Set up a free anti-virus mail server under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  55


An email is playing an increasingly important role in people's work and life, but with the continuous development of viral manufacturing technologies and communication technologies, email has become the most important temperature of viral spread. How to prevent virus emails and advertising messages are the problems needed for the world. Formerly speech relevant departments, more than 85% of the email on the Internet in 2004 for advertising mail, viral email. Although the erasing mail server is relatively simple, it is often unable to stop these unsolicited advertising emails, virus emails, which is also a problem that the network management personnel have a headache in recent years. At present, there are many vendors to see this business opportunities, and they have launched software with blocking advertising emails and virus mail. But buy these software, will definitely increase the cost of the company. So, how do I do block viruses and advertising messages without increasing costs? Today, we introduce a full-free anti-virus mail server in Linux, using MailScanner Clamav as Mail Gateway, the content contains the attachment to analyze scans, determine if it belongs to a known viral infection or an advertisement, and targeted The letter attribute performs different processing. Second, the installation setup requires operating system: Fedora 1 (Other versions Linux can also be used, this article uses the Fedora system, other Linux system configurations) Mail Transport Agent (MTA): Sendmail or Postfix has been configured successfully, and send mail normally . Other Software: Perl (5.005 or more), WGET GCC First, use the following instructions: #RPM -QA | GREP Software Name Confirm that there is no such software on the system, if there is no software installed, please install it yourself. The workflow of MailScanner is shown in Figure 1.

The MAILSCANNER workflow chart is slightly different due to the installation configuration of Mailscanner under Sendmail and Postfix, so we are separated. Based on Sendmail Installation Step 1: Download Mailscanner and ClamAV for free on the official website of Mailscanner. The download address is: can be downloaded with wget: wget Files / 4 / rpm / mailscanner-4.32.5-1.rpm.tar.gz wget The above two files are decompressed to / TMP directory: CP mailscanner-4.32.5-1.rpm.tar.gz ClamAV-0.72-1.I386.RPM / TMP CD / TMP TAR -XZVF MAILSCANER-4.32.5-1. Rpm.tar.gz // Decompression is shown in Figure 2

Step 2: After the decompression is completed, switch to the mailscanner directory: CD MAILSCANER-4.32.5-1 Enter "./" command, after about 10 minutes, users will see a prompt message to remind users to Stop Sendmail service first, start the MAILSCANNER service, as shown in Figure 3.

If you are using the MTA (Mail Transport Agent) software is sendmail, then you will perform the above instructions, and after restarting, use the PS instruction to view the program currently available: PS -AX | GREP MAILSCANNER After starting the mailscanner successful, You can try a letter to the account to the host. If it works fine, then you will see the following information in the last paragraph of the header of each letter: X-Yoursite-mailscanner-information: please contact the ISP for more information X-yoursite-MailScanner: Not scanned: please contact your Internet E-Mail Service Provider for details X-MailScanner-From: there are two ways to install MailScanner based with posfix with the postfix . Method A: First confirm that your Postfix can send and receive the letters normally, and then install it according to Sendmail's installation steps 1, 2. After the installation is complete, then adjust the configuration file, find the following line in /etc/postfix/ header_checks = regexp: / etc / postfix / header_checks remove the front ##, as shown in Figure 4.

Then in the / etc / postfix directory, add a file called Header_ Checks. CD / etc / postfix // Switch to / etc / postfix This directory vi header_checks // edits this file, if no words will automatically add the following content: / ^ Received: / Hold store After exiting. Then set the /etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf file, set the following parameters to be: Run as user = postfixrun as group = postfixincoming queue dir = / var / spool / postfix / holdoutgoing queue dir = / var / spool two directories under the authority / postfix / incomingMTA = postfix then the / var / spool / MailScanner set to all users postfix: chown postfix.postfix / var / spool / MailScanner / incomingchown postfix.postfix / var / spool / MailScanner / quarantine Restart the service of Postfix and Mailscanner. Please note that Postfix starts first, this is different from Sendmail. Service Postfix StartStarting Postfix: [OK] Service Mailscanner StartStarting Mailscanner Daemons: Incoming Postfix: [OK] Outgoing Postfix: [OK] mailscanner: [OK] Postfix Mailscanner's configuration is successful! Method B: First install it according to the SENDMAIL-based installation step 1, 2. Then copy a postfix profile (the principle of this method is to run 2 postfix, then perform anti-virus processing while transferring); cp-rp / etc / postfix /etc/ Make sure not in incoming this postfix Reject any email: Edit /etc/ Add the following line: Defer_Transports = SMTP Local Virtual Relay In /etc/ file, queue_directory = / var / spool / postfix The row is changed to queue_directory = /VAR/spool/ Next, copy / var / spool / postfix, as the incoming postfix queue directory cp -rp / var / spook / postfix /var/spool/ If you create a new mkdir /var/spool/ yourself, you need to create some files and directories in this directory after INCOMing Postfix, so it is necessary to be created. Disable the normal postfix's SMTP function to ensure that all SMTPs are entry in incoming postfix. Edit /etc/postfix/, (note that this is not a directory) adds a # in front of SMTP INET N -N - - SMTPD, and deregises its SMTP. As shown in Figure 5.

Modify the mailscanner.conf file (the default location is in / etc / mailscanner), the following sets are set. Run As User = postfixRun As Group = postfixIncoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/ Queue Dir = / var / spool / postfix / incomingMTA = postfix modify / var / spool / MailScanner / incoming and / var / spool / MailScanner / Quarantine Permissions: chown postfix.postfix / var / spool / mailscanner / incomingchown postfix.postfix / var / spool / mailscanner / quarantine Finally restart the MailScanner service. Note, and method A, you only need to start the mailscanner service, you can use the service mailscanner startstarting mailscanner daem: incoming postfix: [ok] Outgoing Postfix: [OK] mailscanner: [ok] is successful! Note If you use this method configuration, MailQ may not correctly display mail that is sending, you need to add an alias, command to: alias mailq = '/ usr / sbin / postqueue -p -c /etc/' is best Add this sentence to the / etc / profile so that this alias can be used each time you login. Methods A and Method B can be used in conjunction with Postfix and MailScanner. The author's experience is that the method A is relatively simple, but the signal is not as fast as method B, the reader can choose according to the actual situation. Start anti-virus software CLAMAV1. Installing CLAMAV establishing the required group ClamavGroupAdd ClamAV to establish the user ClamavuSeradd -g clamav -d / dev / null ClamAV installation CLAMAVRPM -IVH CLAMAV-0.72-1.i386.rpmpreparing ... # #### [100%] 1: CLAMAV ##### [100%] See the prompts Clamavs successfully installed 2. Modify the /etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf file Modified below: Virus Scanners = NONE Change to Virus Scanners = Clamav View Virus Scanning value is set to YES, if not, modified to Yes.

Then restart the mailscanner. Note: If you configure postfix with method a, you need to stop the Mailscanner service first, then restart the Postfix service, and then start the mailscanner service. Users can write a script themselves. Finally check the update_virus_scanners file under the /etc/cron.Hourly directory, pay attention to not erroneous deletion, which is a script file for regularly upgrading the viral code of Clamav, which is performed once a hour.

Third, the MailScanner configuration can prevent most of the virus attacks after MailScanner Clamav, but relative will also lose some cost, and Mail Scanner is not universal. Because many emails are written in HTML format, there will be many programs code, or the Java language, some Mailscanner identifies will not have things, but if they don't know, even if there is no virus, Will be deleted or content, or when the user is sending a letter, if the additional file file is very like a virus, it will be returned, which will cause a plaguing part, so detailed setting is very important. . All set values ​​are included in the /etc/mailscanner/mailscanner.conf file (different system settings may vary). In the setting file, the blank line will be ignored, and the comment begins with the symbol of the beginning of "#", and the next line is comment, all the formats are as follows: option = value Many options The rule setting may also be included in a specific file, such as: filename.rules.conf and fileType.Rules.conf, you can find some of the MailScanner rules in the Rules directory in the mailscanner installation directory. The settings in MailScanner.conf look much, but don't worry, mailscanner.conf provides a lot of practical default values, you only need to modify one of them can start using Mailscanner. The author describes some of the settings that may modify in the mailscanner.conf file: Max Children default: 5 Mailscanner will make your server to effectively carry out several processes in the same time. This setting is to set the number of strokes that are simultaneously. Suppose you need to handle very much email, you can raise this number. In general, each CPU can process 5 processes simultaneously. Suppose you have four CPUs, you can set to 20. Run As User This option is to change the user who runs MailScanner (you need to pay attention, please do not use root as a user. If you use root as a user, the mailscanner permission is root authority. Once Mailscanner is over, then the hacker has ROOT permissions can you want. Don't use root privileges, hackers can only have general user privileges, relatively safe, even more secure, even more secure. This option is changed to chase the group running the Mailscanner (also not using root as a group). Incoming Queue Dir Default: /var/spool/ MailScanner Scanned Mail Directory. Outgoing Queue Dir Default: / VAR / SPOOL / MQUEUE Mailscanner Scanned Mail Directory. MTA Default: Sendmail Specifies to use that MTA software. Virus Scanning Default: YES Scan Mail Virus? Set this option to "No" will completely close the function of the virus scan. Virus Scanners Default: NONE Specifies which anti-virus software you want to use. Note: If you want to use several software, use the space bar to separate each name. STILL DELIVER SILENT VIRUSES Default: YES If this option is set to "Yes", the detoxification mail will still send back to the original recipient, even if these addresses are selected by those infected PCs. Come out, and not those users want to receive.

Set this option to "Yes" will let your user know that your mailscanner is protecting them, but if there are many people complaining that there are too many virus notifications, then set to "no". ALLOW IFRAME TAGS Default: No You want to allow