactor is that WaitFormultiobject can only be incorporated into 64 charters, which will be solved in the previous framework.

I am also a beginner, I can only write this.