SIMPLE: Yes, it is no need to case sensitive and appearance.
RE: Soft Match: Softleader, Software, Javasoft, Microsoft, I2Software
THE PERIOD NOTATION: Use "." To replace a character.
Re: S.O match: SSO, SOO, STO, S # O, S O
The Bracket Notation: Use "[]" to limit the replacement character set to replace a character
Re: s [aeio] o match: Sao, SEO, SIO, SOO
The or operator: Use "()" to limit the replacement character set to replace several characters, separated by "|".
Re: s (aa | i | o) o match: Sao, Sio, SOO
The Quantifier Notations: Use the following way, "*": 0 to more, " ": 1 to more, "?": 0 to 1, "{n}": n, "{n , M} ": n to m.
Tel: 99-99999999
Re: [0-9] {2} / - [0-9] {8} match: 02-89519456, 02-89519554
Tel: 99-99999999 or 9999999999
RE: [0-9] {2} / -? [0-9] {8} match: 02-89519456, 02-89519554, 0289519999
ID card Font size: a999999999
RE: [A-Z] {1} [0-9] {9} Match: A11111111, B123456789, Z987654321
The not notation: Use "^" to prohibit replacement characters to replace a character
Re: [^ b] 1 Match: A1 NOT MATCH: A2, B1, B2
The Parentheses and Space Notations: Sets your blank character with "/ s"
US represents a date format
Re: [a-z] / s [0-9] {1, 2}, / s * [0-9] {4} Match: June 20, 2003
Other Miscellaneous Notations: Special replacement symbol definitions for easy use.
/ d [0-9] / d [^ 0-9] / w [A-Z0-9] / S [/ t / n / r / f] / s [^ / t / n / r / f]